• Tag Archives Exploration
  • Gothic II Gold – Finale

    The 4th chapter seems to give Mages the short end of the stick. While Paladins get a bunch of Orc warchiefs to kill and Mercenaries get hoards of Lizardmen and the Dragon Eggs they guard, Mages just get a ‘Find the Possessed’ quest which results in an amulet that protects against stifling. It’s a bit useful, sure, but the Dragon Eggs or combat XP would have been better. All classes get a ton of new spawns in the add-on world (Dragon Snappers, Trolls, Skeletons) and Valley of Mines (Orcs, Dragon Snappers) which combined with the Dragons equals quite a bit of XP to be gained.

    Chapter 5 once again seems to give Mages the shaft. Here Paladins and Mercenaries get their best armor while Mages get a potion that gives +5 Str & Dex. I could understand Mage armor having the lowest Weapon/Arrow/Dragon resistances… but it also has the lowest Magic resistance. Respawn-wise there’s only a relative handful of new Seekers wandering the main area, so the XP gained here is rather paltry. My naked stats at the end of this chapter looked like this.

    The final chapter takes place in a new area infested with Orcs, Lizardmen, Undead, Seekers, and even a couple Dragons. 4/5-on-one battles here are rather common so if you have access to Fire Rain or Wave of Ice Runes/Scrolls now’s the time to use them. Make sure to save two Wave of Ice castings for the Dragons though. Lots of XP and stat-boosting potions here.

    In the end there only really ended up being 3 notably useful spells: Ice Block (incapacitates most things), Ice Wave (incapacitates multiple things at once, even Dragons), and Fire Rain (kills everything around you). There’s no point in spending LP on Runes for any other spells when scrolls will suffice.

    I kind of want to try a replay with a Dex-focused Mercenary now, but I think I may wait a bit and instead go right into Gothic 3. I’m a bit worried that there don’t seem to be any comprehensive walkthroughs for it, but unlike with this game it’s supposedly extremely difficult to cripple your character in the 3rd game with unoptimized LP usage… so maybe I’ll be okay doing a ‘blind’ playthrough.

  • Gothic II Gold – Halfway Point

    About to start chapter 4 now with the main area, add-on area, and Valley of Mines (except the dragon lairs) all cleared. Naked stats at level 39 are: 84 Str, 88 Dex, 81 Mana, 59 1H, & 38 Bow with 71 LP currently available. In case it isn’t obvious, I’ve been saving all the permanent Mana bonus items/rewards. Initially I wasn’t going to use them until I hit 124 (which is when raising it would cost 5LP per point)… but I don’t think I’ll gain enough levels to make it that far, and so will instead use them once I hit 94.

    At this point a few things have become clearer and I’ve had to revise my earlier plan. Learning Ice Lance was a mistake (it’s faster and cheaper to kill things in melee) and I’m going to skip learning the Awaken Golem spell since there are plenty of scrolls lying around. I think I’ll also skip Destroy Undead since the only thing it seems to be really useful for are Shadow Warriors (Skeleton Mages turned out to be very easy to kill in melee), which are rare.

    Seekers ended up being a joke since their direct damage spells are the same as yours (i.e. bad). Sure they might cast Rain of Fire, but you can clearly see when the spell switch happens and they should be long dead before then. Compared to the hoards of Orcs and Lizard Men I’ve had to clear out so far they’re a walk in the park. Speaking of Lizard Men, I find it odd that they die quicker than Orcs.

    One last thing to note is that the Gold/NotR version of the game has removed most of the stat-boosting items from the Valley of Mines. Elixirs that used to be in remote locations are gone, Dragon Roots appear to be gone, the lone King’s Sorrel is gone, and most of the Goblin Berries are gone (I found two; there used to be 9). So keep that in mind when planning your build.

  • Armello & Gothic II Gold

    Armello is a remarkably fun board game with pleasant visuals and a few different ways to win: Combat, prestige, or by collecting enough of a specific item. Each method has its own strategy involved, but there’s enough overlap so that you can usually fall back on a secondary method if your primary one ends up unfeasible for whatever reason. The only real issue it has right now is that there is no multiplayer matchmaking (you can only join a game lobby if you know its passcode), and the CPU AI isn’t particularly challenging once you get a hang of the game. Oh, and there are very few ways available to reduce corruption.

    So I mentioned Gothic II Gold earlier, saying how it wasn’t really grabbing me in the beginning. Well, it finally did once I was able to actually kill things somewhat reliably (with a Fine Short Sword, 34 Str, and 34 1H). I’ve been playing more or less nonstop since and now I’m about to start the 2nd Chapter with all of the Island areas cleared except the Skeleton Crypt, the Skeleton Cave on the mountainside behind Dexter’s camp, and the two armored Skeletons guarding the Dragon Slicer sword. I’m going for a Fire Mage build, currently wielding the Master Sword and a Composite Bow, and my naked stats at level 19 are 57 Str, 60 Dex, 42 1H, 26 Bow, and 35 Mana (Skills: Sneak, Lockpick, Pick Pockets, Skinning, Ancient Language 1-2, and all Mana Potion Alchemy recipes). The plan now is to put all my LP from this point on (20 available at the moment) into Mana, the last Ancient Language level, and a few key spells: Ice Lance (5LP), Ice Block (10LP), Create Stone Golem (15LP), Destroy Undead (10LP), Summon Demon (20LP), & Rain of Fire (20LP). Speaking of spells, I had a hell of a time finding a site that listed the game’s spells with their updated NotR/Gold statistics.

