While Ikinokori Renkinjutsushi wa Machi de Shizuka ni Kurashitai (English subtitle: Now Dreams of a Quiet City Life) is actually a six-book series, the main storyline is concluded in the fifth. As far as I can tell the sixth, which I’ve decided to skip, is sort of like a DLC bonus story.
Part ‘crafting’ slice of life and part ‘cute girl being cute’, it nevertheless manages to continually advance its central plotline while also tossing in small bits of romantic yearnings. I’ve also got to give the author credit for not giving in to the temptation of including cooking segments, thereby keeping potion and medicine-making at the forefront.
As far as complaints, my main one would have to be how long-winded and/or repetitious the descriptive text often is. More minor issues would be the penchant for ominously foreshadowing ultimately innocuous events along with there being some editing issues in the fifth novel.