desktop dungeons & UnderRail

Desktop Dungeons can loosely be considered a combination of Darkest Dungeon and RuneStone Keeper. Like the former you play as an administrator overseeing an upgradable village supported by an infinite number of generic adventurers, and like the latter the main gameplay consists of taking a single adventurer through randomly generated puzzle-like hack&slash-focused dungeons.

The problem I ended up having with it is basically the same problem I had with RS Keeper; puzzle-like gameplay + randomization adds up to annoyance more often than not. Add on to that the point of hack&slash gameplay being to turn off your brain and you get a game that’s somewhat self-contradictory to play.

In comparison, Underrail is a conventional turn-based RPG in the vein of Fallout that’s quite thematically consistent in its goal of being an old-school resource-management hassle. To be honest I didn’t get very far into it at all, quickly dropping it when I realized enemies respawned but health had to be restored in town. The thought of going back and forth to kill the same group of molerats while fiddling with inventory/ammo management simply didn’t appeal to me at all.

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