Solasta: Crown of the Magister

Much like Icewind Dale, Solasta is a low-level D&D campaign focused primarily on combat.

While the implementation of the 5e ruleset is remarkably good, particularly in regards to movement and reaction abilities, the game suffers from a lack of party diversity; you can only have 4 party members, there’s no multiclassing, and the Barbarian, Bard, Druid, Monk, and Warlock classes aren’t available.

There’s also something of a lack of equipment variety, party due to this being a low-level campaign (meaning relatively little money with +1 enchantments being the norm) and partly because a lot of stuff is locked behind Faction relationship levels. So you kind of need to use crafting to get the most out of whatever party composition you go for.

I ended up playing through with a party consisting of sword/shield Paladin (never do this), a 2H-Spellblade (decent-ish), a Marksman (okay), and a Shock Arcanist (pretty good).

As it turns out, having a Paladin use a shield is a terrible idea for the simple reason that nearly all of their spells need a free hand to cast (2H weapons are fine since you can temporarily hold them with one hand). The Spellblade meanwhile suffers from a severe lack of defensive and melee-touch spells, but ends up remarkably mobile for a Fighter. Ranger is useful mainly for the Goodberry and Hunter’s Mark spells (the Marksman specialization didn’t add much)… although running a Greenmage might be a better idea in the end… and I have no complaints regarding Wizard’s Shock Arcanist variation.

Putting aside mechanics we now come to the game’s primary flaw: Its storyline. The plot is… generic at best, while the character interactions and dialog in general are atrocious. Fortunately, unlike in Iron Danger, you don’t actually have to pay attention to any of that and can easily skip through it all.

So is the game worth picking up? If you like turn-based D&D combat and are willing to sort through a bunch of Mods to enhance variety, then by all means. If you want roleplaying choices and engaging developments however it would be best to avoid it.

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