• Tag Archives RPG
  • Atelier: Dusk Trilogy

    It’s an incredibly good thing I didn’t start the franchise with this trilogy. One thing I’m particularly hostile toward in RPGs are arbitrary time limits, and both of the first two Dusk games feature just that.

    The first, Ayesha: The Alchemist of Dusk, has a 3-year time limit but basically no structure whatsoever as far as the storyline or plot development goes. This is an unfortunate combination. You can essentially visit areas in any order, which means it’s incredibly easy to do so in the ‘wrong’ order and miss the time-saving adventure equipment recipes… which is a serious issue when it takes half a day by default to search a single gathering point. Other issues would be that the plot developments are pretty bad, Ayesha is an ill-fitting protagonist (she’s of the ‘airhead older sister’ archetype), and the Wilbell, Regina, & Linca character arcs are all terrible.

    The follow-up, Escha & Logy: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky is far better in most respects. There’s still a time limit, but here it’s structured into specific assignments with linear area unlocking. So long as you do everything at least once there’s no fear of missing something important or ever running out of time. Even better, the Alchemy system is far less obtuse and it’s actually possible to craft powerful equipment without going through extensively arcane reverse trait-inheritance shenanigans as in Ayesha. The characters are mostly better as well, although Escha is incredibly Anime, Lucille is annoyingly peppy, and both are on the shrill side of things voice-wise.

    Shallie: Alchemists of the Dusk Sea is the trilogy’s conclusion, and it heavily references the previous game (and moderately references Ayesha). Making it an exceptionally bad choice from a storyline-perspective to enter the franchise with. Mechanically however it’s a bit better with a much more engaging Alchemy system, active combat system, and most importantly: No time limit. And yet… it’s not much fun. There’s a soullessness to the areas and repetitive ‘life goals’ that just sucks all the enjoyment out of visiting new locations or killing monsters. Lotte being awful, the garbage plot developments, and some incredibly bullshit end-area bosses certainly don’t do it any favors either.

    The most interesting thing about playing these three games was watching the Alchemy and combat mechanics evolve into what eventually shows up in Ryza. I can’t recommended any of them, besides perhaps Escha & Logy with certain reservations, on their own merits.

  • Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & the Secret Hideout

    The Atelier games have been vaguely on my radar since the Escha & Logy Anime was released. More or less at random I decided to start with the most recent one, Atelier Ryza, without being aware it was the most recent one at the time.

    It was a bit of a shock when halfway through I discovered it was released last year… because it definitely doesn’t look it. Maybe it’s because it was designed specifically for consoles, or maybe it’s because the PC version is incredibly half-assed (no mouse support, though to be fair it did recognize my Logitech controller instantly), but whatever the reason it does not feel anything like a modern game (for comparison, Dragon Quest XI and Cold Steel III blow it out of the water on a purely technical level). That doesn’t mean it’s not fun though.

    It is absolutely fun and I ended up spending just under 50 hours beating it (Character Level 50, Alchemy Level 99 with everything crafted). Around 12 of which were spent pre-Tower crafting the best equipment… which resulted in hilariously wrecking the Great Elementals in ~5 seconds (the end boss took ~10 due to the second form). Combat aside, for the most part it’s a very laid-back slice of life type of game that unsurprisingly focuses on collecting, duplicating, and fabricating items. I even got some Recettear vibes occasionally from the various villager requests. Action-packed it is not and despite their dynamic nature (the only time the action pauses is during a Quick Action; otherwise everyone’s always attacking over one another) you’ll likely spend most of your time avoiding battles.

    The question now is whether or not to try out some earlier games in the franchise, or just assume this is the current pinnacle mechanics-wise and do something else.

  • Deus Ex: M△NKIND DIVIDED & Mary Skelter: NIGHTMARES

    The sequel to Human Revolution, Mankind Divided got an extremely hostile reception upon its release. Mainly due to its monetization aspects and what at the time was considered an overly heavy-handed depiction of police vs. activists… neither of which appear to be particularly egregious in retrospect.

    Sure the existence of the Breach minigame and QR codes is immersion breaking, but it’s not like you have to play it or use them to progress. The in-game depiction of police in the face of a legitimate threat meanwhile is, if anything, too restrained when compared to the ongoing real-life police response to imagined threats. Greater issues than either of those are the general clunkiness of the character interactions/movement, and the incredibly annoying energy system. Everything needs energy and there’s apparently no way to recharge it (beyond the basic minimum ‘1-bar’ level) aside from limited consumable items.

