Pop Team Epic

Popuko, short and quick to anger, and Pipimi, tall and laid back, are two halves of the whole that is Pop Team Epic. Two rude and crude schoolgirls who often find themselves in all sorts of bizarre and surreal situations.

A gag comedy focused on abstract/random and meta 4th-wall breaking humor. Be aware that most episodes repeat themselves halfway through with different voice actors, and that while based on a manga strip much of the content is Anime-original.

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aniDB (1, 2)

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January 19, 2019 2:46 am

Watched ep 3 first, then ep 1, which didn’t seem to make much of a difference, since I enjoyed every second of both. I LOVE the variety of visual styles (and of course the seiyuu mix) in this tightly-edited, carefully-made show. While the titling and main drawing style are terrific, my favorite segments so far have been those with the ‘worst’ drawing; they were expressive! This series must have taken a TON of work–way more than many shows I think. Were PTE any less beautifully-made, it could have tanked. Although I have watched a decent amount of anime, I was… Read more »

January 21, 2019 10:37 am

This show is aMAZing. Ep 2 has managed to solve that age-old problem, namely, “How can we depict labia majora with reckless abandon and not get censored?”. (In your face!)

Terrific use of the expressive power of Japanese, and probably the best seiyuu-casting ever. This is the 3am crowd at its most unhinged. Why can’t life always be like this?