• Tag Archives Michelle Sagara
  • CAST IN ETERNITY & Solo Leveling #6

    Michelle Sagara‘s follow-up to Cast in Conflict decides to greatly expand the backstory on a previously minor side character. While initially this seems like a baffling decision, it eventually pays off with the introduction of several new ancient entities. As a plus, the level of metaphysical technobabble manages to stay on the restrained side of things.

    The sixth Solo Leveling novel picks up right from where the last left off and centers itself around combat. Both with magical beasts and even some hunters. Basically, this book appears to mark the turning point between focusing on dungeons and focusing on particularly strong individual enemies.

  • House War #4-8

    The fourth House War book picks up right from the point Jewel left the narrative of the Sun Sword series. And if you haven’t read that series you will definitely end up lost here.

    It and the fifth book are pretty similar in style to the better of those novels so there’s not really much to complain about with either aside from the ever-stronger parallels to the author‘s Elantra franchise. I’ve never really understood why authors will write multiple ongoing stories concurrently since they will almost inevitably bleed into one another.

    Oracle being a good example. This is where things start to seriously diverge from the Sun Sword narrative and become ever more Elantran, with a heavy metaphysical focus. The other key difference with this book is that Jewel gets shunted into a tertiary role while Jester and Finch take center stage.

    Once again, if the foreword is to be believed, the series finale was split into two books. The first, Firstborn, is a bait & switch. The cover and synopsis give the impression the focus will be on Carver/Ellerson, but it’s not. They have about as much page time as Jewel did in the previous entry. Instead it primarily concerns itself with Jewel’s mostly pointless metaphysical travels. Frankly, both Carver’s situation and this book in general both come across as filler. There’s not much to justify either’s existence.

    With that out of the way the action finally reaches its climax in War. I can see what they were going for here, but there are so many points of view to jump between that instead of building tension it just builds exasperation. If this were to be made into a live action series you would have to do a 5-way split screen to properly ramp things up, and that’s just not possible to do (at the length this requires) in text format. That said, the end result certainly isn’t as disappointing as Sun Sword‘s; aside from the catalyst for Jewel’s decision events conclude fairly well.

  • The Riven Shield & The Sun Sword

    The fifth book in Michelle Sagara/West‘s Sun Sword series was allegedly supposed to be the last, if the foreword can be believed. Curiously though it does not come across as the first half of a whole or as something unnaturally extended. It’s remarkably self-contained in its momentum and makes the long, long lead-up worth the time spent.

    The follow-up, however, isn’t anywhere near as good. It barely even feels related. There’s a disjointedness about it along with a lack of decisiveness… rather than being concluded, events merely feel delayed. It’s very anti-climatic in practically all ways.

    Well, here’s hoping the rest of the House War series makes something of it.

  • The Shining Court & Sea of Sorrows

    The third entry in Michelle Sagara‘s Sun Sword series introduces what readers of her Elantra series will be well familiar with: Abstract mysticism.

    To be honest, at this late date, I don’t remember much about it besides that it was okayish. The reason for this is the follow-up, Sea of Sorrows.

    I do not think it’s ever taken me so long to finish a book. A chapter here, a chapter there, over the course of… months? I don’t even know. The book isn’t bad per se, it’s just that the newfound mysticism element combined with the (possibly e-book specific) visual issue of perspective breaks no longer being double-spaced results in an experience lacking engagement. And the clinical sort of vibe around it that lasts up until the last few chapters certainly doesn’t help. Hopefully the remaining two books in the series pick up the pace.

  • The Broken Crown & The Uncrowned King

    Prologue aside, The Broken Crown takes place ~16 years after the author‘s third House War book. As it was written over a decade earlier, jumping from that novel to this one results in a few continuity-related oddities where Jewel’s past is concerned.

    Which ends up not much of an issue at all since very little of the story is told from her point of view. Instead it’s set in the southern lands, focusing on a rotating cast of characters each with different goals. Aside from that lack of protagonist what makes this book stand out is a persistent aura of dread; both the first and last third are thick with the suspicion that everything is about to go wrong for the characters who have managed to find some semblance of happiness. And it does, yet when the implied events finally occur they somehow end up feeling… mundane?

    The Uncrowned King on the other hand is set in the Empire and has Jewel as one of the main point of view characters. It’s much closer in structure and mood to those early House War entries than Broken Crown, which makes the backstory differences a bit more jarring (it also makes it easier to read for extended periods). The only real complaint I have is how it ends up treating Kiriel. Her heritage, power, and struggle against that heritage are everything that makes her interesting, everything that sets her apart from the other characters. Why would you go and throw all that away to deus ex machina her into a (mostly) powerless human?

  • House War #1-3

    Michelle Sagara‘s House War series starts off both reminiscent of and extremely different than her Elantra series.

    The first book (The Hidden City), though it certainly doesn’t shy away from dark/explicit topics or events, in general tells the uplifting story of someone building something for themselves after having lost almost everything. You can see hints of Elantra‘s Kaylin and Severn in the two protagonists and a bit of similarity in the layout of the cities, but for the most part the world and characters created here stand on their own. What really sets it apart from that series though is that it never gets bogged down in metaphysics or abstracts.

    City of Night follows it in much the same way The Empire Strikes Back followed its prequel… which is to say that it tears down much of what Hidden City built up. This is a very dark book centered on both despair and necessary sacrifice. While it ends on what could be considered an optimistic note, the actual path traveled to get there is littered with loss.

    The third then decides to strike a mood balanced between the two previous entries. Again we have a tale focused on building a new life from the ashes of an old one, but one interspersed with quite a bit of frustration and some trauma (although it’s mostly side characters facing the trauma here rather than the central group). Ultimately I think it wraps things up too well. Too conveniently. While I’m glad to not have a repeat of Elantra‘s re-occurring etiquette and social class subplots, having everyone fit in so well strains credibility.