    Magic, at this point, seems incredibly underpowered. It’s slower than melee and, unlike Str/Dex in regards to melee/ranged attacks, Mana does not increase your spell damage. The 1st level damaging spells do a whole 25 damage for 5 mana. 25 damage is nothing… can that even kill a goblin? It’s not until you get to the 4th circle that magic damage looks to actually be a viable alternative to melee/ranged damage, and of course you don’t get access to them until the 4th chapter. Which means if you’re trying for a ‘pure Mage’ playthrough you’re going to have some serious trouble, though I suspect it may be doable if you rush your way into the Monastery (by running past enemies until they give up chasing you) and then rely on Summon Goblin Skeleton (Goblin Skeletons are very quick and hit surprisingly hard).

    Melee seems the most effective strategy at this point (the problem with ranged is that hitting something will aggro everything near it, so unless you’re standing on a ledge it’s very likely at least one enemy will make it into melee range), though melee is a bit weird. There is of course the whole ‘janky movement’ issue, but the main problem is that enemies always seem to have a significant advantage over you where damage is concerned. If you wield a Heavy Branch (10 damage) you’ll have severe trouble killing anything bigger than a Rat or Young Wolf, yet Black Goblins and Goblin Skeletons wield just that and can completely murder a PC with 300 HP and 30ish Armor in short order. I’m not sure whether the inequality stems from enemies having too much Strength or too much Weapon Resistance.

    Due to the above, the prevailing melee strategy for everything other than trolls is to simply wait for the enemy to attack, hop backward (you’re invincible here), then attack. Against creatures you’ll want to do your full melee combo before jumping back again, but against humans and skeletons (sometimes also orcs and wolves) you’ll want to do only a 2-hit combo at most before hopping back. That’s because those enemies have quick attacks that they’ll often be able to hit you with during the split-second breaks between your swings; getting hit in melee is like playing Russian roulette and you need to avoid it at all costs. As for trolls, just run behind them while they’re doing their initial roar and you can strafe against their back faster than they can turn to face you (2-attack combo and tap right/left in the opposite direction that they’re turning, repeat).

  • Random GOG Games

    Back during GOG‘s Insomnia Sale I picked up a bunch of games, then grabbed some card-related ones on a weekend sale a bit later. Due to the winter Anime season recently ending I didn’t really have much time to mess around with them. Some first impressions on the ones I did get a chance to play are listed below.

    Card City Nights: A card battle game where you build your deck from booster packs from various sets like a physical card game. It seems fun from the two matches I played, it’s just going to require a decent time investment to deal with all the variables like set variety and deck building strategy. I definitely plan on coming back to it later.

    Gothic 2 Gold Edition: Playing this reminded me of Risen, which turned out to be from the same developer. I’m only at level 2 at the moment (having cleared out most of the quests in the starting area), but it’s not really grabbing me so far. The main problem is the awful combat/movement controls; moving around is finicky and it’s difficult to tell if you’re close enough to something to hit it (or for it to hit you). The secondary problem is that, considering there’s a finite amount of XP and learning points all go toward increasing the same skills/attributes, I’m unsure what’s the most efficient way to go about building the character. I suspect it will get better once I get to a high enough level where boars can’t 1-shot me.

    HuniePop: I was under the impression this was a puzzle game with dating sim aspects when I grabbed it. It’s actually the reverse. The puzzle aspects are fun, but they’re really not worth dealing with all the dating sim crap.

    Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition: While it’s certainly nice to have all the BGII kits available to choose from, the lack of certain basic configuration options really hurts it (not being able to set your fullscreen resolution is complete bullshit) and the GUI seems to have less options (in the original you could right-click an ability slot to change it to a different ability, here that doesn’t seem possible). I can’t speak of any other additions/changes just yet since I’ve only cleared the few quests in the starting town so far.

    King of Dragon Pass: There’s a lot of stuff going on here, and it will take quite some time to really grasp what does what and how to best manipulate the various options. After getting attacked by 100+ bandits on the second turn (the village started with 10 dedicated warriors) I decided to put it aside until I get a chance to read through a FAQ or 3.

    Renowned Explorers: International Society: Only played through the tutorial and the first mission so far, but this seems fairly inventive and like a lot of fun. The only issues I see at the moment are that it’s a bit difficult to choose how to spend your resources, and that while there are indeed multiple ways to win the conflicts, there is a clear best way to win them (winning in one of the other ways gives you a lesser or no reward) which can discourage particular playstyles.

    RuneStone Keeper: This has been compared to Minesweeper, and while that’s not a bad comparison it’s somewhat misleading. This is a lot less strategic than Minesweeper. What you get when you click a particular tile is completely random and you rarely get any sort of hint/indication as to what may be on it. A tile might be a monster, it might be empty, it might be a trap, it might be a shop/spell/tool. You never know and it’s very difficult (potentially impossible depending on what tools you find) to prepare for. The game may be good as a time waster, but I would not consider ever trying to play in a serious attempt to ‘win’.

  • Dragon Age: Inquisition – DLC

    Jaws of Hakkon: This one adds a new area to explore (that looks a bit like a cross between the Arbor Wilds and Crestwood) that contains a ton of tier 3 materials (some new some old), a few new tier 4 materials, a new ability for the Inquisitor that deflects projectiles, various new schematics slightly more powerful that what’s found in the default game, Astariums to unlock, skull shards to collect, a few War Table missions and agents, more Fade Rifts to close, and new Skyhold decorations to buy. It’s got a lot of stuff and for the most part fits into the rest of the game seamlessly, with the only real oddities being the tons of loot you find when closing Rifts and there being silverite scattered around instead of stormheart. Word of advice: Don’t take Sera with you when doing the quests here, as many are spirit-related and she does not like spirits.

