This game is something of a merger between Dark Souls (which I stopped playing at the first mini-boss) and Darksiders (which I stopped playing after the first boss); the weight system and enemy nastiness of Dark Souls with the visuals of Darksiders.

On the negative side of things: Most of the the areas are cramped, the camera is locked far too close to the PC, and there are some stability issues (over the course of the first playthrough I’ve crashed 3 times on start-up, twice during gameplay, and there’s a nasty freeze when picking up the Gauntlet). Positives would be…. Hmm.

Basically, if you felt Darksiders was too hack & slashy and/or Souls was too unforgiving with its checkpoints, then this game might just hit the sweet spot between them. And as for the Labyrinth DLC, which comes packaged with the GotY edition… it’s in no way worth buying if you already have an earlier version of the game.

Some tips:
– Don’t put any points into Luck on the 1st playthrough.
– Don’t use any Attribute/Spell Shards on the 1st playthrough.
– Open all chests on the 1st playthrough.
– Use all your Shards and respec 25 points into Luck on the 2nd playthrough.
— Don’t open any chests in NG+ until you have the 25 Luck.

Doing the above will result in any chests formerly holding specific pieces of equipment to instead contain a bunch of Shards (almost always including an Attribute Shard).

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