Mahou Shoujo Ore

Saki Uno is just an ordinary girl with a crush on a popular idol, a feeling strong enough that she’s tried to become an idol herself in order to get closer to him… with notably lackluster results. Even worse, after coming home from yet another failed event she gets browbeaten by what appears to be a member of the yakuza while her crush gets kidnapped. One thing leads to another and soon she’s fighting demons as a crossdressing man with great physical power. Will her life ever be normal again?

An absurdist, 4th-wall breaking magical girl action comedy with an idol subtheme and several romantic subplots.

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June 20, 2018 6:44 am

In less than one line, “An absurdist, 4th-wall breaking magical girl action comedy…”, Various Thoughts told me more about Mahou Shoujo Ore than several other better-known anime sites. I feel like a fool for having taken so long to find this place!