    The Descent: This adds a new underground area to explore that’s not really anything like anywhere else which just so happens to have two immediate annoyances. The first it that using some (any?) texture mods causes the cutscenes that happen here to freeze the game, while the second is that to actually start exploring the Deep Roads Cullen cannot be assigned to any current War Table mission. That’s because there’s a special War Table in this area you have to use to unlock areas and do missions down here, and only Cullen can be assigned to the first one (you’ll need 64 power to eventually open all the side areas). Other than the new War Table, the area has some new enemy types, new schematics more powerful than the ones in the previous DLC, and a series of mugs to collect (like the main game’s bottle collecting). It does not have any new materials though, with just the same resources that you’d find in the Storm Coast scattered around spiked with a bit of silverite.

    Trespasser: The storyline portions of Trespasser remind me quite a bit of the Witch Hunt DLC for the first Dragon Age game (i.e. a sequence of somewhat forced events that ends rather abruptly). Thankfully, there’s more to this DLC than just the epilogue it tacks onto the main game (the new ending slides aren’t even narrated). The actually useful additions are the new ability upgrades you can switch between, the new Sigil loot that can be attached to most armor, and the extremely welcome upgrades to various quest and Wartable rewards; all of which have been inserted into the main game. Also possibly of note is that the ending makes it appear the next game will take place in Tevinter.

    So, are any of these worth the $15 price tag? No, not really. Jaws of Hakkon comes the closest probably due to sheer amount of content (repetitive though it may be), but you’re best off just buying the Game of the Year edition which comes with all three (along with some weapon/armor packs) for $40.

  • Fable III

    I’m not sure why I picked this game up after so long deliberately avoiding it. Somewhat unsurprisingly, it is indeed not very good. At the moment I’ve finished the Masquerade main quest and all of the side quests from before that point (except the Demon Doors), and the annoyances have begun to outweigh the fun parts.

    The game’s first and foremost issue are the visual effects, which are badly implemented enough to cause motion sickness. To fix that you have set the Effects slider to ‘reasonable’ or lower, turn off VSync (forcing it via graphics card instead), kill the mouse smoothing and reduce its sensitivity to about a quarter or so, and then save and exit the game. After that, open up the VideoOptionsConfig.xml file in the main game directory and change all the Blur/AA/DepthOfField lines in the first section to 99, then save the file and set it to Read Only. After all that it becomes tolerable to play; though the FoV is still an issue there doesn’t seem to be an easy way to alter that.

    Once you get past the technical issues, on come the gameplay and storyline issues: Combat is simplistic and gets old fast (particularly since there are tons of enemies in many encounters), the ‘side quest’ moral choices are set to extremes that I haven’t seen since Jade Empire (sign the petition or punch the petitioner; there is no middle ground), the main quest choices (when you get any choice) are ham-fisted, the quest progression in general is incredibly heavy handed and each and every one so far railroads you into a specific course of action, and of course there’s essentially nothing to spend the tons of infinite money you get from owning businesses on (there’s no armor and weapon augments are free; I currently have 10 million gold).

    That’s a lot of negatives. So why have I played this long? Exploration and collectibles mostly, which is to say silver keys, gnomes, books, and different outfit parts. While the areas are comically oversize and don’t really have much of use to be found in them (most chest and dig spot contents appear to be somewhat random, which is a bit of an issue in some cases since they don’t respawn), running around them looking for hidden treasure is still fun… or rather it was, it’s since lost its appeal now that all the main continent locations have been explored. The quest dialogue is also sometimes amusing.

    Not sure whether to keep pushing until the post-ruler portion of the game. Might instead go back to Dragon’s Dogma and finish the only unfinished quest (collect the last 2 Bitterblack armors), or perhaps start on Trails in the Sky‘s second chapter.

  • Dragon’s Dogma

    I first played the demo for this game way back when it first came out for PS3. I didn’t get very far at the time because the controller keybinds were awful (all of them). Now that it’s finally been released for PC, and has almost-fully customizable keybinds, I picked it back up.

    At the moment I’m at the Wrym Hunt part of the main quest with most sidequests completed (working on the last Bandit one and holding off on Search Party), and somewhere around 34th level. So far it reminds me of Witcher 3 (the open world, the RPG elements, the primary/secondary weapons) crossed with a bit of Assassin’s Creed (the running/jumping/climbing on rooftops/ledges, that ‘find the medallions’ DLC content).

    The class variety is nice, and being able to switch around nearly at-will and share certain abilities between them reminds me of Final Fantasy Tactics. It’s unfortunate though that Pawns don’t have access to all 9 of them. I’ve mostly been playing as Strider/Warrior so far (to get certain Augments, while leveling as Assassin). The idea was to end up with Assassin, but I’ve been kind of annoyed by that class’ seeming lack of Magical Damage options and so may go with a dagger-focused Mystic Archer instead.

