• Tag Archives Might & Magic
  • Gaming Update

    I posted these elsewhere, starting way back on July 23, but may as well cross-post here for consolidation purposes and ease-of-access:



    Just started playing Ys Chronicles in preparation for watching Minna Atsumare! Falcom Gakuen. It was cheap on GOG a while back so I thought “Why not?”.

    Looks very good. Very modern, quite Anime. We’ll see how the gameplay is.



    Ys Chronicles‘ gameplay is a little tricky. Having to run into the enemy at just the right angle is kind of a pain. Normal map monsters seem to be weak enough that this isn’t really much of an issue, but boss fights (based on the one boss I’ve encountered so far) appear to be bullshit.

    The boss itself wasn’t very strong, but the area you have to fight him in is full of flaming death that’s pretty much impossible to avoid if you want to hit him. So the fight basically boiled down to hoping my attacks would kill him before the flames killed me (since healing is limited while in battle).

    Hopefully most boss fights aren’t like that, as Touhou-like frame-based sprite-dodging is not my forté. The second boss was a lot easier at least; no environmental hazards to worry about.



    Remaining Ys I Bosses: The vampire is incredibly annoying, the mantis is a pushover, the molten rock thing is a pain, the twin heads start out hard but quickly become simple, and the final boss is bullet hell incarnate. 30 or so minutes of thumb-bruising flailing about to get just the right sequence of hits in.

    That 25-floor tower is also just plain tedious, what with the backtracking and the fact that you’ve almost certainly hit max level before even entering it. At least the floors are small.

    Such relief now that that’s over. On to Ys II.



    Ys II is far better balanced than the prequel.

    – Normal map enemies are more deadly and stay that way significantly longer, meaning that even with 6 levels on them they can kill you if you’re especially careless.
    – Bosses aren’t particularly annoying and can be beat without having to have excessive twitch-gamer skills.
    – The level cap is much higher and won’t be reached until nearly the very end of the game, and only then with time spent grinding. So killing things never feels useless.
    – The ending credits scroll faster and there’s stuff going on in the background so that watching them no longer seems like a punishment for winning.

    With that duology now out of the way, I think I’m going to move on to Suikoden IV next. Already completed III and V some time ago, but had skipped IV due to some of the criticisms leveled against it (mainly reduced party size & grindy travel). Time to see how accurate those complaints are.

    Update: Protagonist is ugly and the ship controls are awful. Annoying.



    Finished Suikoden IV. It was… not so great really. Okayish I guess, but rather small/short, annoying with all the random encounters, and the ending is kind of spontaneous.

    Going to try Suikoden Tactics now (which appears to effectively be a storyline sequel to Suikoden IV) before maybe moving on to Phantom Brave.



    So I’m reading this FAQ covering Suikoden Tactics, and in the introduction it goes on about how this is one of the easier sRPGs to get into. Said it’s easier than Final Fantasy Tactics and less complex than Disgaea.

    Less complex than Disgaea I will give it, but it does not seem to be easier than FFT. There’s tons of enemies on the maps, magic points can’t be recovered in battle and there don’t seem to be any infinite-use active abilities, the equivalent of FFT‘s Job Propositions require certain (hidden) character attribute scores in order to succeed, neither character class nor weapon type can be changed, there’s the constant threat of environmental terrain hazards, and you don’t get immediate access to any re-visitable training maps.

    It gives me a sort of Tactics Ogre vibe really. A less complex Tactics Ogre. And that relative lack of complexity is what actually makes it harder… since you have less methods available to you to accomplish your goals.



    Suikoden Tactics now finished, it gets quite a bit easier once you get access to the repeatable ‘Hunt Monsters’ maps. You can pretty quickly outlevel the storyline enemies by just doing a couple of those and the “Gather # Items” quests. At that point the lack of variety in the combat abilities really starts to bite, as the vast majority of the characters are interchangeable. The plot developments aren’t anything all that exciting either… though the ending does contain a nice reveal.

