The Grave of VALOR, Heretical Fishing #2, & SHATTERED BOUNDARIES

Aside from some grammatical issues and a bizarre cover image, the fourth book in D.C. Haenlien‘s Adelheid series is okayish I suppose. I’m not really sold on the vampire aspects though and the war focus isn’t all that interesting. Not sure if I’m going to continue it or not at this point.

Haylock Jobson‘s second Heretical Fishing novel starts off rather worse than the prequel; it goes a bit too heavy on the cultivator aspects while introducing far too many new awakened animals. Yet, at the very end, an utterly ridiculous plan to assault the capital comes together beautifully and makes all the lead-up worthwhile.

I’ve got almost no complaints with the third entry in Shawn Wilson‘s Ultimate Level 1 series. It continues merrily along the path it set out with the only hiccup being an incredibly out of place drinking contest. Plenty of action, some comedy, and even a bit of notable romantic development.

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