• Tag Archives RPG
  • ESO – 2 Month Mark

    With the second month of ESO+ having just expired, it seems like a good as time as any to take a break from the game to focus on some other stuff.

    At this point I’ve cleared all content up through the Summerset chapter (apart from the Trials, which I’ve decided to skip due to lack of automated matchmaking, and Blackrose Prison), maxed out all weapon, armor, crafting, guild, & world skill lines (besides werewolf), acquired all pack/bank slots, and reached Champion Level 659.

    Only thing I regret is not getting into the card game earlier (currently only rank 5). It gives so, so many crafting materials as rewards for playing it’s not even funny; legendary ones can even show up in the consolation prize. Just a massive missed opportunity there.

    I’ll probably go back sometime after FFXIV‘s next major patch to finish up the remaining story chapters, though I don’t think this will be a game I’ll be playing long-term. There’s a certain lack of variety that comes from only being able to slot 5 abilities at a time, the trading system is just flat-out horrific, and it kind of pisses me off how incredibly unbalanced the PvP situation is.

  • The Elder Scrolls -ONLINE-

    Picked this game up on a whim a little over a week ago after seeing it mentioned a new expansion was just released and noticing it had no monthly fees.

    The good news, for fans of the series anyway, is it plays exactly like a single-player Elder Scrolls game. The quests you can pick up are on par with those games as well rather than the expected ‘go here and kill/collect x’, a significant number of them with actual roleplaying choices.

    The bad news is that since it doesn’t have a mandatory monthly fee, it’s completely inundated with microtransactions. You’ll be rather frequently pressured to buy things like lootboxes and quality of life upgrades (like extra build slots, more inventory space, or portable shops) with real money. The small silver lining there is that the game’s optional monthly fee (ESO+) gives you an equivalent amount of premium currency to spend on that stuff in addition to its normal benefits.

    Speaking of, I strongly suggest grabbing at least one month’s worth of ESO+ if you end up enjoying the start of the game. There’s one main reason for this: The Crafting Bag. This provides infinite storage for all crafting materials. It will be absolutely necessary until you’ve gotten enough money to expand your inventory and bank space a decent amount. Access to all optional DLC is certainly nice, but not necessary at the start (once you’ve gotten to max loot drop level it’s a different story however).

    Aside from that, new players should also pick up the two free DLC immediately (Imperial City and Armory) and place the Armory item in your starter apartment. This item, if used correctly, will provide free character resets (which normally cost thousands of gold). While you only get two slots by default (getting more requires paying real money), that’s enough to make the first slot a ‘blank’ one with no skills/attributes learned while the second one can be whatever. I’d personally suggest a dedicated crafting build.

    Assuming you picked up the full game rather than just the ‘basic’ version (and you should’ve, since it costs more to upgrade later) another good thing to immediately do is pick up the Excavation skill and join the Psijic Order. The former because that’s the only way to get Mythic items and you’ll want to start leveling it immediately, and the latter because it will both help with leveling Excavation and grants access to the various Psijic caches scattered about (you should pick up the Thieves’ Guild skill line as well, if you decided to grab ESO+, for a similar reason).

    So. That’s all the fun stuff out of the way. Now the issues, of which for me at least there are mainly two:

    • 1) The player trading system is garbage. You need a third party tool/website to find anything, and you can’t sell anything unless you’re in a player-run guild (with at least 50 people) who’s paid to have a merchant spot somewhere.
    • 2) Researching traits for crafting takes forever. We’re talking days once you get to the fourth trait or so… presumably so they can sell more research boost microtransactions.


    Originally I had wanted to play this game when it first came out, but it was console-exclusive for a while and I haven’t played on one of those since the PS2 era. Then I sort of forgot about it while waiting for the PC port until suddenly remembering it last month.

    The game starts out quite good but somewhat quickly runs into a rather severe issue: Fate Ghosts. They’re terrible. They accomplish nothing beyond degrading the story and character behavior, so I guess the devs just really wanted a big set-piece endgame fight to go out on and couldn’t think of a better way to implement it.

    I wasn’t particularly thrilled by the combat system either. If you’re going to do real-time battles you should not force people to switch between characters during those battles in order to hit enemies’ weaknesses (or force you to use abilities for multiple characters concurrently for that matter). It’s just a giant pain in the ass and I was already tired of it by the fourth chapter.

    Normally this would be where I’d say that I won’t bother playing the next game in the series… but since the ghosts will presumably be absent it may just end up tolerable. Guess we’ll have to wait and see.

  • Fairy Fencer F: Advent Dark Force

    I bought this game sometime last year for… whatever reason… and only got to playing it earlier this year. While it was okayish at first, by the time things opened up with a full party of characters I’d mostly lost interest. And by this point it seems pretty clear I won’t be going back to it.

