Skyrim Modding – Dynamic Loot

I find myself in a curious predicament. Basically, I find myself in the role of the “idea guy”. I have what seems like a rock-solid idea, yet am not able to personally implement it… it’s a somewhat distressing situation.

The issue is this:

Normally if I get a modding idea I simply fire up the relevant modding utility and make it. In this particular instance though I seem to be totally disinclined to learn how Skyrim’s scripting language differs from Oblivion’s (never even mind the fact that I haven’t dealt with Oblivion in what feels like decades). Even if I were interested in figuring it out, it would require using a Toolset and I pathologically avoid Bethesda-made Toolsets because they tend to be clunky messes for the most part. So I’m doubly stuck and it’s eating at me something fierce.

What’s the idea? The idea is simplicity itself:

Quite some time ago someone made a Dynamic Loot Mod for Skyrim that created dynamically enchanted weapons/armor on enemies. They did this by making a ton of pre-enchanted ‘blueprints’. That method is incredibly inefficient and introduces all sorts of continuity issues if used with any sort of weapon/armor rebalancing Mod. What I want to do is use a method similar to that used over in the Dynamic Weapon Speed Mod, switching out the ‘change the speed’ bit for ‘add enchantment x’. That way anytime the base unenchanted version of an item is spawned it would get dynamically enchanted (all the default generically enchanted weapons would be replaced by the unenchanted version through TES5Edit’s “Change FormID” functionality).

This should not require much effort, which raises the question of why hasn’t it been done yet (though perhaps it has, as I’ve only checked Google and Nexus). Can you not add enchantments to weapons via quest or item-based scripts? The default enchanter obviously uses a script to add them and the Enchantment Shouts Mod appears to add enchantments on the fly… so that doesn’t seem to be the case.

Maybe it’ll eventually bug me enough that I’ll actually investigate some day. It’s more likely I’ll just fix the bugs in the existing Dynamic Loot Mod (such as its Orcish Shield templates using the Draugr Boots item values) and then forget about it though, as Skyrim angers me to the point that I have little desire to actually play it.


So yeah, I made that patch for Dynamic Loot after all. Not going to bother uploading it to Nexus because I’m lazy.

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