I bought this game sometime last year for… whatever reason… and only got to playing it earlier this year. While it was okayish at first, by the time things opened up with a full party of characters I’d mostly lost interest. And by this point it seems pretty clear I won’t be going back to it.
Basically, what it reminded me most of (despite having a different combat system and little romance) was the Agarest War series. An inferior Agarest whose character interactions, amazingly enough, somehow come across as cringier than the fanservice in that game. Visually it’s also notably lacking with a bizarre mecha-like aesthetic that’s applied rather inconsistently. I guess it’s supposed to be a post-apocalyptic setting?
Those issues of course could be forgiven if the gameplay were engaging; it’s not. It is in fact rather boring with not much in the way of either enemy or attack variety. A problem only compounded by the grind necessary to collect ingredient items or quest targets.
So yeah, this is not a game I can recommended in any respect. Just go play Agarest 2 or the Neptunia games instead. They do the same sorts of thing better.