Suddenly and without warning giant monsters began to appear on Earth one after another, culminating in the appearance of the avatar of destruction Godzilla. With resistance appearing futile, a mixed group of humans and aliens decide to flee the planet on an emigration ship headed for Tau Ceti. Yet after finding no viable planets to inhabit on arrival and with supplies running low, rumors begin to circulate that returning to Earth via a subspace warp may be the best course of action.
An action-centered movie with a subfocus on drama and a tertiary religious theme.
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Although, elsewhere, you criticize this movie bitterly, some comedy fans might find your imagery enticing. Your comment and the one above it made me cry–raw material for intrusive thoughts.
Is that as good as this show can give? Or does the badness overflow into so-bad-it’s-good? Only one way to find out…
Although probably alone, I enjoyed this, and actually teared-up when the old people died. Super-predictable, with some imagery seemingly lifted straight out of 1950s monster movies (armed humans wandering in a deadly jungle with a small crawly thing mucusing-by in the foreground), complete with an omniscient ‘elf’, the look of Ajin, references to Pitch Black, and the death of a few charismatic individuals. Everything’s here except screaming bimbos and huge boobs in torn clothes (thank God!). If you’re truly a twelve-year-old boy at heart (and I know you are!), you’ll love this, for nothing if not the barely mobile, radiation-shooting,… Read more »
Do you suppose the creators opted for a nearly inanimate monster as an homage to B movies? It`s such an obvious flaw that I can’t imagine it having been an oversight.