    Mage/Sorcerer honestly doesn’t seem like much fun to play so my pawn has been filling that role. Warrior, which I’ve sort of been ‘forced’ to play, also doesn’t feel very fun: The attacks are slow and it has a very one-trick-pony vibe to it. Fighter, Strider, and Assassin are pretty fun though; a mix of blitzing small creatures and climbing around on big creatures to stab them in the face (the pommel smash while climbing is the real deal-killer for Warrior) while using the bow against flyers or as a preemptive attack. Mystic Archer and Ranger are presumably similar, though heavier on the archery, while I have no idea what Mystic Warrior is like at all.

    Difficulty hasn’t been much of an issue. I wouldn’t say it’s all that different from Witcher 3‘s system, but the limited fast-travel options are a bit of a pain. Being able to zip back and forth between the main hub, Bitterblack, and the starting town is nice… but that still leaves huge swathes of territory to the north and west full of annoyances to repeatedly plow through. Once I’ve cleared an area I don’t really like being forced to re-clear it. I hear that’s not an issue in NG+ since you can buy new portable and re-usable Port Crystals, but I’m obviously not in NG+ right now and have only found two in the game world (in that cave with the old Arisen on the hillside and in Everfall).

    It’s definitely been fun up to this point, but I have the nagging sensation that it’s going to start feeling repetitious very shortly. Some brief notes:

    • Don’t sell anything other than Sour Beast-Steaks (let regular steaks sit in your inventory for a day or two).
    • Save everything else in the Inn’s storage because you never know when a quest or weapon/armor upgrade will need something.
    • The best way to quickly gain Class ranks is to kill low-experience (100 or less) creatures. Goblins and passive wildlife are both nice and plentiful.
    • You can go to Bitterblack Isle to change your class as soon as you get your main Pawn.
    • The first 100 levels provide the highest stat gains on level-up.
    • Check around for sidequests before advancing the main quest, as some of them are time-sensitive.
    • Avoid the optional Escort quests until you’ve both found the location they mention and have a portable Port Crystal to place there ahead of time.
    • Related to the above: There are actually multiple Healing Spring locations.

  • Dragon Age: Inquisition – Progress Report

    At about 90 hours in now and some things have become clear while others… less so.

    At this point the main quest is completed up to gaining Skyhold, completing Wicked Eye/Hearts (which is a lot less complicated than the message boards lead on), and saving Crestwood. As for the side areas: The Hinterlands, Fallow Mire, Forbidden Oasis, Storm Coast, Western Approach, Exalted Plains, Emerald Graves, and Hissing Wastes are cleared, Crestwood is about half done, and Emprise du Lion is at about 75% done. Roughly.

    The controls are just as annoying now as they were in the beginning, with the added annoyance of realizing that the eight visible ability buttons on the GUI are all you get (you unlock more than eight abilities? Too bad; can’t use them) and the companion AI is… not very good. So one easily accessible key has to be assigned to “Attack My Target” to make sure your party members aren’t either standing around doing nothing while an enemy runs around panicked, or standing in front of you staring at you ’cause the nearest enemy (which is attacking you or other party members) is slightly too far away to register as a target (e.g. just out of arm’s reach). They also seem to like dispelling the frozen effect from enemies… for some reason. More minor oddities include a complete absence of Blood Mages and Abominations (an overreaction to DA2‘s response?), as well as Desire Demons (which look to have been replaced by Despair Demons).

    Now we come to a more personal complaint: My current PC is a mage. Unlike the first two games, here… mages are quite limited. They can either be support characters or… support characters. The only decently damaging default spell is Fire Mine, which means most of the time you’re going to be trying to Freeze/Paralyze/Panic targets (or casting Barrier) because your damage output is so ridiculously anemic. The only time this isn’t the case is if you’re a highly specialized Knight Enchanter, but that just trades Fire Mine for Spirit Blade. Not exactly an improvement.

    The problem here seems to be that rather than scaling with the Magic Attribute, spell damage scales with weapon damage alone (staves don’t have great weapon damage) while Magic just adds a damage bonus. How large a bonus? Not sure, but a piece of armor with +20 Magic increased the damage Flashfire did (with a level 20 character) by… 50 points. Which is practically nothing. There also seems to be diminishing returns, as using a Lyrium Potion (which gives +30 Magic) on top of that increased the damage by another… 10-20 points. You appear to be much better off increasing Critical Chance instead, as you can apparently Crit with magic and doing so seems to give about a 50% damage boost.

    Due to the above, and really just in general, not being able to assign your own Attribute points at level-up is bullshit. Now for some random tips:

