• Category Archives DLC

    Cardaclysm is a puzzle-like card game in which the first turn or two are the most important. A single hit to your avatar will cause a loss, so basically you want to kill everything first turn, or play just enough cards so that your retaliation will allow a clear on the second. It’s kind of interesting but also incredibly simple.

    Monster Train is essentially Slay the Spire with tower-defense elements. The games are extremely similar and if you liked that then this will be right up your ally. The Last Divinity DLC is worth picking up as well since it both adds more to the base game alongside a totally new (and optional) final boss fight which plays markedly differently.

  • Pathfinder: WotR – A DANCE OF MASKS & Aeon/Devil/Gold Dragon

    The A Dance of Masks DLC for WotR adds two things to the main campaign.

    The first is a somewhat sizable questline which triggers partway through Chapter V, which happens to include a mostly optional set of arena battles against an assortment of fairly random opponents. Apart from some awkward voice acting, as if the actors hadn’t had time to re-familiarize themselves with the roles (only Regil and to a lesser extent Woljif didn’t stand out), there’s nothing much on the technical side to complain about. Mechanically it’s pretty easy and tosses a bunch of overpowered items at you on top of that. That said, the arena fights on the other hand are a completely mixed bag. While most don’t pose much of an issue, there are some that are just plain ridiculous (like the wild hunt, or that shadow monk if you don’t have Mass Heal). I certainly do appreciate the free Greater Restoration after every match though and the rewards are useful enough.

    The other addition is a new quest available to the Devil mythic path if the queen survives the events at Iz. Not really sure what the point of that was honestly as it feels kind of like it’s sectioned off into its own thing and doesn’t really flow well.

    I played the above shortly after quickly running through the Gold Dragon endgame and finishing up my Aeon playthrough (made some mistakes there like going Crossblooded when the Abyss STR bonus gets overridden by DoM’s +4 attribute potion and forgetting Transformation) to finally get that Sadistic Game Design achievement.

    Aeon’s unique ending is pretty good and the whole altering the past theme is integrated fairly well. Gold Dragon on the other hand is mostly just annoying, with its quests sending you out into the middle of nowhere, but it also has a somewhat unique ending which at least fits the theme. Devil, as it turns out, is even more annoying than Gold Dragon since you have to wait months to work through the event chain that grants Mythic Level 9… and it doesn’t even have a unique way to resolve the final battle.

    Final thing to note is that I also cleared the full-power version of Sithhud added by importing a Lord of Nothing save. It is not something I ever wish to do again. The first two phases are fine, no problem. The third though… in the third you have to kill him nine times while he gets slightly stronger after each death and constantly jumps around the arena. I actually almost ran out of Empowered+Bolstered Hellfire Rays on Ember while taking him down.


    The Last Sarkorians DLC turned out to be fully integrated into the main campaign. It adds a new class (which is sort of a mix between Druid and Fighter, sacrificing spellcasting for a focus on Wildshape) and a new romanceable companion with a full set of sidequests taking place in a new multi-part location.

    The companion is decent enough if you spec him toward Charge damage, though he’ll need quite a bit of buffing support. The sidequests meanwhile don’t feel out of place but are a bit unbalanced in some places. Like, why does that Bloodrager have DL37 Cleric/Wizard buffs on him? As long as you’re geared to handle swarms though (and the companion comes specifically with an anti-swarm necklace, with more available in the new area) for the most part the added content doesn’t feel unfair or forced. And more importantly, clearing it won’t unbalance the main campaign’s progression.

    Something that cannot be said for the integrated version of The Treasure of the Midnight Isles DLC. That one is not balanced at all.

    It immediately starts you out against level 18 enemies as basic encounters (in Chapter III) yet, bizarrely, also starts out with level 5 floor bosses. Over the course of all three quests, things never really level out with the difficulty continuously jumping around all over the place. Sometimes a boss will be a one-round joke, other times it’ll inexplicably be able to cast spells with multiple metamagic effects beyond its level or have 70+ AC or 30+ Saves. It’s just a massive slog in general and doesn’t really offer any rewards worth the effort besides a boatload of (effectively useless) gold and enough XP to get you to level 20 shortly after arriving in Chapter V.

