• Tag Archives Third Person Perspective

    Cardaclysm is a puzzle-like card game in which the first turn or two are the most important. A single hit to your avatar will cause a loss, so basically you want to kill everything first turn, or play just enough cards so that your retaliation will allow a clear on the second. It’s kind of interesting but also incredibly simple.

    Monster Train is essentially Slay the Spire with tower-defense elements. The games are extremely similar and if you liked that then this will be right up your ally. The Last Divinity DLC is worth picking up as well since it both adds more to the base game alongside a totally new (and optional) final boss fight which plays markedly differently.

  • SONGS of CONQUEST & King’s Bounty II

    Songs of Conquest is, simply speaking, a Heroes of Might and Magic clone. If that’s what you’re looking for it should scratch the itch, but I was hoping for something leaning a bit more toward RPG instead of turn-based strategy.

    Which brings me to King’s Bounty II, which is both quite a bit like previous installments in the franchise and notably different in that it leans harder on the RPG aspect. Character building is the same except that higher level skills are now gated by alignment choices, army recruitment is the same except now each unit has a maximum number regardless of Leadership score, exploration is the same although now it’s done in a ground-level over-the-shoulder view while featuring far fewer enemy encounters, and finally questing has been greatly expanded (albeit still with the same bizarrely disjointed English dialog).

    For the most part I had a lot of fun going through it as a Paladin, but there are some notable oddities like Celestial Warrior recruitment being hidden (the recruiter pops up after a specific quest in an old out of the way part of the Mage Tower) and the legendary armor rewards apparently being randomized (so make sure to save before completing the Julian and Rosaline quest and various Cult of Unity subquests). For army composition I went with:

    Spirits of Light -> Disciples -> Bear Riders -> Celestial Warriors
    Swordsman -> Cavalrymen
    Crossbowman -> Royal Mages
    Raiders -> Mercenaries -> Red Dragon
    Free Archers -> Dark Adepts

    Wasn’t really fond of the Cavalrymen to be honest since they died weirdly often, but you can’t really complain about the Morale boost they give. Had a naked 5,590 Leadership at Paladin level 30 with I assume all totems collected (also 90 Knowledge, 15 Magic Power, and 5 Warfare), meaning at least one rank in the Glory skill is necessary (assuming no relevant equipment) to recruit the maximum number of Celestial Warriors and/or a Red Dragon. Chimera oddly require 2,500 per unit and so need an insane 7,500 to max them out which I’m not sure is actually possible to achieve even if it were worth it.

    Recruitment Unlock Quests

      Rank 3/4 Order Troops: Enemies Among Men
      Celestial Warriors: Cult of Unity, Haven of the Enlightened Ones
      Red Dragon: Lyssa’s Dungeon
      Chimeras: Beauty and the Beasts
      Bone Dragon: Fatal Voyage

    Finally we come to skills. At level 30, and having done all quests, you’ll have 128 Skill points and 43/41 Alignment points. So you’ll have enough to both max out one tree and unlock the second tier of the opposing tree, assuming you do the latter first to avoid getting locked out of those choices. I’d suggest getting at least 8 Order points on any character in order to grab Glory and at least the first rank of Training (you can always respec after hitting max level). After that it’s a choice between maxing out either Power or Finesse; the third and fourth tiers of Order/Anarchy are garbage in comparison. I’d also strongly suggest avoiding all the money-increasing skills since you’ll have no shortage of that as long as you explore a decent amount and make use of the post-battle heal function.

    Now it’s time to play through as a Mage to see how effective trying to win primarily through spellcasting is. For Paladin I ended up going Fire/Life for the Inspire, Burning Touch, and Inner Flame spells, and so for Mage I plan to go Death/Ice to focus on debuffs and Air for Chain Lightning, Portal, and Summon Chimera.

  • Pathfinder: WotR – A DANCE OF MASKS & Aeon/Devil/Gold Dragon

    The A Dance of Masks DLC for WotR adds two things to the main campaign.