    Unlike Dishonored 2, while you can use stealth to get past any obstacle here, you’re equally able to go in guns blazing and play it like a conventional cover-based FPS. That should be a good thing, but instead it ends up clashing a bit with the highly non-linear layout of the various maps; going from peaceful exploring to bullets flying everywhere causes enough whiplash to sort of force you into a stealth mindset in order to keep things consistent. It’s a weird combination and I didn’t end up getting very far before uninstalling out of disinterest.

    And now for something competently different:

    When I first saw Mary Skelter: Nightmares pop-up on GOG, for some reason I thought it was going to resemble the dungeon portions of Tokyo Xanadu. As it turns out, that was completely offbase. Instead it’s a dungeon-mapping game like Elminage & Labyrinth of Lost Souls with an FFT-like job/skill system and a few galge elements. There’s a lot going on here in terms of character/equipment customization, to the point that (at the start of Chapter 2) I’m really not sure learning the upgrade systems’ intricacies will be worth the effort… particularly since the character interactions are so frequently cringe-inducing.


    The sequel to Dishonored plays pretty much the same way while giving more freedom in the Chaos department. You’re no longer locked into the chaotic ending after killing a certain number of people, but instead based mainly on who you kill with quantity being very much secondary. There’s also a variety of endings depending on how you resolve the main missions.

    It’s meant to be played through at least twice, once as Emily and once as Corvo (and if you want all the achievements, those playthroughs will have a no power/power and high/low Chaos split). You don’t need to have played the prequel or its two DLC to follow what happens here, but those that have will benefit from quite a number of references (the Low Chaos outcomes are canon). For those that haven’t… just be aware that this is primarily a stealth-based game; the melee combat is pretty clunky and you’re not really meant to fight foes directly.

    The follow-up, Death of the Outsider, is more like a stand-alone DLC than a proper game. It’s roughly half the size with no collectibles aside from paintings, doesn’t feature a Chaos system, has automatic power upgrades/unlocks, and there are only two endings (wholly determined by your choice in the last mission). While it too treats the non-lethal path through its prequel as canon, oddly enough the lethal ending here comes across as far more natural than the non-lethal one. So while I can certainly recommend buying Dishonored 2 (assuming you like stealth FPP games) I have to suggest skipping Death of the Outsider unless it’s on sale for like $5.

  • DISCO ELYSIUM & ARA FELL: Enhanced Edition

    Ever since its release last year, I’ve heard pretty much nothing but good things about Disco Elysium. Yet, as with Tides of Numenera, despite buying it shortly after I had no intention of actually playing it. I’ve never been a fan of time limits after all and roleplaying a broke, middle-aged failure was not exactly high on my to-do list (and besides, the deluge of screenshots made playing effectively superfluous anyway since the gameplay is dialog and point/click-based).

    After playing for a bit last week I’ve come to the conclusion that all the praise is well-deserved and the screenshots are absolutely representative of the game. I’ve also confirmed that, despite that (and despite the time limit not being as important as it seemed at first), it’s just not the sort of game I enjoy playing. I like having active gameplay in my RPGs… even ones that end up 90% dialog. DE feels to me almost like an adventure game or visual novel.

    Moving on we come to Ara Fell, a throwback RPG Maker game whose setting brings to mind early Ys. I never played the original, but the itemization and leveling system was apparently (based on reading an early walkthrough) quite a bit different prior to this Enhanced Edition.

    While the innovative (for the genre) mana regen system is refreshing and the irreverent humor manages to avoid Cosmic Star Heroine extremes, like a lot of these games this one suffers pacing issues. The first three chapters are solid enough, but afterward you’ll soon run out of things to craft (making exploration mostly pointless) and the storyline quickly becomes infested with deus ex machina and questionable developments. Finishing it becomes a real chore. Is it worth the $15 non-sale price? Yeah, probably. Just keep your expectations low.

  • Pathfinder: Kingmaker – Beneath the Stolen Lands

    Since that first run through the stand-alone version of BtSL, I’ve played through the campaign once to get the Ironman achievement and then focused entirely on unlocking the Honest Looting, Memorable Moment, and Apocalypse achievements. None of which turned out to be very straightforward.

    The ‘Apocalypse Can Wait’ one is simple enough on paper… you just have to pray the random enemy/item generation works in your favor (I’m about to start the 20th run now and just have to kill the Captor/Captive one more time). ‘A Memorable Moment’ is a bit more complicated. I’m not sure of the exact requirements (like ‘Tricks of Time’ it apparently has an unmentioned perquisite), but it popped for me after dying to the Fallen Priestess when she was the last boss “blocking the path”.