    Suikoden Tierkreis is up next, which will complete the franchise (the newer Gensou ones for the PSP have not been translated, and so I’m not counting them).



    Finished Tierkreis a bit earlier today. It’s surprisingly robust for being on a handheld, and fits in with the other Suikoden games well (bad voice acting and all). The difficulty level is pretty low overall, though things got a bit dicey with the final boss when it decided to use its ultimate attack 3 times in a row.

    Not sure what’s going to be next. Possibly Titan Quest, but I just grabbed Heroes of Might and Magic IIIV plus Chronicles from the GOG Ubisoft sale a little while ago and so may go with them instead. Of those four I’ve only played V before, long ago when it first came out, but abandoned it on the final level (which was unnecessarily complex).



    Decided to go with neither and play through the Quest for Glory series (which was picked up at the GOG summer sale) instead. Had only played/completed the 5th installment before.



    QfG 1-3 complete, but ended up stalled starting 4. Why? Because of the Might and Magic Humble Bundle, which included a starter set for Duel of Champions (which is sort of like a more restrictive Magic: the Gathering Online). Played it quite a bit back in the day and had around 3000 cards before losing interest. Now there are 4 completely new sets and tons of new achievements to unlock (achievements grant free in-game money, cards, and packs) so I’m getting back into it.

    Referral link for that is: JKAYGA.


  • Might & Magic X: Legacy – Falcon & Unicorn DLC

    This first DLC is very… unforgiving. Also somewhat badly designed.

    It’s split into two parts. The first takes place in a prison where you’re stripped of your equipment and hirelings, forced to do a semi-tedious ‘stealth’ sequence, and then fight through a bunch of enemies and two bosses using crappy white/green equipment. The second takes place in a fairly normal and decently sized dungeon with a large number of enemies to mow down.

    The first half is brutal. Insanely brutal for any party that doesn’t have anyone that can cast Sleep and Burning Determination, and just normal brutal for those that do. The first problem is of course your lack of equipment. Depending on how you built your party (+Mana/+Health equipment instead of points in Vitality/Spirit) this alone can destroy you. The next is the status effects (Feeblemind and Sleep) that the enemies here can inflict on you; without Burning Determination Sleep will decimate you, and the only way to cure Feeblemind is with Expert Air magic or resting… and you have access to next to no supplies here.

    The final problem is the two bosses. The first boss is an insanely beefed-up Blackfang Thug (he can cast 250+ damage Fireballs) backed by two slightly beefed-up Blackfang Thugs. Without Sleep or a full-Mage with something like Implosion this battle is extremely difficult and may actually be effectively impossible (with an all-Might party for instance). The second is a Mage who can put people to Sleep, casts a new Light Magic spell that deals 250+ damage to each party member, and even heal himself. He also gets a free action the moment you open the door.

    If you defeat that second boss you can get your equipment back and return to the main world map. From there you now have the option of traveling to the second half of the DLC whenever you want (which is a massive improvement compared to forcing you into it as the first half did). The DLC’s second half is pretty straight-forward; kill everything that you see while exploring for loot. The only tricky part could be the optional Griffon boss, as it may Chain Lightning you into oblivion a few times.

    I honestly can’t recommend using this DLC unless you only want to play with optimized Freemage-dependent parties and/or are willing to cheat past the cheaper parts of the prison section (by editing a spell/ability to do massive damage for instance).

  • Might & Magic X: Legacy

    This RPG is a throwback to first-person RPGs of old. While the obvious comparison would be earlier Might & Magic games… I have never played those and so instead liken it to the old TSR D&D games (i.e. Menzoberranzan, Strahd’s Possession, Stone Prophet).