    The first is a somewhat sizable questline which triggers partway through Chapter V, which happens to include a mostly optional set of arena battles against an assortment of fairly random opponents. Apart from some awkward voice acting, as if the actors hadn’t had time to re-familiarize themselves with the roles (only Regil and to a lesser extent Woljif didn’t stand out), there’s nothing much on the technical side to complain about. Mechanically it’s pretty easy and tosses a bunch of overpowered items at you on top of that. That said, the arena fights on the other hand are a completely mixed bag. While most don’t pose much of an issue, there are some that are just plain ridiculous (like the wild hunt, or that shadow monk if you don’t have Mass Heal). I certainly do appreciate the free Greater Restoration after every match though and the rewards are useful enough.

    The other addition is a new quest available to the Devil mythic path if the queen survives the events at Iz. Not really sure what the point of that was honestly as it feels kind of like it’s sectioned off into its own thing and doesn’t really flow well.

    I played the above shortly after quickly running through the Gold Dragon endgame and finishing up my Aeon playthrough (made some mistakes there like going Crossblooded when the Abyss STR bonus gets overridden by DoM’s +4 attribute potion and forgetting Transformation) to finally get that Sadistic Game Design achievement.

    Aeon’s unique ending is pretty good and the whole altering the past theme is integrated fairly well. Gold Dragon on the other hand is mostly just annoying, with its quests sending you out into the middle of nowhere, but it also has a somewhat unique ending which at least fits the theme. Devil, as it turns out, is even more annoying than Gold Dragon since you have to wait months to work through the event chain that grants Mythic Level 9… and it doesn’t even have a unique way to resolve the final battle.

    Final thing to note is that I also cleared the full-power version of Sithhud added by importing a Lord of Nothing save. It is not something I ever wish to do again. The first two phases are fine, no problem. The third though… in the third you have to kill him nine times while he gets slightly stronger after each death and constantly jumps around the arena. I actually almost ran out of Empowered+Bolstered Hellfire Rays on Ember while taking him down.


    The Last Sarkorians DLC turned out to be fully integrated into the main campaign. It adds a new class (which is sort of a mix between Druid and Fighter, sacrificing spellcasting for a focus on Wildshape) and a new romanceable companion with a full set of sidequests taking place in a new multi-part location.

    The companion is decent enough if you spec him toward Charge damage, though he’ll need quite a bit of buffing support. The sidequests meanwhile don’t feel out of place but are a bit unbalanced in some places. Like, why does that Bloodrager have DL37 Cleric/Wizard buffs on him? As long as you’re geared to handle swarms though (and the companion comes specifically with an anti-swarm necklace, with more available in the new area) for the most part the added content doesn’t feel unfair or forced. And more importantly, clearing it won’t unbalance the main campaign’s progression.

    Something that cannot be said for the integrated version of The Treasure of the Midnight Isles DLC. That one is not balanced at all.

    It immediately starts you out against level 18 enemies as basic encounters (in Chapter III) yet, bizarrely, also starts out with level 5 floor bosses. Over the course of all three quests, things never really level out with the difficulty continuously jumping around all over the place. Sometimes a boss will be a one-round joke, other times it’ll inexplicably be able to cast spells with multiple metamagic effects beyond its level or have 70+ AC or 30+ Saves. It’s just a massive slog in general and doesn’t really offer any rewards worth the effort besides a boatload of (effectively useless) gold and enough XP to get you to level 20 shortly after arriving in Chapter V.

    Can’t speak for the stand-alone version yet, but if it’s anything like Kingmaker‘s Beneath the Stolen Lands DLC then it ~may~ be worth picking up if you enjoy playing around with different party compositions.

    As an addendum, I also just ran through the content added by the free Love Beyond Death DLC. It’s… okay? While there’s nothing annoying about it, there doesn’t seem to be much point in actually wandering down there unless you happen to have a character specialized in Earth Breakers (since it includes the only +5 unique one).

