So I just hit level 50 with my combat class (the gathering/crafting classes hit it earlier). On a level 25 main quest.

Why yes, it seems I did progress in the most inefficient manner possible. Leveling the gathering/crafting classes first was a terrible idea if for no other reason than walking around everywhere without the speed increases the main questline unlocks can end up taking quite a bit of time. I did however get to play a whole bunch of Triple Triad and can now completely ignore the crafting side of things for the foreseeable future. Which brings me to my current crossroads.

1) Activate the full game and switch over to Red Mage.

    2) Keep playing the trial and either:
    – Switch to leveling Conjurer/White Mage or Arcanist/Summoner for the remaining main quests.
    – Create a second character with a different specialization (I ultimately want to have 3; this one, a Ninja/Dancer, and a Dark Knight).

The trial has some very real limitations. In addition to not having access to the more recent expansion-added classes, you also don’t have access to the in-game economy. Meaning if you don’t level fishing for example then you won’t be able to complete the Goldsmith or Carpenter questlines (both require an item that can only be found by fishing). In the full version you can just visit the marketplace and buy the items from another player who did happen to level fishing.

Another issue is one of inventory. There’s a lot of materials to collect and not having access to the Retainer system definitely starts putting the squeeze on you once hidden items start showing up. Of course, if you completely ignore gathering/crafting then it’s not much of an issue until you get into the expansions.

As far as questing goes the sidequests have been pretty generic and grindy (all available ones through Mor Dhona have been cleared) while the main quests haven’t been much better. The class quests are serviceable for the most part, though the themes of the Botanist and Leatherworking ones are kinda bad. Frankly it’s pretty much just the collection aspect (there’s so many things to collect) that has me invested in the game so far. That and I do enjoy the Thaumaturgist/Black Mage‘s gameplay style of swapping between Fire and Ice to maximize both damage and mana regen.

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