Min-Maxing My TRPG Build In Another World #1-4 Canto II

TRPG Player ga Isekai Saikyou Build o Mezasu (English subtitle: Preach the Good Word of Mr. Henderson) is a series in the vein of Hell Mode, just minus the grind obsession and with more focus on harem/romance elements.

Two things are odd about it: The first is that the alleged main heroine gets almost immediately disappeared in the second book, and the second is that the fifth book is labeled as Part 2 of the fourth instead of as its own volume… despite being larger. Very strange labeling scheme.

Oddities aside it’s a remarkably engaging series with fun characters and relatively few issues. Those issues being that said main heroine is exceptionally small of stature (giving a distinct pro-lolicon vibe despite how vehemently anti-lolicon the rest of the content is), a similar localization issue as Kuitsume Youhei (I would love to know what mental gymnastics justified using “Mr. Brother” as a valid form of address), and the protagonist’s penchant for thinking of this world as a game despite having spent nearly a decade in it already (e.g. yelling at imaginary game masters for bad balancing).

Pretty minor issues all-in-all, and the ‘alternate path’ short stories at the end of each novel are a really cool idea.

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