    ‘Honest Looting’ caused some trouble at first since there’s apparently little to no useful information around regarding its requirements. As it turns out, it requires killing an exorbitant number of bosses/mini-bosses. At the start of this 20th run I’ve killed 77. You can check your own progress by extracting the player.json file from your save, opening it with a text editor, and searching for “vendor”.

    While playing on Normal difficulty my best was 60 floors (this was before I understood how the vendor inventories expanded), worst was 10 floors (damn elementals), and over the course of this odyssey I’ve experimented with quite a number of different character builds. Some notes:

    – Kineticist’s Kinetic Blade works with Vital Strike to bypass the Gather Power charge time (but doesn’t do extra damage)
    – Kinetic Blade doesn’t work with Attacks of Opportunity or Cleaving Finish (but does with Cleave)
    – Magus Spell Combat works with Flurry of Blows and Kinetic Blade
    – Sword Saint works with polymorph if you specialize in a relevant natural weapon
    – Sword Saint works with any Motherless Tiefling or Dragon Disciple build if you pick Bite as your weapon
    – Sensei’s Wisdom attack bonus works when armored
    – Sneak Attack ranged users are insanely good here thanks to the confined quarters (Grenadiers as well)
    – You can dual-wield throwing weapons with Two-Weapon Fighting for tons of attacks
    – There’s no need for a healer due to the abundance of potions
    – Browse the vendor stock before deciding on what team to use for a run
    – Try to avoid buff-intensive builds; yes you can rest frequently, but re-buffing every floor is time-consuming
    – Past the 30th floor golems (Greater Autumn & Golden) and Wild Hunt (Monarchs) become prohibitively annoying
    – Before the 30th floor never underestimate elmentals
    – Kill any Geokineticists you come across quickly
    – Stinking Cloud is a godsend against the Fallen Priestess and Wicked Chanter
    – Secret areas can spawn in a floor’s first room
    – It’s often possible to use Stealth to get through a floor with a solo character

  • Pathfinder: Kingmaker – DLC

    The Wildcards is the most obviously useful of the three purchasable DLC for Pathfinder: Kingmaker. It adds a new race, class, and two new companions to the main campaign (though only one can be used at a time until the endgame). The Kineticist is a lot like D&D’s Warlock (except instead of having a neutral energy blast they focus on a specific element or elemental combination), and just like that class they start out weak only to become ludicrously powerful at higher levels.

    The race and class additions are worthwhile of course, but the companions on the other hand don’t seem particularly well-integrated. It’s also worth noting that the associated companion quests are much more heavily scripted than anything in the base game… which can be either novel or annoying depending on your point of view.

    The next DLC at first glance looks like it’s a stand-alone side story (which resulted in my ignoring it until recently). While that’s mostly true, it turns out that your choices there can both change a few things and add a small area to explore in the main campaign. The new campaign is quite a bit different from the main one both in that it’s linear (world map travel is automated) and there’s no time limit (so you can rest as much as you want). It starts you off at level 5 and you’ll reach level 9 somewhere in the final area after about 7 or so hours of playtime; there are three small areas and three large areas not including Varnhold itself.

    I played through it once with Neoseeker’s suggested party and didn’t have any trouble (although I’m not sold on the Freebooter). There doesn’t seem to be much reason to play through it more than once or twice due to the linearity, though there actually are a surprisingly large number of choices to be made which can affect how things end.

    The third and currently final DLC is both a stand alone and fully integrated with the main campaign. The campaign version is static, bizarrely laid out, doesn’t have much worthwhile loot, has a ludicrous final boss fight, and overall in general isn’t worth bothering with. The stand-alone version meanwhile is almost a separate game: You create a new character and explore an effectively endless number of randomized levels (which is similar in structure to Diablo, down to there being Shrines to activate). There’s no story to speak of here, just killing and looting and unlocking new equipment/bonuses for future playthroughs. So it’s the perfect place to play around with all sorts of different builds if you like the game’s combat system but couldn’t stand the kingdom building or time limit aspects.

    I’m on floor 11 at the moment with a Scaled Fist-Eldritch Scion-Paladin, Thug-Aldori Defender-Swordlord-Duelist, Barbarian-Cleric of Gorum, Archaeologist-Vivisectionist-Arcane Trickster, Monk-Tactical Leader (this was supposed to be a Blight Druid… but I messed up the alignment), and a Psychokineticist. The progression so far is a hell of a lot better than the main campaign’s version of the dungeon and I love the randomized loot. So I may end up playing this mode more than the main campaign (of which 2 more playthroughs are planned to grab some more achievements; I started putting together Kingdom Building and Exploration guides to assist in this).

    So, surprisingly enough, all three DLC can end up being worth buying depending on which parts of the game you enjoy.

