Sayonara no Asa ni Yakusoku no Hana o Kazarou

Long-lived and perpetually youthful in appearance, the Iolph keep to themselves and tend to avoid contact with others. A practice which does not save them from the invasion of their homeland and the abduction of their people at the hands of an empire looking to fortify its bloodline. The orphan Maquia manages to escape the assault, and while wandering aimlessly happens to stumble upon a baby whose parents were killed by bandits. A baby she decides to attempt to raise as her own.

A character drama with minor slice of life elements, an action-focused subplot involving the empire, and a re-occurring thread of romance.

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December 16, 2018 2:56 pm

Finally an anime that is as engrossing, moving, and True as it is beautiful to see. This was supposed to get ‘dark’. It isn’t anywhere *near* Ima, Soko ni Iru Boku, so don’t look for it to sear the surface of your brain. You might shed a tear or several, however. I hope that every sentient being loves deeply, truly, and unreservedly at least once–a mutt, a person, a fox, a house rabbit, …. That ‘once’ becomes self-propagating, releasing a power so great as to put all darkness into perspective. Without darkness, we could not perceive the immeasurable scale of… Read more »
December 16, 2018 6:14 pm

All the unanswered questions about the setting and secondary characters are, I think, meant to fade into the background. There’s an implied infinite and complex interweaving of lives and experiences, of meetings, partings, reunions, more partings. They say, “I’m home!“, and, “Welcome home!“, pointedly, several times. It’s hard not to remember this: “The Road goes ever on and on Down from the door where it began. Now far ahead the Road has gone, And I must follow, if I can, Pursuing it with eager feet, Until it joins some larger way Where many paths and errands meet. And whither then?… Read more »
December 16, 2018 8:09 pm

I don’t want to put myself through reading Margaret Atwood’s _The Handmaid’s Tale_, and have a feeling that some of the marriage-related parts of this anime movie might relate to that book, at least in terms of mental imagery. The female anime characters in those sickening situations, understandably, had dead eyes. However, on reflection, it doesn’t make sense that *immortal* women would take things so hard. Analogously, a drop of black ink in a jigger of water darkens all of it, but in an ocean of time has no appreciable effect. But the girls in the movie were young, and… Read more »