• Tag Archives Fantasy
  • Prophet of the Dead, Ever After, & Slashback

    Prophet of the Dead is the fifth and final book in Richard Lee ByersBrotherhood of the Griffon series. It wraps up the Rashemen storyline while leaving Jhesri’s internal combustion issue hanging for a future series. It’s neither bad nor particularly notable.

    Ever After, by Kim Harrison, is the eleventh main entry in the Hollows universe. It has three primary features; finally giving some solid background information on the demons and revealing the exact relationship they had with the ancient elves, trimming the main cast down to manageable levels (though the way it was done in a particularly central case seemed a bit haphazard), and advancing Rachel’s relationship with Trent.

    Rob Thurman‘s most recent Cal Leandros novel, Slashback, curiously does not deal with the other Auphe hybrid at all. It instead focuses on a serial killer related to the brothers’ past. The key events in here are Cal and Niko learning that angels/demons actually do exist (which was shown in the Trickster series), Cal once again losing access to his gating ability, and the introduction of reincarnation. I’m not happy at all about those last two… particularly the reincarnation bit.

  • Baldur’s Gate 2: ToB Ascension

    I only, just now after years of having it installed, got around to playing through Throne of Bhaal with the BP Version of the Ascension Mod. It was not worth the effort.

    The default final battle is a slog, there’s no denying that. The Ascension final battle? Even more of a slog. Not only does it double down on the cheap plot-invincibility bullshit… it adds an extra battle. The default has you facing off against the various Elemental Princes interspersed with mini-fights against the Final Boss. The Ascension version has you facing off against a bunch of demon groupings (in place of the elementals) followed by a fight against the five earlier bosses plus Gromnir/Sarevok. When you kill some of them the Final Boss makes their appearance and starts attacking as well.

    Now if it just ended there it could definitely be seen as an improvement as the whole ‘repeated end boss fights’ bit in the default is beyond annoying. Unfortunately, once you get the Final Boss down to ‘near death’ they get scripted invincibility and do that whole default “recharging” bit, being instantly restored to full health. They do this twice… same as the default. So not only do you still have to face them repeatedly you have to do it with no rest breaks in-between while also re-defeating those five bosses from earlier. Total bullshit.

    What about the ‘improved’ boss battles though? Improved Yaga Shura is dumb. Having to sit around twiddling your thumbs for minutes on end waiting for plot invincibility to slowly wear off is not fun, it’s just a waste of time. Sendai suffers from the same issue; now you have to hack at her for 5+ minutes to finally whittle down her ludicrous plot-granted health buffer while she teleports between three locations. How is this fun or ‘tactical’? It’s just pointless busywork. The Gromnir, Abazigal, & Illasera fights seemed pretty much the same as I remembered them (perhaps they were overridden by SCSII?) while the Balthazar sequence was skipped due to talking him out of the fight (huge improvement).

    So yeah, one of two things is going to happen now:

    1) Uninstall Ascension and forget it exists.
    2) Edit the script so that the first ‘death’ kills the final boss, skipping the recharging bit.

  • Steel’s Edge, Undead to the World, & Lesser Evils

    Ilona Andrews‘ fourth Edge novel is allegedly the last centered on this particular cast of characters and it does a very good job wrapping up the loose ends from the previous two books. Namely Lark’s mental trauma and the mystery of where Rose’s father disappeared to. I think it may be my favorite out of the four, mainly because of the protagonist’s (a fallen healer) personality.

    Don DeBrandt’s Bloodhound Files series (as DD Barant) is unique among the multiple series I read in that I undoubtedly enjoy it while reading it, but somehow manage to forget nearly everything that had occurred in earlier books by the time the next installment arrives. This sixth book is no different, as despite my confusion in regards to what was going on (particularly acute as this one takes place in an alternate dimension) it ended up enjoyable anyway. The cliffhanger ending though? Not so much.

    The second of Erin M. EvansBrimstone Angels novels is interesting for feeling less like a story and more like a window into its characters’ lives. The series of events has a surprisingly natural flow to it and the only part that really feels contrived is Rhand’s interest in Farideh.

  • Xenoblade – Dolphin Setup

    Here are some things related to running Xenoblade on Dolphin since it took me a disturbingly long time to work them out.

    First off, you need a high base-speed processor. The number of cores is mostly irrelevant since Dolphin can only use two of them; meaning a 4-gig two-core will run it better than a 3-gig 8-core. Second of all… you need to not screw up your settings. The settings I finally ended up settling on that give only slight slowdown in some areas/battles (with an AMD FX-6100, GeForce GTX 460, and 8GB RAM) are:

    – OpenGL, 1920×1080, Auto, Use Fullscreen, Hide Mouse Curser, Render to main Window
    – 2x Native Resolution, No AA or Filtering, Scaled EFB Copy
    – Skip EFB Access, Texture, Fast, Disable, Fast Mipmaps, Disable Per-Pixel Depth, OpenMP Decoder
    – Load Custom Textures

    – Enable Dual Core, Enable Idle Skipping, Auto, JIT Recompiler
    – Use Panic Handlers
    – DSP HLE Emulation, DSound, 48000 Hz

    After you get things set-up so that you can actually play the game at higher-than-base resolution, you’ll want to go over here and grab some hi-res textures. The packs pretty much only cover the interface, but something is better than nothing.

    Also, here’s an altered version of the PS3 button pack from the first link made to fit my custom control scheme:

    Button Setup – Wiimote Classic Extension

    D-Pad Up = D-Pad Up
    D-Pad Down = D-Pad Down
    D-Pad Left = L1
    D-Pad Right = R1

    Left Stick = Left Stick
    Right Stick = Right Stick

    A = Square
    B = X
    X = Circle
    Y = R-Stick Button
    + = Triangle
    – = L-Stick Button

    L = L2
    R = R2
    ZL = Select
    ZR = Start