Two Worlds – Finale

With my equipment and skills essentially maxed out earlier (and wanting to start playing Two Worlds II), I decided to not bother exploring every nook and cranny and just go to the last few quest locations and finish the game up.

Surprisingly, the lower half of the map has some new enemies to fight. None of them were much of a challenge though except the Lava Dragons and Adamantium Golems, which took forever to kill. Everything else fell to either 1-2 Multi Shot volleys (most stuff) or 1-2 Berserk-enhanced melee combos (Scorpions, Sand Dragons, and Stone Golems).

Both endings are kind of abrupt and disappointing sadly. Which is unfortunate, but I did have quite a bit of fun scouring the countryside for loot earlier and the developers obviously put a lot of effort into the textures; there’s quite a bit of variety in both the environments and the creatures, which helps mask the repetitiveness of the game’s combat system. So all in all I guess it was worth the… whatever it was I payed for it when it was on sale oh so long ago (it’s definitely worth the 99 cents it’s on sale for now).

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