Avernum: ESCAPE FROM THE PIT – First Impressions

The screenshots don’t really do this game, which is a remake of a remake, any justice. The gameplay graphics are much more detailed than they appear to be… though the scale needs a bit of work and the lighting doesn’t even remotely match the flavor text: Can you tell you’re underground? I certainly can’t.

Mechanically the game is quite smooth, though unforgiving in that ‘classic’ sort of way. Your skill points are very limited, and some skills are definitely worth more than others. Money is also apparently pretty limited despite the massive amount of items scattered on the ground (most of which is literally worthless), items that are remarkably hard to differentiate from static background art (meaning you’ll be pressing the ‘g’ key pretty much constantly). Some items you can sell but actually need for sidequests. Enemy encounters can be also quite unfair: The second boss you can stumble upon gets two actions per turn, is able to summon help, and a veritable army of trash mobs appear out of thin air (to attack you from behind) when he gets low on health.

So a guide of some sort is absolutely necessary. Perhaps several. Pouring over the various information available I decided to go with the suggested Fighter/Priest/Wizardx2 setup with the following leveling plan (subject to change):

Attributes: Str, Str, End
Skills: Melee+Blademaster/Parry; Priest/Tool Use; Blademaster+Parry/Hardiness; Hardiness+Resistance/Luck
Traits: Improved Str, Mighty Blows, Ambidextrous, Negotiator, Good Health, Improved Strength x4, Parry Master x2, Mighty Blows x2, Good Health x2

Attributes: Int, Int, Int, End
Skills: Priest+Spellcraft/Resistance x3, Melee/Tool Use; Priest+Spellcraft/Resistance x4; Melee/Tool Use; Priest+Spellcraft/Resistance x8; Resistance/Luck/Hardiness
Traits: Good Health, Elemental Focus/Improved Int x2, Negotiator, Elemental Focus/Improved Int, Sage Lore, Elemental Focus/Improved Int x7, Good Health x2

Mage x2
Attributes: Int, Int, Int, Dex
Skills: Mage+Spellcraft/Resistance x3; Weapon skill; Mage+Spellcraft/Resistance x4; Weapon skill; Mage+Spellcraft/Resistance x4; Spellcraft+Tool Use; Mage+Spellcraft/Resistance x4; Priest x4; Resistance/Luck
Traits: Elemental Focus/Improved Int x3, Negotiator, Good Health, Sage Lore, Elemental Focus/Improved Int x2, Elemental Focus/Improved Int x5, Good Health x2

So far at Level 3 with the introductory area and Silvar cleared things are looking good. We’ll see how things progress.

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December 12, 2019 9:15 pm

“When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less.”

“The question is,” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean so many different things.”

“The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty, “which is to be master—that’s all.”

—LEWIS CARROLL (Charles L. Dodgson), Through the Looking-Glass, chapter 6, p. 205 (1934). First published in 1872.

Who am I to gainsay Humpty Dumpty?
”So a guide of some sort is absolutely necessary. Perhaps several. Pouring over the various information available I decided to go with the suggested Fighter/Priest/Wizardx2 setup with the following leveling plan (subject to change):”

“Pore over” vs “pour over”:
