Fushi no Kami #7 & The Apothecary Diaries

To my great surprise, the seventh Fushi no Kami novel turned out to be the series’ conclusion.

This was surprising mainly because half is devoted to talking in circles, a quarter is devoted to creating a hamfisted solution to the love triangle issue, and then the actual conclusion is handled by two abrupt 2-year time skips. Like… nothing gets resolved. The only potential silver-lining (if it can even be called that) is that I definitely would’ve dropped it here. Meaning I now don’t have to worry about missing anything or it potentially getting better.

Kusuriya no Hitorigoto starts out with what could be seen as a self-contained novel. It’s got an established beginning, end, and plenty of development in-between. Sure it sometimes comes across more like a collection of short stories, but that’s not necessarily a negative. Honestly, it’s everything I had hoped the Koukyuu no Karasu Anime would’ve been like.

That said… I’m conflicted on whether or not to continue. I enjoyed it, yet honestly can’t see it ending up anywhere good if the additional volume summaries are to be believed. Guess I’ll take a ‘wait and see’ approach.

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