    • Stop messing around in the Hinterlands/Storm Coast/Fallow Mire/Forbidden Oasis when you hit level 7-8, since you’ll want to progress the main questline until you reach Skyhold in order to gain access to your characters’ Specializations (though make sure to resolve the renegade mage/templar quests near the Crossroads before choosing a side in the main quest). Once there, leave and re-enter it to trigger the Wartable Mission that unlocks the Specialization quests. Note that party members will automatically unlock a Specialization, post-Skyhold, the moment you enter an area with them in your party.
    • Don’t bother with the Requisition Requests given to you by the quartermaster people in each area. They’re infinite and you’ll get plenty of Power from simply closing Fade Rifts and completing quests.
    • Willpower doesn’t increase your Mana/Stamina pool. Nothing beyond direct equipment enchantments, as far as I can tell, can ever increase your pool above 100.
    • Rune damage affects spell damage. For example: If you have a Corrupting Rune on your staff, your spells will do more damage to Humanoid/Beast enemies.
    • Sometimes characters won’t load and will be missing from where they’re supposed to be. A quick save/load usually fixes it.
    • In the Exalted Plains you’ll find an Elf Rune quest by the Dalish Camp that unlocks a bonus area. Do this new area before you hit level 16, as the enemies max out at 15 and the rewards aren’t very impressive.
    • Unlock the Emprise du Lion and the Hissing Wastes (the two 20-30 Power areas that appear after getting Skyhold) as soon as possible. The first gives you access to a ton of easily harvestable Tier 3 metals/leather (Dawnstone, Silverite, Everite, Snowfleur Skin), while the second gives you access to some easily accessible Tier 3 metals (Nevarrite, Volcanic Aurum) and the basic Tier 3 armor schematics.
    • Your character’s level determines how well you gather metals from Harvest Points. For Tier 3 metals, you have to be 16th level to start getting multiple items from them.
    • Do Wicked Hearts/Eyes around the recommended level. A ton of new Wartable Missions get unlocked afterward that will be useful.
    • In Wicked Hearts/Eyes, don’t get too caught up in the ‘Court Approval’ mechanic. It’s just a glorified timer for two short sections of the mission, and can easily be raised by turning in a handful of secrets.
    • Honestly, you’ll want to do most of the main quests as soon as possible since the rewards don’t scale. The downside to this is that you may miss some dialog related to events that were resolved in them (probably most notable on the Exalted Plains). But be aware that once you finish the main quest all the Inner Circle quests you haven’t finished will become unavailable.
    • As far as Wartable Missions go, make sure to do Companion-added/related missions (such as the ones for Bulls’ Chargers) as soon as possible since you never know when a decision you make might result in losing access to them. If that happens the mission will disappear from the table and (if you were in the process of doing it) you’ll just get a “Such-and-such couldn’t be completed.” message when it would have finished along with a lesser reward.
    • The repeatable ‘Gather Resources’ Wartable Missions will sometimes reward you with Throne Accessories in addition to the resources.
    • Don’t worry about money. Buy whatever you want whenever you want. You’ll be swimming in the stuff as long as you sell all the tons of useless (since crafted is 10x better most of the time) equipment you find lying around.
    • Caveat to the above: Don’t buy Weapons/Armor/Addons since you can almost certainly craft better ones for ‘free’.
    • Health seems to be a bullshit statistic. No matter how much of it you have, if an enemy can damage you it tends to just melt away in a couple seconds. So you should instead focus on not being damaged with Guard/Barrier generation and a high Armor Rating.
    • Blackwall likes killing darkspawn, Varric likes killing Red Templars, Dorian likes killing Venatori, and Iron Bull likes killing Venatori & High Dragons. Defeating those enemy types with those companions in your party will grant slight approval bonuses.
    • Every so often you’ll find green globe-like things that will glow if you activate them (a quest Solas gives early on will let you start activating them). Solas gains approval if he’s in the party when you do so.
    • Similar to the above, you’ll also sometimes come across chests marked as a ‘Red Jenny Stash’ if Sera’s in your active party. Opening them slightly raises her approval.

    And we’ll close with some incomplete lists. The first contains the maximum levels the basic enemies of an area will scale to (levels separated with a slash are for areas with starter regions and advanced regions), while the second contains the Fade-Touched material effects I’ve found so far (note that there appears to be two possible variations for each material):

    Max Enemy Levels

    Hinterlands, Valammar, Caer Oswin – 11
    Storm Coast, Forbidden Oasis, Fallow Mire, Crestwood, Western Approach, Exalted Plains – 11/15
    Temple of Dirthamen, Shrine of Dumat (Leliana/Templar) – 15
    Emerald Graves – 15/19
    Hissing Wastes, Shrine of Dumat (Cullen/Mages), Cradle of Sulevin – 19
    Emprise du Lion – 19/??

    Fade-Touched Items

    Bloodstone – +7.5% Damage per nearby Enemy
    Blue Vitriol – Max Stamina +10
    Dawnstone – Heal 25% of damage taken over 10 seconds || 10% chance of 3 second Walking Fortress
    Drakestone – Max Stamina +10
    Everite – Heal 25% of damage taken over 10 seconds || 10% chance of 3 second Walking Fortress
    Iron – Heal 15% of damage taken over 10 seconds
    Lazurite – Max Stamina +15
    Nevarrite – Target Explodes on Death for 75% Damage || Chance of Pull of the Abyss
    Obsidian – 10% of 75% Damage Chain Lightning || +3 Guard on hit
    Onyx – 10% of 50% Damage Chain Lightning
    Paragon’s Luster – Heal 20% of damage taken over 10 seconds || 10% chance of 3 second Walking Fortress
    Serpentstone – +10% Damage & -100% Damage Resistance || 2% chance of Shield Bash
    Silverite – 10% chance of 100% Damage Chain Lightning || +5 Guard on hit
    Stormheart – +30% Damage & -300% Damage Resistance || 10% chance of Shield Bash
    Summer Stone – +5% Damage per nearby Enemy
    Viridium – +20% Damage & -200% Damage Resistance || 5% chance of Shield Bash
    Volcanic Aurum – +10% Focus per nearby Enemy || 10% chance of Unbowed

