Fierce Heart, War Bound, & My Happy Marriage

Tara Grayce‘s first two Elven Alliance books (Fierce Heart & War Bound) bring to mind the Elves of Lessa series in a few ways. This is a very different series however, with its main couple being surprisingly similar to one another and some rather central event developments that strain credulity.

Personally, I found it odd that both the protagonist and her love interest are so exceptionally considerate and understanding of each other despite having married (for political purposes) at almost literally first sight. Then there’s the whole ‘troll’ situation which doesn’t even remotely make any sense. Combined, these two issues make it rather difficult to drum up any interest in continuing the series.

A book with a similar issue, the first Watashi no Shiawase na Kekkon entry also features a weirdly co-considerate pair of protagonists. This one’s problem is more in the subtext however: Our male love interest unilaterally rejects all bride candidates until a girl who acts even more subservient than your average servant shows up. It sort of underhandedly stigmatizes assertiveness.

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