  • Yet More Grim Dawn

    Having noticed the 5th Challenge Dungeon had been added I decided to start playing again, bringing two new builds (though the Mage Hunter was long planned) up through Elite.

    After that came some re-speccing: Only minor changes were made to the Sentinel and Purifier (who both then completed Ultimate), but the Oppressor and Apostate went through a major revision. In the first case I came to the conclusion that a Defiler would make better use of dual Gargabol pistols (though I have yet to find one), while in the second the damage types/variety seemed extremely unfocused.

    Changes were also made to my Sorcerer, Commando, Tactician, Witchblade, Spellbreaker, Elementalist, & Templar concepts, while new concepts for a Trickster, Paladin, and Conjurer were drawn up. All of these builds, by-the-by, are available packaged together on the Guides page (or right here) with leveling guidelines written up for the ones I’ve actually used. There’s also a recently created list of all the various skills/items that can reduce resistances on the Guide page for those interested (and the Area Outline that’s been there forever has been updated). Those are all mainly for personal use though, since having to repeatedly search GrimTools‘ database is a pain, so don’t expect much/any polish.

    The question now is “What to do next?”. On the one hand I want to try out the Spellbreaker and Elementalist builds, on the other hand I still vaguely want to replay Greedfall, and on the third hand I think it might be a good idea to get the clutch of existing builds stuck at the end of Normal all up through Elite to free up some Stash space; max-level Legendaries/Epics are divided among seven characters, while the Stash holds Potions/Mandates/Universal sets, excess Component/Relics, two pages for mid-level Epics/Legendaries that universally increase class skills, and then the last two pages are devoted to double-rare rares and acting as a transfer space for newly found max-level Legendaries/Epics.

    Inventory Tetris is no joke.

  • THE LEGEND OF HEROES: Trails of Cold Steel III

    It would’ve been easier had this game followed the lead of its predecessor down into the gutter. Yet it miraculously does not, instead ending up better than the first game in the series by combining elements from both prequels into a far more focused/streamlined product reminiscent of Xenosaga.

    This puts potential players in a bind, leaving them the choice of either starting the series here (effectively playing from Juna’s PoV and missing out on all the reunion content) or having to force their way through the first two games in order to see things from Rean’s perspective. After thinking about it a bit, I think the best course of action (if you haven’t played any Cold Steel games before) is to play the first normally, and then play through the second on the lowest difficulty while avoiding all side-content (make sure to pick up Mint, Alan, Hugo, Becky, Munk, and the twins though). You’ll still be in the dark on the Crossbell references of course… but since those games don’t have official translations there’s not much to be done on that front.

    Speaking of translations: That’s this game’s one weak point (aside from the cliffhanger ending). Similar to the second installment, the character interactions here more often resemble a rewrite than a translation. It’s thankfully not character assassination-level (looking at you Neptune), but it’s pretty noticeable if you’re playing with the original voice actors and I had hoped that using a different localization team would’ve resulted in a more faithful adaptation. Oh well.

    The DLC situation is the same as previous games, which is to say there’s little reason to buy it aside from supporting the developers, and the gameplay progression is quite smooth on normal difficulty. There’s no need for grinding, or going particularly out of the way to find all the sidequests if you simply want to beat the game; just kill the various monster spawns at least once and you’ll be fine.

    Now comes the long wait for the fourth and final Cold Steel game, which was announced for release sometime next year… but may end up delayed due to the whole global pandemic issue.

  • Divinity: Original Sin II – Definitive Edition

    For one reason or another I decided to finally see what all the fuss was about regarding Original Sin II‘s “Definitive Edition” update (having never bothered to play Original Sin‘s Definitive Edition).

    As it turns out it’s nothing but a glorified balance patch, the kind a game like, say, Grim Dawn releases regularly without any sort of fanfare. Which isn’t to say it’s worthless, since the changes are welcome enough even if they don’t actually affect how the game plays in any way, but the re-branding is pretty misleading.

      I ended up playing through on Honor mode using a group of Steam Guide builds:
      Necromancer (insanely powerful)
      Elemental Conjurer (summons are always good, but lacks finishing power)
      Fire Fury (weakest link, garbage against a single target)
      Ranger (great at eliminating single targets)

    That was actually my second attempt, as the first used an Elemental Archer instead of a Ranger and died during the Lost & Found quest because I had forgotten the game’s cardinal rule: Never, ever, fight fair. Fittingly, toward the end of this successful run I switched over to a barrelmancy strategy to guarantee I’d get all the ending achievements.

    Now I think I’ll play through it again to try out some Fextralife builds that look interesting and grab a bunch of miscellaneous achievements I’m still missing (not on Honor mode though… I’m quite through with that).