    August Ram Fur – Abilities cost 7.5% less Mana/Stamina || 10% chance of 8 second Horn of Valor
    Bronto Hide – +10 Max Stamina || +20 Stamina on Kill
    Canine Leather – +10% Damage if not hit in 5 seconds
    Deepstalker Hide – 5% chance of Poison || 2% chance of Fear
    Great Bear Hide – +50 Stamina on Kill
    Gurgut Skin – +50% Stealth Movement Speed
    Halla Leather – +15 Max Stamina
    Hardened Gurn Hide – +30% Damage if not hit in 5 seconds
    Lurker Scales – +75% Stealth Movement Speed || 10% chance of Veilstrike
    Nugskin – +25% Stealth Movement Speed || 2% chance of Veilstrike
    Snowfleur Skin – Heal 1% of Max Health on hit || 10% chance of 12 second Horn of Valor
    Wyvern Scales – 10% chance of Fear

    Cotton – 5% chance to Revive at 50% Health || 10% chance of 5 second 50% Damage Walking Bomb
    Dales Loden Wool – +30% Focus Gain || 10% chance of 70% Damage Caltrops
    Darkened Samite – +7.5% Focus per nearby Enemy
    Everknit Wool – +7.5% Focus per nearby Enemy || 10% chance of 50% Damage Caltrops
    Highever Weave – +20 Magic for 10 seconds on kill
    Infused Vyrantium Samite – +10% Focus per nearby Enemy || 10% chance of Mind Blast
    King’s Willow Weave – +30 Magic for 10 seconds on kill
    Lambswool – 10% chance of 30% Damage Caltrops
    Lustrous Cotton – 10% chance to Revive at 50% Health || 10% chance of 5 second 75% Damage Walking Bomb
    Plaideweave – +10 Magic for 10 seconds on kill
    Plush Fustian Velvet – Abilities cost 10% less Mana/Stamina || 10% chance of Hidden Blades with +5 hits
    Ring Velvet – Abilities cost 7.5% less Mana/Stamina || 10% chance of Hidden Blades with +4 hits
    Royal Sea Silk – Abilities cost 20% less Mana/Stamina if not hit in 5 seconds || 10% chance of Fade Cloak
    Samite – +5% Focus per nearby Enemy || 2% chance of Mind Blast
    Silk Brocade – Abilities cost 15% less Mana/Stamina if not hit in 5 seconds || 5% chance of Fade Cloak
    Velveteen – Abilities cost 5% less Mana/Stamina || 10% chance of Hidden Blades with +3 hits

  • Dragon Age: Inquisition – First Impressions

    Having just started playing this game on PC, the largest issues by far are the interface and controls. Some bulletpoints, ordered by least to most severe:

    • Uses Skyrim‘s menu style of only being able to see one section at a time (only weapons, only armor, only one type of magic, etc.).
    • Cannot bind mouse keys.
    • Tactical Mode is an unmitigated disaster.
    • Have to hold down the mouse button to move, cannot click on a point and automatically move there.
    • No autoattack. You have to hold down the attack button to keep attacking.
    • Clicking on an interactable item will not move you to that item, you have to be standing right next to it when you click to use it.
    • No more tactics system. Can only enable/disable abilities and set what health threshold to use potions at.

    Another issue is that mages have only like half the available spell options they used to. The Entropy school has up and vanished along with nature/spirit damage, leaving you with just Fire/Frost/Lightning & ‘Spirit’, which is a mishmash of a few abilities each from Arcane/Creation/Mind. What the fuck?

    It certainly looks fantastic visually though and greatly encourages exploring for items off the beaten path. Time will tell if those rather severe GUI/control issues will eventually outweigh the novelty of exploring open areas for hidden resources. Oh, and here are some bug fixes I found lying around while waiting to start playing the game that may or may not help you:

    • Choppy Cutscene Fix: Add ” -GameTime.MaxSimFps XX -GameTime.ForceSimRate XX+” without the quotes (and with XX being replaced by the desired framerate, I’ve had better results using 30 rather than 60 myself) to the end of the target line in your DA: Inquisition shortcut properties. This fix may break starting a new game however, so only enable it on a saved game.
    • Banter Bug Fix: Fast travel to a camp. Mount up, dismount, and then rest at the camp.
    • Zoom Out Limit Remover: Cheat Engine
    • Assassin Token Quest: Apparently you have to defeat two of the assassins before draining the lake and finding the third. And you should save before fighting them in case the token doesn’t drop. Allegedly there’s also a rogue in Valammar by a bridge you can kill that has a chance of dropping them.

  • Might & Magic X: Legacy

    This RPG is a throwback to first-person RPGs of old. While the obvious comparison would be earlier Might & Magic games… I have never played those and so instead liken it to the old TSR D&D games (i.e. Menzoberranzan, Strahd’s Possession, Stone Prophet).

    Let me get some important links out of the way before going further:

    Interactive Map
    Secret Door Locations
    Puzzle/Trainer/Relic Information (largely based off of the information found in this Riddle/Puzzle/Trainer Guide)

    Another thing to get out of the way right now is a rather common and annoying ‘bug’:

    The game does a single online check to make sure you have the full version before unlocking the path to Chapter 2. If this check does not take place, then the Griffin Rider will have a dialog option grayed-out and the Sentinel blocking the bridge to the second town will never be removed. Both of these have work-arounds (editing the dialog file and using the horse-travel option), but it’s easiest to just make sure the check takes place. To see whether this connection issue is affecting you, simply go into the ‘Extras’ menu from the Title Screen, then click on ‘Bonus Content’, and finally the ‘Redeem Code’ button. If it says “Invalid Code” you’re good, while if it says “Connection Issues” then your firewall is probably blocking the game/launcher and you should fix that.