    Can’t speak for the stand-alone version yet, but if it’s anything like Kingmaker‘s Beneath the Stolen Lands DLC then it ~may~ be worth picking up if you enjoy playing around with different party compositions.

    As an addendum, I also just ran through the content added by the free Love Beyond Death DLC. It’s… okay? While there’s nothing annoying about it, there doesn’t seem to be much point in actually wandering down there unless you happen to have a character specialized in Earth Breakers (since it includes the only +5 unique one).

  • Pathfinder: WotR – THROUGH the ASHES & THE LORD of NOTHING

    The entire reason I had initially picked up Enderal earlier was because I was in the mood to play some sort of magical melee class of some kind. Yet I ended up, as I usually do in those kind of first-person open world games, playing a stealth sniper/assassin.

    Still wanting to play a monk-sorcerer kind of thing after abandoning that playthrough I decided to re-install Wrath of the Righteous rather than try to look for something new. Both because I never did finish my Aeon run and never tried any of the DLC… and also since I’m still annoyed at missing the Sadistic Game Design achievement due to ONE ENEMY (Ashberry Hamlet’s ghost).

    But first, because completionism is a disease, I had to run through the two stand-alone campaign DLCs so that I could import them for the rewards.

    The first, Through the Ashes, is a low-level adventure (level 1-5) that doesn’t give any XP for killing stuff. Which is a big hint that you’re supposed to avoid combat wherever possible (your first companion being decent enough at stealth is another), and use environmental factors to help eliminate what you can’t avoid. It’s okay. There isn’t really anything annoying about it, but nor is there anything about it that calls for a replay.

    The second, The Lord of Nothing (which brings you from 5-11), takes a more mixed stance. It’s much closer in style to the main campaign in both good and bad ways. Direct combat is encouraged a bit more here (although there are a couple ‘avoid fighting’ areas), but said combat is not always the most balanced (I still completed it on Core with a ridiculously sub-par Demon Dancer build though). You get access to a wide variety of items and equipment… but will only have enough money to buy a few of them.

    Overall I’d say it’s worth running through them once with a Paladin or Dexterity-focused Tank build of some kind, but the replayability value is pretty low.

  • Legend of KEEPERS

    I can’t remember when it is I actually bought this game, but I only just got around to playing it this week.

    Generally speaking it’s similar in structure to Slay the Spire, as you progress down a series of choices before eventually reaching the final challenge of a run. Gameplay is quite different however since it’s not a card game. Instead, it’s more like classic turn-based RPGs with each enemy/ally being able to use one attack per turn.

    The base game comes with three player archetypes (although two of them have to be unlocked) each with their own perk trees and preferred gameplay styles. The default Slavemaster archetype appears to favor direct damage to morale and health while the Enchantress is more focused on debuffs and damage over time. The Engineer meanwhile (which I haven’t unlocked yet) presumably focuses on enhancing the trap mechanic. In addition to those, you can also buy three additional archetypes as DLC. Not sure how they stack up to the starters since none looked particularly interesting to me.

    General advice (when playing on Normal) would be to first focus on rewards that give new monsters until you have ~8-10 so you have a buffer for injury events or morale restoration, then switch to focusing on gold for training them all to higher levels. Manager upgrades are low priority for the most part since enemies should rarely reach the final area of a dungeon with a full lineup. Artifacts can be incredibly good… but they’re a crapshoot since what you get is totally random.

    Overall an okay time waster, but there’s definitely an issue with repetition.


    I had been waffling on this game for some time now when I saw it was once again on sale for $20. Which seemed like an acceptable price for the base game plus all the DLC.

