Private Tutor to the Duke’s Daughter #1-4 & Min-Maxing My TRPG Build in Another World #5

The Koujo Denka no Kateikyoushi series is a romantic comedy which, at the start at least, has a clear main couple. The other girls’ (most of whom are lolicon-bait) advances merely amount to harmless crushes, and the protagonist himself shows no romantic interest in them.

The problem is with the fourth book where one of them appears to get propped up on the same level as the main love interest. Normally I would just write this off as a fluke, but in the Afterword the author clearly states the other girls are meant to be legitimate competitors… an incredibly alarming declaration. So alarming that I’m not sure I want to continue reading any further despite how much I enjoy the dialogue style and worldbuilding.

The sixth TRPG Player novel (which serves as the fifth volume) wraps up a few loose ends from the previous ones before setting off an a new adventure wholly focusing on Erich and Agrippina.

Despite a centipede-girl being on the cover (she’s eventually introduced toward the end as an antagonist/potential future love interest), this book is pretty much all about Agrippina; even the short story at the end centers on her. It’s a bold decision that ends up paying off well.

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