Long have I ignored FFXIV despite hearing nothing but good things about it. Partly because it’s an MMO game, and partly because it’s unusually expensive; generally you’ll have to either pay for the game/expansions and not have a re-occurring cost, or be able to download the game for free but have to pay a re-occurring cost. This requires both buying the game and paying a monthly fee on top of that.

Recently however I found out that the Free Trial gives you access to both the default game and first expansion for free (albeit with certain restrictions). So I figured now would be as good a time as any to see whether all those claims of high quality and being able to play it solo it were true.

After ~10 hours I’m at level 24 in Thaumaturge and 17 in Miner and enjoying myself quite a bit. The server-specific doubled experience for low-level characters plays a large role in that though, as without it the game seems like it would be quite grindy (hence all the random FATE quests popping up all over, which I’ve mostly ignored). I have yet to be forced to find a party and it does in fact look like you can solo the majority of main quests.

Said main questline has been mildly interesting so far, but the Thaumaturge questline took a hard turn into idiocy during the level 15 & 20 quests. There is also of course a large focus on fetch/deliver and generic monster extermination quests in the early game. If you’re the type who complained about having to “collect bear asses” in DA: Inquisition for example then you probably won’t have much fun here either.

Visually it’s quite impressive and I’m shocked at how much variety they fit into an action as simple as mining. Like, Miner is a full-blown class with tons of abilities. Combat is a bit more complex than I expected as well, with there even being a focus on avoiding powerful incoming attacks. I haven’t tried any of the crafting classes yet, so I’m not sure how they compare, but even just switching back and forth between blasting things with Fire and chipping away at mineral deposits seems like it will keep me occupied for some time.

We’ll see how things go at level 50.

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