• Tag Archives Science Fiction
  • Wasteland 3 & Triangle Strategy

    I picked up Wasteland 3 quite some time back on a whim, despite not being particularly fond of its prequel. Played up through clearing the Bizarre location, then put it down to potentially continue later… which occurred around the time I was playing Cyberpunk. So at this point I can safely say I’m not going back to it.

    It’s okay I guess? There’s just this weird balancing issue where you kind of have to max out a couple unique skills on each character as quickly as possible to progress smoothly, while your attribute progression will basically be identical across all characters. I’m not really a fan of the midwestern flavor either.

    Another game I was playing at that time was Triangle Strategy, which I ~think~ I heard about on some forum or other. And as with Wasteland my interest just kind of drained away one day for a similar reason: While the game boasts non-linearity in its storyline decisions it has extremely rigid character upgrade options. You can’t change a character’s equipment and their ability upgrade trees are ~75% generic attribute increases, which gets boring real fast.

    It’s damn near criminal that Final Fantasy Tactics continues to remain one of best examples of a complex, large-scale tactical RPG.

  • ARIFURETA #12 & So I’m a Spider, So What? #14

    The 12th Arifureta novel is unexpectedly not the last in the series (if the afterword is to believed, the 13th will be)… that said, it does wrap several things up and expand upon a few things mentioned in passing earlier with all that’s left being the Hajime/Ehit confrontation. While better than the previous novel it ultimately feels like a stalling action however, and I would suggest holding off on reading it until the conclusion is available.

    Kumodesuga‘s 14th entry is also a bit unexpected in that it spends something like half its page count on detailing the world’s pre-system history and Ariel’s past in particular rather than advancing the timeline much. It does advance a bit though, enough to provide a conclusion to the Potimas conflict at least. The actual conclusion of the series will apparently be spread out over two more novels which were originally released within a month of one another. So here’s hoping that stays true for the translations as well (although ideally I’d prefer they be released as a single novel).

  • Cyberpunk 2077

    Picked this game up about a month ago when it was on sale for $30, since I figured that was an acceptable price for an overly ambitious/flawed large-scale RPG.

    It’s kind of weird. They’ve apparently got most of the bugs and glaring oddities ironed out by this point, yet there are still issues with general balancing, vehicle handling, and really the actual city itself.

    In regard to balancing you’ll very quickly start to overpower all your enemies if you bother with sidequests at all (or focus on quickhacking), but if you try and stick to just the main missions to give yourself a challenge you’ll end up broke.

    As for the city, the issue here is that despite being respectably sprawling and full of NPCs… it feels empty. Just a series of barren corridors lined with flashy wallpaper and inaccessible storefronts. More strange is that there’s a pretty massive amount of sex-related content on display, yet the player can’t interact with any of it beyond a single (yes, just one) prostitute and a ‘sex shop’ which sells unusable junk items with sex toy names. It’s bizarre.

    Despite those issues I managed to make it to the second act and complete all the various fixer side gigs which became available (level 40 aiming for this build), which range from extremely simple to mildly interesting. Although it did take awhile because I kept burning out. Only did two main missions so far in this part of the game (the two Goro ones), so can’t say much about how the plotline plays out just yet. Maybe it will make sticking around worth it.

  • The Batman & Zack Snyder’s Justice League

    Not sure why I decided to watch this most recent movie reboot of the titular Batman character since I’m not a big fan of DC comics or superhero movies in general. Think I was just bored… a state of affairs the movie did little to alleviate. While there’s no problem with the various actors (beside Pattinson looking a bit too much like a punk rock frontman with all that eyeliner maybe), the pacing is pretty damn slow and it ends up feeling more like an endless miniseries than a movie.

    The Snyder Cut of the Justice League movie on the other hand has been on my ‘to watch’ list for some time now, ever since I found out the original release had been heavily modified by Joss Whedon (which handily explained the Avengers resemblance). Anyway, while this extended version no longer feels like a poor knockoff of that movie, I still wouldn’t go out of my way to call it worth watching unless you’re already a fan of the material. Basically it’s a pretty standard superhero movie through and through that you’ll probably like if you can’t get enough of that genre.

  • FINAL FANTASY XIV – 5th Character & Patch 6.1

    Originally, the plan had been to create the 5th (and final) character on the new Oceania data center. The lackluster connection quality unfortunately made that option unviable though, leaving the remaining choices of creating one on the European Light data center or waiting for the upcoming data center expansion. A choice I put on hold.

    Then along came Patch 6.1.

    In addition to making some rather significant changes it just so happened to mark the Light DC’s Lich server as ‘preferred’ (meaning new characters get double XP for an extended period). Making it the perfect opportunity to round out my character selection. This dovetailed nicely with the revisions made to various early-game dungeons, giving me the opportunity to play through them naturally.