    Basically, what it reminded me most of (despite having a different combat system and little romance) was the Agarest War series. An inferior Agarest whose character interactions, amazingly enough, somehow come across as cringier than the fanservice in that game. Visually it’s also notably lacking with a bizarre mecha-like aesthetic that’s applied rather inconsistently. I guess it’s supposed to be a post-apocalyptic setting?

    Those issues of course could be forgiven if the gameplay were engaging; it’s not. It is in fact rather boring with not much in the way of either enemy or attack variety. A problem only compounded by the grind necessary to collect ingredient items or quest targets.

    So yeah, this is not a game I can recommended in any respect. Just go play Agarest 2 or the Neptunia games instead. They do the same sorts of thing better.

  • Final Fantasy XIV – Sixth through Eighth Characters

    First off, let me just get it out of the way that I do not ever recommend anyone creating more than five characters tops. Honestly, since the Data Center travel function got implemented there’s not really much reason to go higher than four (one for each location cluster). So then why did I create eight? Boredom. Completionism. OCD. Take your pick.

    The first of the ‘tertiary’ characters (who will stop advancing the main quest just after unlocking Purple Crafting scripts) was created on the Oceanian DC cluster primarily because I wanted to see just how poor a ‘poor’ server connection was. As it so happens it’s not all that bad at all. I wouldn’t want to play Samurai or bleeding-edge savage raids on it, but generally it’s only really noticeable in how little time you have to react to telegraphed AoE attacks.

    Aside from that the only things to be aware of are that Alliance Raid roulette is pretty dead most of the time (good luck getting anything other than Crystal Tower to fire), Shadowbringers 8-man raids take quite some time to fire, Frontlines only has a brief 1-hour window starting from about 2:30pm AWST time, and activity in general falls off a cliff around 8pm.

    The next was created in response to the addition of a fourth North American data center. Nothing much to say about this besides that the population seems to be too low to support frequent Alliance raids (or Frontlines at all). That’s not much of an issue though since you can quickly jump to one of the other three to do those.

    Finally we come to my first Japanese DC character (and eighth overall). I chose Elemental as the starting point since it was formally the ‘English-friendly’ one pre-Oceanian cluster… and that may have been a mistake. I was hoping for something a bit different in atmosphere or playstyle but there really isn’t much.

    The only things that stick out at this point are:

    1. You’ll occasionally get Frontlines ‘leaders’ who spam multiple sound effects every second
    2. No one uses Alliance chat in Alliance roulette
    3. Most people greet and sign-off with auto-translate phrases
    4. I have yet to come across people having a public conversation in a city center
    5. Tanks in 4-man roulettes seem more conservative with their pulls

    Potential future characters (once I get that eighth one up to the start of Endwalker):

    • Normal Elf: White Mage (gnb/drg/bard/???)
    • Hroth 1: Paladin (blm, mnk, mch, ast)
    • Hroth 2: Black Mage (rpr, drk, sage, dnc)
    • Black Lizard: Bard (arc, drk, rpr)
    • Sun Cat: Samurai (arc, drk, dnc)
    • Tan Viera: Sage (pal, mnk, dnc, rdm)

  • Legend of KEEPERS

    I can’t remember when it is I actually bought this game, but I only just got around to playing it this week.

    Generally speaking it’s similar in structure to Slay the Spire, as you progress down a series of choices before eventually reaching the final challenge of a run. Gameplay is quite different however since it’s not a card game. Instead, it’s more like classic turn-based RPGs with each enemy/ally being able to use one attack per turn.

    The base game comes with three player archetypes (although two of them have to be unlocked) each with their own perk trees and preferred gameplay styles. The default Slavemaster archetype appears to favor direct damage to morale and health while the Enchantress is more focused on debuffs and damage over time. The Engineer meanwhile (which I haven’t unlocked yet) presumably focuses on enhancing the trap mechanic. In addition to those, you can also buy three additional archetypes as DLC. Not sure how they stack up to the starters since none looked particularly interesting to me.

    General advice (when playing on Normal) would be to first focus on rewards that give new monsters until you have ~8-10 so you have a buffer for injury events or morale restoration, then switch to focusing on gold for training them all to higher levels. Manager upgrades are low priority for the most part since enemies should rarely reach the final area of a dungeon with a full lineup. Artifacts can be incredibly good… but they’re a crapshoot since what you get is totally random.

    Overall an okay time waster, but there’s definitely an issue with repetition.

  • FINAL FANTASY XIV – Island Santuary

    The Island Sanctuary is Endwalker‘s version of the game’s ‘expansion-specific restoration project’. Sort of a more personalized version of the Firmament.

