Death’s DAUGHTER #5 & Full Clearing Another World #8

This fifth Shinigami ni Sodaterareta Shoujo book is the weakest of the series’ so far, primarily due some bizarre structuring: It starts off with the trip to Mekia (which despite taking up half the book feels quite short), follows that up with several interludes (a couple of which seem achronological), and then continues on into the invasion of the Empire for the last quarter.

There’s a distinct disjointedness about it and if the next book actually ends up the last I can’t see how all these dangling plot threads (the assassins, the other death god, Olivia’s death god, the semi-love triangle, Mekia’s goals, etc.) could possibly be resolved. I fear it will turn out like Fushi no Kami.

Shinja Zero no Megami-sama‘s eighth volume (English title: The Hero of Light and the Demon War) is more of what you’ve come to expect from the series. The protagonist continues to dispatch foes with what to outsiders looks like unfathomable power while being utterly hopeless with resolving the ever-growing harem situation he finds himself in.

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