    It will be interesting to see both how this will get to where it needs to get to match its prophesized events and how well it ends up integrating with the author’s earlier Sun Sword series.

  • Over the Woodward Wall & CAST IN CONFLICT

    I’m unsure why Over the Woodward Wall, written under the alias A. Deborah Baker, is not a part of Seanan McGuire‘s Wayward Children series. In all ways that matter it’s pretty much identical to those books… so why did she invent a new alias just for this? To trick people who hated that series into thinking it would be more like Middlegame instead?

    Whatever the reason, I’d suggest avoiding it unless you love Wayward Children and/or enjoy paying $12 for less than 200 pages of story.

    Michelle Sagara‘s 16th Elantra novel goes in an unexpected direction from where Cast in Wisdom left off. I had thought it would focus on the protagonist learning to read her marks, but it instead centers on semi-completing Bellusdeo’s character arc and reducing the number of directionless Cohort members laying about. Though to be fair it also introduces a new character who looks like they’ll help quite a bit in the ‘deciphering marks’ department.

    So it’s… more of the same I suppose? Which, at least as far as I’m concerned, is a good thing.

  • Cast In Wisdom & A Killing Frost

    Back in Cast In Oblivion you may remember that the protagonist finally decided to learn more about how to use her powers. Well, the 15th book (not including Cast In Moonlight) in Michelle Sagara‘s Chronicles of Elantra series take the necessary step of introducing a new location filled with characters who can advance that goal. It ends up one of the better installments (despite a continued lack of weight to the action scenes) thanks to both not getting bogged down in metaphysics and Kaylin’s continuing maturation as a character; for those saying she never changes you really need to read the first book (Cast In Shadow) again and then realize that less than 2 years have passed since then.

    Seanan McGuire’s A Killing Frost, the 14th October Daye entry, also advances its goal… far more than I thought it would after the meandering prequel. Not only is the titular ‘Search for Simon’ subplot resolved, but one of the series’ major overarching plotlines gets spontaneously resolved as well. Perhaps a bit too spontaneously. Presumably that event will be examined in more detail in the future, put aside here as it was in favor of wrapping up Simon’s arc, and I hope the author can come up with a believable enough justification for it.

    As for the bonus novella included within: It’s a perfectly fine prequel focusing on the Lordens’ relationship with Simon, which adds some useful context to Killing Frost‘s developments.

  • Cast In Oblivion & Guild Hunter #6-11

    The fourteenth entry in Michelle Sagara‘s Elantra series resolves the long-simmering subplot regarding the Barrani’s Test of Name and, far more importantly, gives indication that Kaylin is finally ready to research how to consciously use the powers at her disposal for more than healing. There are many directions the series can go from here, but I hope it continues to advance the ‘main’ storyline involving the Dragon outcast.

    Nalini Singh’s Guild Hunter series is one that I initially loved, but which eventually fell out of favor as the books became more episodic and overly similar to her Psy-Changling series in content. Picking the series back up on a whim turned out to be a good idea:

    • Archangel’s Legion – While the number of sex scenes is certainly overwhelming and/or gratuitous, the character interactions and notable advancement of the central Cascade-related plotline makes it all worthwhile.
    • Archangel’s Shadows – The seventh book slips back into episodic territory… but not completely; though primarily focused on the development of the secondary pairing it does not forget about Elena/Raphael. The number of sex scenes being drastically reduced is a happy bonus.
    • Archangel’s Enigma – Continues the trend of the previous entry fairly seamlessly. It does feel uncomfortably similar to the aforementioned Psy-Changling novels though.
    • Archangel’s Heart – The focus shifts back to Elena/Raphael and the Cascade here, going well out of its way to tie in Elena’s family history. Putting the highly questionable level of contrivance aside the mix of content manages to almost fully recapture the spark of series’ early entries. It unfortunately does nothing to allay my growing concern over the increasing number of lifebond pairings though.
    • Archangel’s Viper – A massive step backward, this book is basically everything that made me drop the series in the first place. Being almost wholly episodic (taking place during the same time period as the previous novel) is bad enough, worse is that the relationship does not develop in even a remotely believable manner. At least the Uram-corruption subplot is finally resolved.
    • Archangel’s Prophecy – Such whiplash. Completely different from Viper, Prophecy goes all-in on the Cascade and ends up perfectly recreating the feeling of Angels’ Blood. I’m now more than a little annoyed the next book won’t be released until September.

  • Chronicles of Elantra #10-13

    Michelle Sagara’s Chronicles of Elantra series is a bit different than most in that rather than a collection of related stories it’s more like one continuous story; the breaks between books are not much different from the breaks between chapters. As a result it can occasionally be somewhat frustrating to read, due to creating the illusion that the character development should be greater than it is.

    Cast in Flame isn’t as abstract as the previous book in the series, and I’m immensely thankful for that. That said, the whole ‘heart of the house’ activation scene felt like a copy-paste of the Tiamaris claiming. The follow-up, Cast in Honor, is on the borderline when it comes to abstraction and features some interesting developments regarding both the shadow and Bellusdeo.

    Cast in Flight is one of the more stand-alone books, which is to say that its central plotline is relatively self-contained and it doesn’t really leave any major loose-ends behind. It’s a nice change of pace after the previous two entries. The 13th book on the other hand both leaves several major loose ends dangling and starts off badly. Very badly. It’s not until about a third of the way through that events and character behavior become less… grating. But they do indeed get better and I’m definitely looking forward to the continuation.