      Said changes range from minor to pretty major:
      Copperbell Mines seems shorter than it was and now the bosses are pretty straight-forward. They got rid of the annoying loitering bits, but the end result feels unfinished.
      The Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak was also shortened (by quite a bit), but the bosses remain basically unchanged. This results in being painfully aware of how half-assed the first two are.
      Haukke Manor only had its final boss altered (aside from the welcome addition of a new teleporter) and the change merely makes it slightly easier. Presumably because NPC party members wouldn’t be able to turn off the lanterns.
      Brayflox’s Longstop also had a final boss change for the easier; no more poison pools that let it regen health. Again presumably because the NPC tank wouldn’t be able to pull it out of them. It also has less roaming enemies in the swamp section.
      – A trait it now shares with the Stone Vigil dungeon, which in addition got a mid-boss overhaul. This change I have to say is unequivocally for the better, since the old fight was weird in that the tornado attack could make it impossible to interact with the cannons.
      – The formerly repeatable Cape Westwind trial meanwhile has been transformed into a one-off single-player duty. What was once the fastest trial is now a 3-phase slog. At least it makes all those comments about him being one of their best warriors have a bit more weight.
      Castrum Meridianum meanwhile has been massively shortened; in literal size, quantity of players, and number of unskippable cutscenes. Frankly, I think it’s been cut far too much. Only having one shield generator to destroy just makes it feel incomplete.
      – Finally we come to the Praetorum. What was once a nearly hour-long stop & go affair has been chopped up into 3 pieces. The first ends with the Gaius fight and for the most part feel decent enough. The only real problem being that the armor-riding sequence feels much too abrupt/unfinished. The second consists of the 2-phase Ultima Weapon fight which isn’t much different from the previous version. The last piece is the Lahabrea fight, which has been spun-off into a single-player duty with a really dumb ‘death’ scene thrown in for no apparent reason.

    All-in-all I can’t really say the changes were mostly for the better. Though I do suspect a few were necessary to get the new NPC party option to work efficiently.

    The other noteworthy addition in this patch (besides the new alliance raid, which is notable for not having any trash-mob pulls) is the PvP overhaul. Every class now has a completely rebalanced (and reduced) assortment of abilities while crowd control resistance has been removed.

    What this means for Frontlines is that battles are even more random then they used to be, with it now being possible to wipe out an entire team with a couple limit breaks. Not sure how Rival Wings is affected since I’ve never played it and never plan to. As for the Feast, it’s been completely replaced by new Crystalline Conflict matches.

    I’ve played quite a few of these by now (2 characters at gold rank, 3 at silver, 4 have the archfiend armor) and it seem like they generally go one of two ways: Either you utterly crush the enemy in the first minute or so, or your team can’t damage a fly and you lose horribly. Teamwork is important, but not exactly crucial like it was for the Feast. So long as you know basic things like ‘focus on the white mage’ and ‘retreat when heavily outnumbered’ you can generally do well.

    A pretty eventful patch all things considered.

  • 86: Darkest Before the Dawn & Mist

    The follow-up to the fifth 86 novel, Darkest Before the Dawn wraps up the team’s United Kingdom mission quite nicely. Less praiseworthy is the introduction of that old trope ‘the romance hits a rocky patch due to lack of communication’. An issue compounded by the fact that…

    Mist then retreads that exact same ground with the roles inexplicably reversed. Worse, there’s nothing whatsoever to offset it here since this novel is 95% fanservice content with almost nothing of value happening in it. It’s bad. Really, really bad with the only positive trait (and it shouldn’t be a positive trait) being the low pagecount.

    Bad enough that it’s completely extinguished any desire I had to keep reading the series.

  • 86: Under Pressure & Death, Be Not Proud

    The fourth 86 novel continues from where the Anime adaptation concluded. And aside from some early personality differences (which eventually clear up) it’s a pretty smooth transition.

    Content-wise it decides to offer a brief interlude from the horrors of war to focus on the mutual dehumanization the Republic and 86 engage in (the latter as a defense mechanism). But only at the surface level; the actual cause of the Republic’s sudden suicidality genocidal policies is not mentioned. I’m wondering now if it actually was revealed in the earlier novels and just cut from the adaptation. That seems like a weird oversight to have made though.

    Regardless, the fifth book then returns to the topic of ruinous battlefield horrors while simultaneously giving us a look at another of the surviving countries fighting off the Legion. It also happens to feature some welcome character development for both Shin and Anju. All-in-all ending up both a solid self-contained story arc and continuation of the series’ core plotlines.

  • DISCIPLE of the LICH #1-2 & So I’m a Spider, So What? #13

    The first two Fushisha no Deshi novels (whose English translations have the rather long, and inaccurate, subtitle Or how I was cursed by the gods and dropped into the abyss!) are somewhat similar to the Saihate no Paladin books with a bit of Arifureta‘s setting thrown in.

