One Moo’r Plow #1-2 & Rift Magus REBORN #1-2

The One Moo’r Plow series reminds me of The Frontier Lord Begins with Zero Subjects, just with more action instead of any problematic romance elements. That said, some romance elements are eventually introduced toward the end of the second book… which is otherwise almost entirely action-focused. Which is to say this series is in no way a ‘cozy farming fantasy’ (a description I strongly suspect was added ironically). Instead it’s a rather blood-drenched mercenary tale with daydreams of capitalist expansion.

Rift Magus Reborn on the other hand (subtitle: Rise of the Arcane Aristocrat) reminds me of Legend of the Arch Magus. They start out quite similar and have similar themes, with the key difference being that the protagonist here doesn’t have any land under his control. So the first two books are mostly concerned with establishing a dominant position both militarily (through personal strength) and financially (through business deals secured with the former). The pacing is pretty swift so far so I don’t think it will be much longer until he has a similar level of authority as well.

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