    Let me get some important links out of the way before going further:

    Interactive Map
    Secret Door Locations
    Puzzle/Trainer/Relic Information (largely based off of the information found in this Riddle/Puzzle/Trainer Guide)

    Another thing to get out of the way right now is a rather common and annoying ‘bug’:

    The game does a single online check to make sure you have the full version before unlocking the path to Chapter 2. If this check does not take place, then the Griffin Rider will have a dialog option grayed-out and the Sentinel blocking the bridge to the second town will never be removed. Both of these have work-arounds (editing the dialog file and using the horse-travel option), but it’s easiest to just make sure the check takes place. To see whether this connection issue is affecting you, simply go into the ‘Extras’ menu from the Title Screen, then click on ‘Bonus Content’, and finally the ‘Redeem Code’ button. If it says “Invalid Code” you’re good, while if it says “Connection Issues” then your firewall is probably blocking the game/launcher and you should fix that.

    Now, on to the gameplay:

    The first thing to be aware of when playing this if you’re more familiar with modern RPGs is that the learning curve is a bit unforgiving. If you’ve built your party ‘wrong’ or don’t know the quirks of the combat system it’s entirely possible to have one of your weaker characters get killed by a simple spider hiding in a barrel right off the boat. Another important thing is to actually read what quest-givers are saying. There’s a lot of stuff that’s only mentioned in dialog which will become necessary/helpful later.

    Some basic advice to get you started is to fully explore the town, talk/enter all the white dots/squares on your minimap (checking the top of the screen after entering a building to see if there’s multiple people to talk to), and open any chests you find (but not barrels). After the walk around you should have three new quests, a new follower (the girl from the Church), and enough money to go into the Armor Shop and buy a few pieces of basic head/hand/foot armor for your characters.

    At this point you can go open up those barrels. If you have difficulty killing the spiders that will pop out of two of them, you may wish to re-think your party makeup or character builds. Some things to be aware of:

    – You need an Elf, Orc, and Dwarf in your party to enter all areas (each has a race-specific area).
    – Mages should only put points in Magic.
    – Fighters should never put points in Magic/Spirit.
    – Your Mage(s) should have access to either novice Light Magic or master Water Magic (preferably both).
    – Someone should have access to novice Earth Magic.
    – Someone should have access to expert Fire Magic.
    – Try to have different weapon specialties for each character.
    – You’ll want one character focused in Magic, one in Might, and one in Perception in order to open all the secret doors.
    – Do not be stingy with resting/potions.

    To explain the above, you’ll pick up a ton of potions to refill your mana over the course of the game and potions/supplies/scrolls are basically the only things you’ll want to spend money on mid-late game. Add to that the existence of +Mana equipment and there’s no need to waste your Mage’s points on Spirit. Light Magic gives you the Celestial Armor spell which blocks a set amount of damage, master Water Magic gets you the Liquid Membrane spell which reduces all incoming damage by a certain percentage, Earth Magic gets you the Regeneration healing spell, and expert Fire Magic gets you the Burning Determination spell which blocks most harmful status effects.

    If you have Celestial Armor on a Mage, then you can likely get by with never putting an attribute point into Vitality (note however that the main quest requires you to have someone with 20 Vitality to proceed; there is a Relic available which grants +10 Vitality when fully upgraded that will help out here). Where to put your Fighter’s points is somewhat inexact. A general guideline would be: 3/1 Might/Destiny for 2H users, 2/1/1 Might/Destiny/Perception for non-dagger Dual-Wielders, 3/1 Destiny/Perception for dagger Dual-Wielders, and 3/1 Perception/Destiny for Ranged users.

    Next up is a quick rundown on the more useful Spells:

    Air Magic
    – Air Ward (Novice): Useful against elementals.
    – Clear Mind (Expert): Cures Feeblemind (Resting does this too, but you can’t rest in battle).
    – Eagle Eye (Expert): Party-wide Perception boost. Useful for secret doors and as a pre-boss buff.
    – Lightning Bolt (Expert): Solid single-target damage to non-humans.
    – Chain Lightning (Master): Tons of damage for little mana to a group of enemies.
    – Cyclone (Master): Good against Damage Reflect. Can be used to trigger combat from a safe location.
    – Thunderstorm (Grandmaster): Good against Damage Reflect.

