I will never understand why so many Japanese LN authors are obsessed with detailing their characters’ eating/cooking habits. It’s just utterly nonsensical, particularly for a series like Isekai Walking (English subtitle: Walking around the Otherworld). With that kind of name you’d think the book’s greatest focus would be on traveling, but no. Instead it’s a quarter food porn, a quarter walking with the related stat blocks, and half basic questing with some action. Worse is that while the protagonist’s base skill is indeed ‘Walking’, for some inexplicable reason leveling it allows him to instantly learn any other skill he wants; alchemy, swordsmanship, dimension magic… all are fair game.
The eighth Kasei Madoushi novel is quite good, and I’m impressed with how the author manages to continuously expand upon earlier events so naturally. This installment focuses mainly on the start of spreading housekeeping magic to other interested parties while also fitting in a bit of action and wrapping things up by getting our core group of characters all caught up with each others’ pasts.