• Tag Archives Kat Richardson
  • Possession, Twisted, & Exposed

    Possession is the eighth installment in Kat Richardson’s Greywalker series. After the reading sixth book, Downpour, I wasn’t planning on continuing this series… then Sea Witch arrived out of nowhere (apparently I blindly pre-ordered it) and it was enjoyable enough to reverse that decision. This one is much more like Downpour than Sea Witch; dry, not very interesting, and fairly detached. It feels more like reading a history student’s dissertation than a fantasy novel.

    I picked up two of Laura Griffin‘s Tracers novels basically on a whim, hoping a change from the urban fantasy genre might open up some new avenues. Sadly, both of these books (Twisted, Exposed) are structured remarkably similar to your generic one-shot paranormal romance novel. I was getting flashbacks to Gena Showalter‘s novels while reading them, and that’s not really a good thing if you’re looking for something on the realistic side.

    If you just want some spontaneous/forced romance (Twisted‘s isn’t as bad as Exposed‘s in this regard) tinged with a bit of excitement though, in the form of racing against the clock to stop a killer, then these books are pretty good at delivering just that.