    Dark Magic
    – Darkness Ward (Novice): Useful against ghosts/specters, dark mages, and those beholder-like enemies.
    – Shadow Cloak (Novice): The first incoming attack auto-misses. Good pre-boss buff and can make you invincible in certain situations.
    – Whispering Shadows (Novice): Reveals secret doors.
    – Purge (Expert): Removes enemy buffs.
    – Sleep (Expert): Fantastic disabling spell that will help get you into places you shouldn’t be yet.
    – Agony (Master): Great when combined with a dual-wielding dagger user.

    Earth Magic
    – Cure Poison (Novice): Poison doesn’t expire.
    – Earth Ward (Novice): Useful against elementals and venomous creatures.
    – Regeneration (Novice): Fantastic party-wide healing spell.
    – Poison Spray (Expert): Deals damage over time (bosses are immune though) and reduces Evade.
    – Stone Skin (Expert): Party-wide Armor boost. A semi-useful pre-boss buff.
    – Strength of the Earth (Expert): Cures Weakness (Resting does this too, but you can’t rest in battle).
    – Acid Splash (Master): Cut’s enemy Armor and number of Blocks in half, stacks with Warfare’s Shatter.

    Fire Magic
    – Fire Ward (Novice): Useful against elementals.
    – Burning Determination (Expert): Fully protects against Stun, Paralysis, and Sleep.
    – Inner Fire (Expert): Party-wide Might boost. Useful for secret doors and as a pre-boss buff.
    – Fire Blast (Master): Damages all enemies on the three tiles directly in front of you.
    – Fire Shield (Master): Damages enemies that hit your party. A useful pre-boss buff.
    – Fire Burst (Grandmaster): Tons of damage to all surrounding enemies, but very expensive.

    Light Magic
    – Celestial Armour (Novice): Godly damage-prevention spell.
    – Light Ward (Novice): Useful against elementals.
    – Cleansing Light (Expert): Curse doesn’t expire.
    – Heal (Expert): Single-target heal. Good for reviving a suddenly knocked-out character.
    – Radiant Weapon (Expert): Minor damage and prevents blocking.
    – Resurrection (Master): Revives a slain party member.
    – Heal Party (Master): Nowhere near as good as Regeneration, but useful in a pinch.

    Prime Magic
    – Arcane Ward (Novice): Stacks with the other wards.
    – Time Stasis (Novice): Can help you defeat enemies you’re not supposed to be facing yet.
    – Dispel Magic (Expert): Removes all positive/negative effects from your party, even exhaustion (though exhaustion effects will reappear on the next turn).
    – Heroic Destiny (Expert): Party-wide Destiny boost. A good pre-boss buff.
    – Identify (Expert): Not necessary, but very convenient and will save money in the early game.
    – Spirit Beacon (Master): Limited quick travel.
    – Hour of Power (Grandmaster): Party-wide Might/Magic and Melee/Ranged Attack boost. A good pre-boss buff.

    Water Magic
    – Consciousness (Novice): I’ve never had a character affected by Sleep, but it would be good to have just in case.
    – Ice Bolt (Novice): Single-target damage that reduces the number of enemy attacks.
    – Water Ward (Novice): Useful against elementals.
    – Circle of Winter (Expert): Damages all surrounding enemies and reduces their number of attacks.
    – Ice Prison (Expert): Can help you defeat enemies you’re not supposed to be facing yet.
    – Water Flows Freely (Expert): Paralysis doesn’t expire.
    – Blizzard (Master) – Cheap damage to a group of enemies that reduces their number of attacks.
    – Liquid Membrane (Master) – A damage-reduction spell.