    The protagonist gains his power in a similar way, is similarly lacking in common sense, and the titular Lich is sort of like a highly exaggerated version of the Paladin’s god. No shortage of female characters here though and no food-related focus of any kind. Unfortunately neither of those attributes are enough to make the series worth reading on their own and, while amusing at times, the MC being so inconsistently idiotic ends up far too much of a deal breaker to keep reading the series any further.

    The 13th Kumodesuga novel meanwhile is a marked improvement over the previous one. It covers the last remaining time gap from where the 5th book (and Anime) ended and the 6th began in a style closer to the 8th-10th books. While nothing earth-shattering happens, at least we’re finally at the point where the next book will actually advance the plotline instead of merely fleshing out previous events.


    Endwalker turned out to be a remarkably solid overall addition to the game. Right up there with Heavensward narratively and mechanically more or less equivalent to Shadowbringers.

    They have found new ways to waste your time though, mainly in the form of escort quests that prevent you from using mounts or teleporting while said quest is active. Fortunately you don’t have to ever worry about the NPC’s health in those quests. Experience-wise the main questline alone gives just enough to get a character from level 80 to level 90, though leveling others will take some time. While I’ve maxed out my crafting and gathering classes, only RDM and BLM are at 90 (with most of the others at 81) even after doing all the sidequests.

    As for the new classes:

    Reaper, though it ~vaguely~ resembles Dragoon with its focus on switching from side to back positionals interspersed with instant attacks, feels very much like it’s own new thing. It’s a very fluid combat experience and not overly complex.

    Sage meanwhile just comes across like Scholar 2.0. Instead of a fairy that indiscriminately heals, there’s a modal that heals your chosen target every time you deal damage. The rest is basically the same, though with a bit more focus on flat damage mitigation rather than shield strength.

    And then there’s Summoner, which got overhauled so heavily it’s basically a new class. You no longer have an autonomous pet which attacks on its own, but rather one that just sits there and does nothing but enable the use of a couple of your abilities. The class also no longer has access to any damage-over-time abilities. So what exactly does it do now? Well, first you cast a buff, then when that runs out you can use a summon as a one-off attack which then unlocks the use of additional summon-themed attacks. Ruby does the most damage but has a cast time, Topaz does normal damage with no cast time, and Emerald does the least damage with no cast time and half cooldown.

    It’s become a very simple, and admittedly somewhat boring class to play. But even if you don’t decide to play it yourself, you should absolutely use the /petsize “All” “Small” text command to avoid being blinded by summon effects.

  • FINAL FANTASY XIV – Eureka Update

    With the release of Endwalker imminent (~20 hours away for those with early access) I’ve been spending the last 3 weeks or so re-acquainting myself with the game.

    Originally this meant completing Eureka with my first character, which I had skipped, but that only ended up taking a week. Turns out you can level quite fast by just showing up at any monster spawn, not dissimilar to the Bozja experience. Wasn’t able to do any Arsenal runs though since that character happened to be located on the Crystal data center, whose BA instances are completely controlled by a Discord group. Everyone else refuses to enter the place.

    So I’ll have to wait for a server visitation option to get added to the game before I can clear that.

    The next week was spent loitering in Eureka to make a few million gil selling expensive (and very rare) monster drops and loot boxes. The Tracker site ended up a true godsend for that goal. Partway through though I started thinking about how Shadowbringers has a bit of quest development locked behind completing all 4 role questlines; none of my existing characters met the requirements to accomplish that since they all had their own job-exclusive themes.

    Basically there were two options: Either level some of the ignored jobs on one or more of the existing characters, or create a 4th character. I originally went with the latter both because I like the whole ‘progression’ experience and I wanted a character on a non-North American server (all three NA data centers had recently gone down twice). But on this last day I also decided to go with the first option as well.

    Which meant raising Gladiator and Archer on my Soul of Magic (who will also pick up the new Sage and Reaper classes). Why Reaper? Because the preliminary EW patch notes mention that it’ll have five sets of role-specific questlines. So I’ll need a melee physical DPS class to see its bonus story bits.

    Future plans then include raising Arcanist and Machinist on my Tank-specialist, and Gunbreaker, Red Mage, and Sage on my ranged DPS specialist. Finally, the most recently created character will raise Astrologian, Dark Knight, and Reaper (no ranged physical DPS though because none of them even remotely fit their theme).

    Doing all that should take a great deal of time. Theoretical far-future plans include ~maybe~ raising Fisher on the SoM to see all the crafting-related role quests and creating a 5th character on the upcoming Oceanic data center (if the connection strength ends up too weak I’ll go with the European Light data center instead).