    Now, on to the gameplay:

    The first thing to be aware of when playing this if you’re more familiar with modern RPGs is that the learning curve is a bit unforgiving. If you’ve built your party ‘wrong’ or don’t know the quirks of the combat system it’s entirely possible to have one of your weaker characters get killed by a simple spider hiding in a barrel right off the boat. Another important thing is to actually read what quest-givers are saying. There’s a lot of stuff that’s only mentioned in dialog which will become necessary/helpful later.

    Some basic advice to get you started is to fully explore the town, talk/enter all the white dots/squares on your minimap (checking the top of the screen after entering a building to see if there’s multiple people to talk to), and open any chests you find (but not barrels). After the walk around you should have three new quests, a new follower (the girl from the Church), and enough money to go into the Armor Shop and buy a few pieces of basic head/hand/foot armor for your characters.

    At this point you can go open up those barrels. If you have difficulty killing the spiders that will pop out of two of them, you may wish to re-think your party makeup or character builds. Some things to be aware of:

    – You need an Elf, Orc, and Dwarf in your party to enter all areas (each has a race-specific area).
    – Mages should only put points in Magic.
    – Fighters should never put points in Magic/Spirit.
    – Your Mage(s) should have access to either novice Light Magic or master Water Magic (preferably both).
    – Someone should have access to novice Earth Magic.
    – Someone should have access to expert Fire Magic.
    – Try to have different weapon specialties for each character.
    – You’ll want one character focused in Magic, one in Might, and one in Perception in order to open all the secret doors.
    – Do not be stingy with resting/potions.

    To explain the above, you’ll pick up a ton of potions to refill your mana over the course of the game and potions/supplies/scrolls are basically the only things you’ll want to spend money on mid-late game. Add to that the existence of +Mana equipment and there’s no need to waste your Mage’s points on Spirit. Light Magic gives you the Celestial Armor spell which blocks a set amount of damage, master Water Magic gets you the Liquid Membrane spell which reduces all incoming damage by a certain percentage, Earth Magic gets you the Regeneration healing spell, and expert Fire Magic gets you the Burning Determination spell which blocks most harmful status effects.

    If you have Celestial Armor on a Mage, then you can likely get by with never putting an attribute point into Vitality (note however that the main quest requires you to have someone with 20 Vitality to proceed; there is a Relic available which grants +10 Vitality when fully upgraded that will help out here). Where to put your Fighter’s points is somewhat inexact. A general guideline would be: 3/1 Might/Destiny for 2H users, 2/1/1 Might/Destiny/Perception for non-dagger Dual-Wielders, 3/1 Destiny/Perception for dagger Dual-Wielders, and 3/1 Perception/Destiny for Ranged users.

    Next up is a quick rundown on the more useful Spells:

    Air Magic
    – Air Ward (Novice): Useful against elementals.
    – Clear Mind (Expert): Cures Feeblemind (Resting does this too, but you can’t rest in battle).
    – Eagle Eye (Expert): Party-wide Perception boost. Useful for secret doors and as a pre-boss buff.
    – Lightning Bolt (Expert): Solid single-target damage to non-humans.
    – Chain Lightning (Master): Tons of damage for little mana to a group of enemies.
    – Cyclone (Master): Good against Damage Reflect. Can be used to trigger combat from a safe location.
    – Thunderstorm (Grandmaster): Good against Damage Reflect.

    Dark Magic
    – Darkness Ward (Novice): Useful against ghosts/specters, dark mages, and those beholder-like enemies.
    – Shadow Cloak (Novice): The first incoming attack auto-misses. Good pre-boss buff and can make you invincible in certain situations.
    – Whispering Shadows (Novice): Reveals secret doors.
    – Purge (Expert): Removes enemy buffs.
    – Sleep (Expert): Fantastic disabling spell that will help get you into places you shouldn’t be yet.
    – Agony (Master): Great when combined with a dual-wielding dagger user.

    Earth Magic
    – Cure Poison (Novice): Poison doesn’t expire.
    – Earth Ward (Novice): Useful against elementals and venomous creatures.
    – Regeneration (Novice): Fantastic party-wide healing spell.
    – Poison Spray (Expert): Deals damage over time (bosses are immune though) and reduces Evade.
    – Stone Skin (Expert): Party-wide Armor boost. A semi-useful pre-boss buff.
    – Strength of the Earth (Expert): Cures Weakness (Resting does this too, but you can’t rest in battle).
    – Acid Splash (Master): Cut’s enemy Armor and number of Blocks in half, stacks with Warfare’s Shatter.

    Fire Magic
    – Fire Ward (Novice): Useful against elementals.
    – Burning Determination (Expert): Fully protects against Stun, Paralysis, and Sleep.
    – Inner Fire (Expert): Party-wide Might boost. Useful for secret doors and as a pre-boss buff.
    – Fire Blast (Master): Damages all enemies on the three tiles directly in front of you.
    – Fire Shield (Master): Damages enemies that hit your party. A useful pre-boss buff.
    – Fire Burst (Grandmaster): Tons of damage to all surrounding enemies, but very expensive.

    Light Magic
    – Celestial Armour (Novice): Godly damage-prevention spell.
    – Light Ward (Novice): Useful against elementals.
    – Cleansing Light (Expert): Curse doesn’t expire.
    – Heal (Expert): Single-target heal. Good for reviving a suddenly knocked-out character.
    – Radiant Weapon (Expert): Minor damage and prevents blocking.
    – Resurrection (Master): Revives a slain party member.
    – Heal Party (Master): Nowhere near as good as Regeneration, but useful in a pinch.

