Solving Spontaneous Windows 7 ‘Not Genuine’ Issue

After installing a recent (~2 days ago) security update, I restarted my PC to find out that suddenly my Windows installation was not genuine (and also that my audio codecs had all stopped working).

Spent hours trying to sort through the Windows Help site to get to the livechat/phone help area… in vain; couldn’t find either. After much Googling I finally stumbled across a working fix for the issue.

It’s a sad day when Microsoft’s own update service invalidates itself and it ends up literally impossible to contact any form of customer support.

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June 22, 2018 9:22 am

“It’s a sad day when Microsoft’s own update service invalidates itself and it ends up literally impossible to contact any form of customer support.”


This would have made a great lead-in to an animated special on the adrenal cortex.