
Three cities, three people: Ming Xiao walking the streets of Beijing, homesick for the countryside. A model on the verge of retirement living in Guangzhou, Lin Yi. And finally Mo Li, an architect working in Shanghai consumed by memories of a childhood friend.

A set of short stories with themes of current day dissatisfaction. The first focuses on food, the second on workplace drama, and the third on past childhood romance.

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December 19, 2018 1:21 pm

These are so forgettable that, although I had seen them, it took me two passes through your aniDB comment before I remembered them and their insipidity.

The creators seem to think everybody loves udon. Not only do I resent eating and view it as a speedbump/time sink, I’ve always associated udon with nematodes, so the first show’s (*now* I remember) lingering images of udon and broth nauseated me.

Watching something nondescript like this that clearly took a LOT of work is a special sort of bummer, the kind of glee/disgust combo for which there *must* be a multi-syllabic German word.