    Ended up… decent, I guess? Rather than Diablo, it reminds me more of Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms in structure, gameplay, and visual style. It does a few interesting things, such as having all skills unlock as you level (you can only equip a limited number), not having a level cap (legendary levels go into increasing a unique set of triggerable passive abilities), and not having any merchants (you donate equipment in exchange for progress toward unlocking extra skills).

    And while repetitious enemies and backtracking are still a problem, fortunately many of the early complaints about the game appear to have been addressed over time. The only issues I’ve had with it so far (just completed the base game with the archer; Health Regen/Poison build) beyond the repetition issue were not being able to re-enter areas if I accidentally left them, and one time it looked like my character had been deleted. Turned out the game just created a new profile and copying over the data from the old profile (in the “Warhammer Chaosbane/Data/Save” directory) to the new one restored them.

    Some things to be aware of:
    – There’s little reason to wear +Loot Quality gear. Save a set for opening chests though.
    – The 3rd level of a skill is not always better than the 2nd level.
    – On the inventory and skill screens, take note that some functions (appearance changes, DLC skills, Legendary skills) appear via small tabs on the very bottom.
    – Raise the difficulty as soon as possible (the difficulty system here is like Diablo III‘s). I started on Normal and raised it one level each chapter.

  • the Outer Worlds: PERIL on GORGON

    The Outer Worlds‘ first major DLC offering, Peril on Gorgon, adds quite a bit of content to the game. Practically equivalent to the amount you find on Monarch.

    There is however a catch: Only the environments and quests/flavor text is new. The weapons and enemies you’ll find over the course of the DLC are (essentially) the same as those in the base game. Meaning it’s more of the same.

    That in and of itself isn’t necessarily a problem if you greatly enjoy the core experience (here shifted a bit more toward Bioshock thanks to the introduction of audiologs), but it ends up dampened by some technical issues. Parts of the DLC feel unfinished… as though a final QC pass or playtesting session was skipped. Relatively minor things like the club added to Terra 2 not having the loot flagged as theft, enemies on Gorgon respawning quite often, and some of the main quest dialog not being responsive to sequence breaks all stand out.

    And while exploring Gorgon itself something just felt missing/off…. As though I were walking through a setpiece, or like the companions were unnaturally silent or something. I can’t quite pinpoint it.

    Anyway, is the DLC worth the money? Absolutely. So long as, again, you don’t mind getting a whole lot more of what the base game already provides.


    After thinking about why I disliked 4X games so much nowadays despite having formerly loved them, I came to the conclusion that it was the way most grouped all production into a single queue. Why should I have to choose between building a factory or an infantry unit (or a worker and an infantry unit for that matter)? It makes no sense.

    I mentioned Gladius while talking about Mechanicus earlier, and it got me thinking that maybe I should give it chance instead of dismissing it out of hand. That maybe it wouldn’t be just another Civilization reskin and instead do something innovative. Shockingly enough… it does.

    Imagine my surprise when I discovered that the game just so happened to have multiple build queues; each building type has its own queue, similar to a turn-based StarCraft. Not only that, but the various factions (although there’s only 4 of them by default) play notably differently from one another. Some can only build a single city (Space Marines), some can only build cities in very specific locations (Necrons), and they all seem to have different resource requirements. It’s immensely refreshing.

    My only complaint at this point is that you have to pay an exorbitant amount of money if you want a decent number of army choices: Additional factions will cost you $15 each. Meaning to get the full game you’ll have to fork over $100. So… best wait until it’s on sale for like 70%+ off.

  • Talisman: Origins

    This game is essentially just a limited version of the main game: There’s no multiplayer and you can’t create your own games.

    What it offers in exchange are a number of puzzle-like scenarios that incorporate both the default setup and the City, Highlands, Dungeon, Firelands, and Dragon DLC. Different scenarios involve different setups. So in theory you could use it as a demo to decide whether or not you want to buy those… but I just don’t see much value to be had there. As for its own clutch of DLC, they feature scenarios that involve content from some of the other base game extensions. So unless you’re an achievement hunting fiend those aren’t worth buying either (I briefly tried Beyond the Veil, which uses content from the Reaper DLC; it’s awful).

