• Tag Archives Book of Demons
  • Book of DEMONS – Archer & Mage

    Once you reach 5th level with the starting class you can play as the other two classes (note that nothing carries over between classes), both of which seem notably better.

    The archer has the distinction of being able to attack off-screen, greatly reducing the annoyance caused by ranged attackers and letting you mow down the hoards before they’re even aware of your presence. Equip a Quiver and Splitting Arrows and she just rains down utter devastation with little effort. The lower starting HP is an issue though and she can’t use arrows if enemies get too close.

    The mage doesn’t seem to have any distinguishing features at all beyond an abysmal starting HP pool. I guess you could say he excels at crowd control thanks to his lightning/ice spell options… but a split-arrow archer can accomplish something similar while attacking at far greater range. So I’m rather underwhelmed at his pre-Cook performance. Maybe later spells are more devastating?

    At this point I doubt I’ll ever touch the starting class again, but the archer is enjoyable in small bursts (due to sidestepping a lot of annoying enemy abilities) and I’ll probably keep playing on-and-off between doing other things for a while yet.

  • Book of DEMONS & Some Other Games

    Book of Demons is a hack & slash game with some minor roguelike elements modeled on the first Diablo. One greatly simplified into a mobile game format where you walk along rails while clicking on anything in your ‘light radius’ to interact with it, and equipment/skills are represented by upgradable cards that you can assign to unlockable action bar slots.

    Despite its simplicity and lack of depth (leveling up gives a choice between +1 Health or +1 Mana), it ends up a pretty fun diversion in the vein of Candy Crush for when you have a few minutes to kill. Not sure what sort of longevity it’ll have though since the levels are so far are all pretty similar (up to the Cook quest boss) with the abilities of various enemies occasionally crossing over into ‘bullshit’ territory.

      As for the titular “other games”:
    • Sword Legacy: omen – I installed this ages ago, played the first battle or two, and then put it aside out of general disinterest. I can safely say now that I have no intention of ever touching it again.
    • MONSTER HUNTER: WORLD – Got through the opening, messed around in the training area for a while… and then promptly uninstalled when I discovered all the hunts have time limits.
    • The: QUEST – A game styled after classic first-person RPGs (think Might & Magic X: Legacy), it felt to me both empty and overpopulated. Leave town and there’s a whole bunch of nothing in every direction, yet there’s also an inexplicably large number of scantily-clad archers waiting to kill you. There’s just a pervading sense of unease about the whole affair.
    • DEEP SKY DERELICTS – After spending a minute or two wandering around the first ship finding a whole lot of nothing, I ran into a battle. There I discovered that every action you take in combat reduces your Energy level (run out of Energy and you die; moving also costs energy). I have no interest whatsoever in dealing with such severe resource management bullshit.
    • Celestian Tales: OLD NORTH – The characterizations are all pretty painful and the visuals are notably lackluster.