    Prime Magic
    – Arcane Ward (Novice): Stacks with the other wards.
    – Time Stasis (Novice): Can help you defeat enemies you’re not supposed to be facing yet.
    – Dispel Magic (Expert): Removes all positive/negative effects from your party, even exhaustion (though exhaustion effects will reappear on the next turn).
    – Heroic Destiny (Expert): Party-wide Destiny boost. A good pre-boss buff.
    – Identify (Expert): Not necessary, but very convenient and will save money in the early game.
    – Spirit Beacon (Master): Limited quick travel.
    – Hour of Power (Grandmaster): Party-wide Might/Magic and Melee/Ranged Attack boost. A good pre-boss buff.

    Water Magic
    – Consciousness (Novice): I’ve never had a character affected by Sleep, but it would be good to have just in case.
    – Ice Bolt (Novice): Single-target damage that reduces the number of enemy attacks.
    – Water Ward (Novice): Useful against elementals.
    – Circle of Winter (Expert): Damages all surrounding enemies and reduces their number of attacks.
    – Ice Prison (Expert): Can help you defeat enemies you’re not supposed to be facing yet.
    – Water Flows Freely (Expert): Paralysis doesn’t expire.
    – Blizzard (Master) – Cheap damage to a group of enemies that reduces their number of attacks.
    – Liquid Membrane (Master) – A damage-reduction spell.

    And I’ll close this with a guide of sorts regarding the order to visit various areas to get stuff as early as possible (a more in-depth version can be found over here):

    – Clear every nook and cranny of the entire outdoor area, heading to the Mysterious Crypt by the castle first.
    – Clear the Den of Thieves, but do not pick up the book (so that the secret-finding Hireling doesn’t leave you).
    – Clear the Lighthouse.
    – Go back to the den and pick up the book.
    – Clear Castle Portmeyron and the various elves out of the Elemental Forge (do not fight the Air/Light elementals).
    – Defeat the Earth Elemental boss.
    – Head directly for the next Mysterious Crypt west of Seahaven.
    – If you have enough money and a sword-user in your party try to upgrade to the +20 Earth damage swords the Seahaven shop usually sells.
    – There’s a hireling in the Seahaven Tavern that will drastically reduce shop prices that may help with the above.
    – Clear the couple of forest paths to the west of Seahaven.
    – If you have access to Sleep/Ice Prison/Time Stasis you can now do some boss hunting and clear out the three currently accessible Deadly Caves.
    – Depending on your ability layout and if you’ve gotten the new swords, you may also be able to break into the Desolate Wilds now.
    – First head through the Halloth Grove (avoiding any glowing Spiders you see).
    – The Grove can be reached by taking the path southwest of the Floating Tower west of Seahaven.
    – The Desolate Wilds entrance is guarded by four or so Orcs, so save and then try taking them out (Purge and Sleep come in handy here).
    – If you can kill them, head to the Desolate Wilds’ Deadly Cave near where you entered this area.
    – Stick to the northernmost tiles and you’ll now have an almost clear path west to The Crag (there’s another 3 or so Orcs and 3 Goblins on the way).
    – The Crag’s potion shop sells some of the the best spears, the weapon shop some of the best daggers, and the armor shop some of the best robes.
    – From there you’ll only have to take out one more group of Orcs/Goblins to get access to the Meteorite (which is a quest item that results in a very good sword Relic) and a Mysterious Crypt.
    – Head over to the bridge by the Axe Grandmaster Trainer next and try to break into the area around Karthal.
    – When you turn the corner to face the Black Mages, two War Dogs will attack from behind, so be aware of that.
    – If you can get through there, head south a bit a take out the next group of enemies which include a relatively easy Wolf-type boss.
    – You now have a clear path to Shadow Woods’ Mysterious Crypt and Deadly Cave, as well as the Tower of Enigma.
    – Clear out the path to the Lost City, which is northeast of the Observatory.
    – Stay as far south as possible while heading there to avoid some Black Fang enemies (which are very nasty).
    – Clear levels 1, 2, & 4 of the Lost City. Avoid Level 3, unless you can easily defeat the enemies that appear near the entrances to that area.
    – You should have the Water Shard now, so go defeat the Water Elemental at the Elemental Forge (use the Water Ward crystal by Sorpigal before traveling there).
    – Head northwest through the Marshes, west across the stream near the hut with the Potion-Selling Hireling, to reach the jungle.
    – A little ways into the jungle is another Deadly Cave (that contains a fantastic Medium Armor relic).
    – Now it’s time to see if you can get the Air Shard. Head back over to the Shadow Woods Mysterious Crypt.
    – Head south through the woods and you’ll come across two Black Fang enemies. If you can take them, good. If not then you’ll probably have to progress with the main quest for a bit.
    – Assuming they weren’t a problem, continue heading south until the beach curves to the east and you can see a group of naga.
    – Try to defeat them. If you have no real trouble with them, then you can go get the Air Shard now.
    – Head back to the Desolate Wilds and look for a cave guarded by a naga. Explore Lvl 2 (password is “swordfish”) to find the shard.
    – Go defeat the Air Elemental at the Elemental Forge to gain the ability to access the last two areas of the main map.
    – With them open, you can now finish the Obelisk and Dragon Shrine quests, and have access to the last Mysterious Crypt and Deadly Caves.
    – From that point on you can just do whatever.