    Considering that you can demo the various DLC in the main game simply by playing multiplayer (only the host needs to have bought them; I got to play Cataclysm, Clockwork Kingdom, Ancient Beasts, and Realm of Souls that way and quickly realized I never want to interact with the latter two again), the only reason to bother with Origins is if either multiplayer isn’t an option or you simply don’t have the time to play full-length Talisman games.

  • Talisman: Digital Edition

    The appearance of this game caught me by surprise, as I certainly wasn’t expecting a board game I used to play decades ago to have (relatively) recently been digitized.

    The adaptation as far as I can tell is flawless from a mechanics perspective with the AI behaving remarkably intelligently even when faced with alternate win conditions (you can also play with multiple human characters either on the same computer or through online servers). Visually though it could certainly use some upgrading: Animating the character movement and/or the encounters wouldn’t be unwelcome. Then again, it has a certain retro charm to it as is, it’s far from expensive (on sale for $2 at the moment), and no animation can occasionally be preferable to lackluster animation.

    You may notice that the game has quite a number of available DLC. They are in no way necessary; you can play the game perfectly fine without any of them in fact. They mostly just give you additional options or make winning harder. I’ll briefly go over the ones I’ve played with:

    • Blood Moon adds a situational new mechanic whose usefulness will depend on how many Event-adding DLC you have installed. The new characters are notable for being less situational than most.
    • The City extends the game board with a new Gold-centric region to explore. If you commonly find yourself with nothing to spend your Gold on, or have trouble finding equipment, it’ll be worth picking up (when on sale).
    • The Dragon DLC can make the game harder in two ways. Either by overriding the default encounters with powerful dragon-related encounters, or by making it harder to traverse the inner area with two of the three alternate win conditions (if this DLC is activated, I strongly suggest activating the ‘No Respawn’ house rule as well).
    • The Dungeon expands the game board by the same amount as the City DLC. Unlike that though this new area doesn’t really add anything new to the base game beyond an arguably easier win condition. The characters it includes are less situational though.
    • The Firelands will be more useful the more DLC you have installed, as otherwise its burn mechanic could seriously hinder the exploration part of gameplay.
    • I’m not really sure how useful Frostmarch will be to anyone. It basically just adds more of the same to the base game.
    • In direct contrast to Blood Moon, the Harbinger DLC is apparently more effective with less DLC installed. This is because its central mechanic mostly relies upon drawing specific events… which can end up a rare occurrence when you have a massive Adventure deck.
    • As with the City and Dungeon addons, the Highland DLC also adds a new region to the board. Basically, you’ll want to come here for the new relics to give you that last bit of advantage you’ll need at 10 Strength/Craft to challenge the win condition (assuming the win condition is combat-related).
    • The Reaper is a lot like Blood Moon, except its NPC effect is notably more useful. The instant death result can turn around what would otherwise be a hopeless situation.
    • The Sacred Pool will be most useful if you’re using alternate win conditions. If you only play with the default Crown of Command one there won’t be much point in bothering with it.
    • The fourth of the ‘board extension’ DLC, the Woodland does a number of things. Most notably it adds an entirely new use for Fate which allows you to reroll other players’ rolls rather than your own. Though occasionally useful in the default game, this new Dark Fate is particularly useful for triggering some of the nastier encounter results from other DLC.

    Ancient Beasts, Nether Realm, and the various Legendary Decks were skipped because they just add more challenge (which is not something I’m particularly interested in). Cataclysm meanwhile I’m holding off on until I get bored of the default (DLC-extended) board layout. As for Clockwork Kingdom and Realm of Souls… they’re not cheap enough yet.

    You may notice I didn’t mention any of the single-release additional characters. That’s both because they’re obvious rip-offs and because the characters in this game aren’t exactly well balanced. Their strengths are very much situational and whether one will be better than another will depend heavily on which content-adding DLC you have activated.

    As for