• Tag Archives Indexing
  • Indexing: Reflections & Wayward Children

    The second entry in Seanan McGuire’s Indexing series does not appear to have any reason to exist. Oh sure, the foreword says something about people asking “What came next” and that this was the answer… but basically nothing is resolved here, a few additional things are now unresolved, and it ends in pretty much the exact same place the first book did. Just skip it until/unless a third entry is ever written.

    Speaking of things that should be skipped: Wayward Children.

    I know better than to buy something just because I liked some of the creator’s other works. I know better. Worse, I even have a long history of bad experiences with young adult works by authors normally known for writing standard novels. And yet, I still bought the first four of these books and forced myself through them. There are so many negative things I could list about them, ranging from their physical length to their themes to their structure, but ultimately it’s probably best to keep it as succinct as possible and just say “They are young adult novels through and through”.

  • Indexing, Skin Game, & Some Other Books

    May as well get these out of the way while I’m updating things. Read them months ago and just couldn’t be bothered recording them.

    • Seanan McGuire‘s Indexing is pretty good. It’s a bit busy and the fairy tale elements are obviously contrived, yet it manages to work for the most part rather well.
    • The most recent Dresden Files installment, Skin Game, makes me start to seriously wonder what I ever liked about the series. To be fair I actually started wondering that last installment, but this one really drives the feeling home. The relationship between Dresden and Murphy, the light saber, his self-moral questioning… it’s all just cringe-worthy. There are a few notably well-done scenes, but for the most part it just seems incredibly juvenile.
    • The fourth book in Keri Arthur’s Nikki and Michael series is shockingly enough not awful. Rather, Kiss the Night Goodbye is merely average.
    • The Damask Circle series, also by Keri Arthur, ties into the above series. Its first three entries (Circle of Fire/Death/Desire) are all both episodic and more or less as painfully generic as a paranormal romance can be.
    • And finally we come to Cecy Robson, the author of the Weird Girls series. I found the first book to be one of the worst I’ve ever had the misfortune of reading, so of course (of course) the second and third ones were pre-ordered and showed up shortly after. The second, A Cursed Embrace, is so horrific I could not finish it… not even by skimming. In fact, it single-handily nearly destroyed my desire to ever pick up a paperback again. I flat-out refuse to so much as even open the third book.