    And I’ll close this with a guide of sorts regarding the order to visit various areas to get stuff as early as possible (a more in-depth version can be found over here):

    – Clear every nook and cranny of the entire outdoor area, heading to the Mysterious Crypt by the castle first.
    – Clear the Den of Thieves, but do not pick up the book (so that the secret-finding Hireling doesn’t leave you).
    – Clear the Lighthouse.
    – Go back to the den and pick up the book.
    – Clear Castle Portmeyron and the various elves out of the Elemental Forge (do not fight the Air/Light elementals).
    – Defeat the Earth Elemental boss.
    – Head directly for the next Mysterious Crypt west of Seahaven.
    – If you have enough money and a sword-user in your party try to upgrade to the +20 Earth damage swords the Seahaven shop usually sells.
    – There’s a hireling in the Seahaven Tavern that will drastically reduce shop prices that may help with the above.
    – Clear the couple of forest paths to the west of Seahaven.
    – If you have access to Sleep/Ice Prison/Time Stasis you can now do some boss hunting and clear out the three currently accessible Deadly Caves.
    – Depending on your ability layout and if you’ve gotten the new swords, you may also be able to break into the Desolate Wilds now.
    – First head through the Halloth Grove (avoiding any glowing Spiders you see).
    – The Grove can be reached by taking the path southwest of the Floating Tower west of Seahaven.
    – The Desolate Wilds entrance is guarded by four or so Orcs, so save and then try taking them out (Purge and Sleep come in handy here).
    – If you can kill them, head to the Desolate Wilds’ Deadly Cave near where you entered this area.
    – Stick to the northernmost tiles and you’ll now have an almost clear path west to The Crag (there’s another 3 or so Orcs and 3 Goblins on the way).
    – The Crag’s potion shop sells some of the the best spears, the weapon shop some of the best daggers, and the armor shop some of the best robes.
    – From there you’ll only have to take out one more group of Orcs/Goblins to get access to the Meteorite (which is a quest item that results in a very good sword Relic) and a Mysterious Crypt.
    – Head over to the bridge by the Axe Grandmaster Trainer next and try to break into the area around Karthal.
    – When you turn the corner to face the Black Mages, two War Dogs will attack from behind, so be aware of that.
    – If you can get through there, head south a bit a take out the next group of enemies which include a relatively easy Wolf-type boss.
    – You now have a clear path to Shadow Woods’ Mysterious Crypt and Deadly Cave, as well as the Tower of Enigma.
    – Clear out the path to the Lost City, which is northeast of the Observatory.
    – Stay as far south as possible while heading there to avoid some Black Fang enemies (which are very nasty).
    – Clear levels 1, 2, & 4 of the Lost City. Avoid Level 3, unless you can easily defeat the enemies that appear near the entrances to that area.
    – You should have the Water Shard now, so go defeat the Water Elemental at the Elemental Forge (use the Water Ward crystal by Sorpigal before traveling there).
    – Head northwest through the Marshes, west across the stream near the hut with the Potion-Selling Hireling, to reach the jungle.
    – A little ways into the jungle is another Deadly Cave (that contains a fantastic Medium Armor relic).
    – Now it’s time to see if you can get the Air Shard. Head back over to the Shadow Woods Mysterious Crypt.
    – Head south through the woods and you’ll come across two Black Fang enemies. If you can take them, good. If not then you’ll probably have to progress with the main quest for a bit.
    – Assuming they weren’t a problem, continue heading south until the beach curves to the east and you can see a group of naga.
    – Try to defeat them. If you have no real trouble with them, then you can go get the Air Shard now.
    – Head back to the Desolate Wilds and look for a cave guarded by a naga. Explore Lvl 2 (password is “swordfish”) to find the shard.
    – Go defeat the Air Elemental at the Elemental Forge to gain the ability to access the last two areas of the main map.
    – With them open, you can now finish the Obelisk and Dragon Shrine quests, and have access to the last Mysterious Crypt and Deadly Caves.
    – From that point on you can just do whatever.