    For the most part this area is pretty straight-forward, but there are a few things it will help to know about in advance:

    – Everything can be built at Sanctuary level 9 (level 10 unlocks flying).
    – Pasture and cropland both max out at level 3 with 20 slots. Workshops and granaries also max out at level 3.
    – Each material has a ‘best’ place to farm it from. Logs/Clay along the river to the east and Limestone/Vines along the river to the north, for example.
    – Logs are in highest demand for building materials (upgrading everything will require ~200-300).
    – You’ll ultimately need 9 Garnets, 6 Spruce Logs, and 3 Silver Ore. All of which can only be acquired from specific daily expeditions.
    – There doesn’t seem to be a huge difference between the various animals you can capture.
    – Automating your pasture/cropland maintenance will not give you gathering XP.

    It’s an interesting idea, and fairly well executed… but I do wish there were more personalization options available. You don’t really have much choice with which buildings to construct, and the only visual changes you can make are to downgrade to an earlier tier.

  • Wildermyth

    Picked this game up around the same time as Gordian Quest.

    It’s more of a conventional tactical RPG with multiple storyline campaigns (featuring branching options) along with a randomized campaign function. That said, it also has a roguelike feature in the ‘legacy’ system. Basically, every time you clear a campaign the heroes used get saved and you can upgrade their ranks. Then you can re-use those heroes in legacy campaigns (storyline campaigns apparently require making new characters).

    The storytelling and questing aspects are extremely well done (if a bit odd in their comic panel presentation) while the combat is perhaps unfortunately a little simplistic with only three classes to choose from. I do like how the mystics can interact with the terrain though. That was an inventive touch.

    Basically what it comes down to is if you’re in it for the roleplaying then this game has quite a bit to offer you. If you’re looking for tactical complexity however you’d be better off looking someplace else. It may also be wise for those with a strong aversion to time limits to avoid, as time plays a fairly large role here… though I personally didn’t fine it onerous.

  • Gordian Quest

    Picked up this game on sale sometime last month, and it turned out to be a pretty good deckbuilding tactical RPG reminiscent of Slay the Spire.

    While that game’s a pure randomized roguelike, this has an actual story mode to it that plays out like a conventional tactical rpg. It’s also got tons of characters (each with three different decks to mix and match skills from), a wide variety of equipment (both randomized and static), and a ‘relic’ feature which lets you unlock permanent buffs to use across playthroughs.

    Finished the main campaign with a team of Jendaya, Alphonse, and Bertram. Artificer Jenda basically just set things on fire while the golem punched them and wasn’t particularly impressive aside from the Seismic Wave card. Headhunter Alphonse on the other hand is a beast if you go with his Assassin deck; Swift Kill and Assassinate with card draw and a 10-12 card deck results in a non-stop wave of death. I had Bertram go with Artillery, and that seems to have been a mistake. By the time the turrets got a turn Alphonse and the Golem had basically already killed everything.

    Some things to keep a look-out for are low level attribute, power, and resistance runes. Once you get to Act III they can be upgraded with Magic Dust (keep an eye out for this as well). Don’t forget about using your various maps to trigger exploration minigames either (visit Kyreal), as that’s basically the only place to find wandering vendors with otherwise rare/inaccessible upgrade items like Soul Sparks and Chromatic Shards. And don’t forget about Camping, since you can get 2 ‘free’ card upgrades per instance.

    Only other thing of note is that the last boss is pretty damn nasty. You’ll want to have as many buffs as possible along with high Chaos resistance and/or a bunch of health potions to deal with her waves of damage that trigger every 10 cards you play.

    So all-in-all it was an enjoyable experience, even if I did start to get a little burned out at the start of Act II.

  • Wasteland 3 & Triangle Strategy

    I picked up Wasteland 3 quite some time back on a whim, despite not being particularly fond of its prequel. Played up through clearing the Bizarre location, then put it down to potentially continue later… which occurred around the time I was playing Cyberpunk. So at this point I can safely say I’m not going back to it.

    It’s okay I guess? There’s just this weird balancing issue where you kind of have to max out a couple unique skills on each character as quickly as possible to progress smoothly, while your attribute progression will basically be identical across all characters. I’m not really a fan of the midwestern flavor either.

    Another game I was playing at that time was Triangle Strategy, which I ~think~ I heard about on some forum or other. And as with Wasteland my interest just kind of drained away one day for a similar reason: While the game boasts non-linearity in its storyline decisions it has extremely rigid character upgrade options. You can’t change a character’s equipment and their ability upgrade trees are ~75% generic attribute increases, which gets boring real fast.

    It’s damn near criminal that Final Fantasy Tactics continues to remain one of best examples of a complex, large-scale tactical RPG.