  • Pathfinder: WotR – THROUGH the ASHES & THE LORD of NOTHING

    The entire reason I had initially picked up Enderal earlier was because I was in the mood to play some sort of magical melee class of some kind. Yet I ended up, as I usually do in those kind of first-person open world games, playing a stealth sniper/assassin.

    Still wanting to play a monk-sorcerer kind of thing after abandoning that playthrough I decided to re-install Wrath of the Righteous rather than try to look for something new. Both because I never did finish my Aeon run and never tried any of the DLC… and also since I’m still annoyed at missing the Sadistic Game Design achievement due to ONE ENEMY (Ashberry Hamlet’s ghost).

    But first, because completionism is a disease, I had to run through the two stand-alone campaign DLCs so that I could import them for the rewards.

    The first, Through the Ashes, is a low-level adventure (level 1-5) that doesn’t give any XP for killing stuff. Which is a big hint that you’re supposed to avoid combat wherever possible (your first companion being decent enough at stealth is another), and use environmental factors to help eliminate what you can’t avoid. It’s okay. There isn’t really anything annoying about it, but nor is there anything about it that calls for a replay.

    The second, The Lord of Nothing (which brings you from 5-11), takes a more mixed stance. It’s much closer in style to the main campaign in both good and bad ways. Direct combat is encouraged a bit more here (although there are a couple ‘avoid fighting’ areas), but said combat is not always the most balanced (I still completed it on Core with a ridiculously sub-par Demon Dancer build though). You get access to a wide variety of items and equipment… but will only have enough money to buy a few of them.

    Overall I’d say it’s worth running through them once with a Paladin or Dexterity-focused Tank build of some kind, but the replayability value is pretty low.


    Chained Echoes is an RPG-Maker styled kind of game with fun gameplay and exploration aspects alongside an absolutely terrible storyline. If I wasn’t so fond of both collecting things (the reward board is a nice touch) and the combat system which restores all resources at the end of each fight (highly encouraging ability usage) I likely never would’ve made it past the point your party members first join up. Just cleared the Flower Fields and Monastery area now and the plot has reached a new low… but collecting treasure chests and enemy drops remains engaging.

    As for Gloomhaven, which is the digital adaptation of a board game, I didn’t get very far at all. It reminded me of Darkest Dungeon, except with questionable balancing and even worse resource management aspects. And I hate resource management.

  • Final Fantasy XIV – DAWNTRAIL

    With all eight of my characters now through the Dawntrail main quest, I guess it’s time to post about it.

    As far as the storyline goes the first half of the game is mostly good. There’s is a bit of a hiccup in the third area when one of the other throne claimants does a complete personality reversal out of nowhere, but otherwise it’s pretty damn solid. Only one quest to say something dumb in chat and only a couple that require forced emote usage. The second half though… the second half is just a near-constant stream of cringe-inducing nonsense. They even add a child as a major secondary character toward the end (replete with a ‘follow the idiot child through a ruined cityscape’ quest).

    Sidequests are on the whole mostly better than Endwalker I think, with not all that many being purposely wasteful with your time. The role quests meanwhile are also pretty solid and even better can be rushed through pretty easily on secondary characters since now only the last quest in a line features a single-player duty.

    As for the new classes, Pictomancer has a pretty unique playstyle and just unloads tons of damage to both single targets and groups. Once you get accustomed to when to re-cast the painting spells it ends up pretty fun. Viper meanwhile is basically just a cross between Reaper and Monk, more the latter than the former after they got rid of its damage debuff. If you want a faster Reaper or a less fiddly Monk, this is your class.

