Prophet of the Dead, Ever After, & Slashback

Prophet of the Dead is the fifth and final book in Richard Lee ByersBrotherhood of the Griffon series. It wraps up the Rashemen storyline while leaving Jhesri’s internal combustion issue hanging for a future series. It’s neither bad nor particularly notable.

Ever After, by Kim Harrison, is the eleventh main entry in the Hollows universe. It has three primary features; finally giving some solid background information on the demons and revealing the exact relationship they had with the ancient elves, trimming the main cast down to manageable levels (though the way it was done in a particularly central case seemed a bit haphazard), and advancing Rachel’s relationship with Trent.

Rob Thurman‘s most recent Cal Leandros novel, Slashback, curiously does not deal with the other Auphe hybrid at all. It instead focuses on a serial killer related to the brothers’ past. The key events in here are Cal and Niko learning that angels/demons actually do exist (which was shown in the Trickster series), Cal once again losing access to his gating ability, and the introduction of reincarnation. I’m not happy at all about those last two… particularly the reincarnation bit.

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