    As for class changes:

    • Warrior and Paladin haven’t notably changed.
    • Dark Knight and Gunbreaker losing their damage dash is annoying, but otherwise they’re basically the same.
    • White Mage, Scholar, and Sage haven’t notably changed.
    • Astrologian is… pretty weird now. I liked the previous Card Draw system better, but this one isn’t terrible.
    • I don’t like what they did to Dragoon. Separating Fang and Claw and Wheeling Thrust just creates a hassle.
    • The new Monk is a bit of a shock, but I think it’s ultimately a slight improvement since there’s now less to keep track of.
    • Ninja is a bit better I think without having to worry about keeping up the speed buff.
    • Haven’t played much of Samurai, but it didn’t seem to have notably changed.
    • Reaper is unchanged.
    • Bard, Machinist, and Dancer are all essentially unchanged.
    • Black Mage has been simplified a bit, and I love the changes made to Umbral Soul… but it definitely takes some getting used to.
    • Red Mage is a bit more fiddly in the burst phase, which I’m not thrilled about.
    • Summoner is unchanged.

  • Last Epoch Update

    Took a bit, but now I have eleven of Last Epoch‘s fifteen available specializations sitting at the Cultist Camp. Which (while still quite early game) is a good point to get a feel for most of the builds’ playstyles.

    The Chaos Warlock gets real crazy once it unlocks Chaos Bolt. Just a constant stream of devastation. What’s particularly nice about this build is that since you only have 3 active skills, you can put skeletons or a bone golem on the free slots for some extra damage/distractions with zero drawback. Speaking of which, taking Blood Pact so far has worked out well. It has no downside against powerful single targets and against groups the life drain is negligible with all the healing you get.

    Less chaotic but no less insane damage-wise, the Sparking Spellblade starts getting real crazy once all the synergies start firing. Although early on you’ll want to play it a bit safe and use Lightning Blast manually as a starter, by the time you reach the surface of the Ruined Timeline you should be able to just teleport into masses of enemies and destroy them with both Mana Strike and Static discharges. I cannot wait until Surge gets unlocked and the final piece of the puzzle is assembled.

    The Bleed Bomb Falconer starts off quite slow since all the key abilities are unlocked later, yet once you acquire Falconry stuff just gets minced. Even without Net and Dive Bomb the Falcon Strike ability alone just lays down total devastation. Zero complaints.

    Last of the Icy Veins builds, the Cleaving Void Knight just takes off once you get Erasing Strike. The combo of Lunge -> Void Cleave -> Erasing Strike -> Volatile Reversal is just plain unfair. Nothing to complain about with this build either.

    And that’s it for the builds I modified. Now on to the ones I put together from scratch.

    One of the later ones, the Harvest Lich build focuses on the titular Harvest skill supported by Spirit Plague, (unchanneled) Drain Life, and Reaper Form. Spirit Plague melts anything it touches to a shocking degree. At first I was torn on whether to use Transplant or Reap as the mobility skill, but ultimately Transplant’s Bone Armor tipped the scales in that direction. Currently Reaper Form is saved for bosses, but eventually it should have basically full uptime. We’ll see.

    Last of the Acolyte specializations is the Volatile Necromancer. This build had a bit of a journey, as first the idea was to just cast nothing but Volatile Zombies with the Bone Marrow node activated. Then I realized that Summon Wraith could handle spawning the zombies and Cycle of Putrescence would always keep at least one perpetually spawned. And then, finally, I realized I was being silly and dropped Bone Marrow completely in favor of leveling the wraiths. Just beware of Transplanting into a hostile situation and nothing should ever be able to get close to you.

    For Sorcerer I decided to go with a fire-based channeling build. The idea here is to use Disintegrate on general trash mobs and then switch to Elemental Nova for bosses or massive swarms. Flame Ward provides constant protection, Teleport acts as both mobility and extra damage (from the Nova nodes), and Arcane Ascendance is just there to add insult to injury. Main issue here is the perpetual mana shortage and early game the damage is rather lacking. At this point (Cultist Camp) the damage finally seems to be catching up to some of the above builds, so we’ll see how things develop.

    Lots of minor changes have been made to my Stormy Beastmaster build. I kept flip-flopping on how to ultimately level the wolves, finally settling on maxing out Tundra Stalkers, Stormborn, and On the Hunt while ignoring the Howl nodes. Gathering Storm also had some back-and-forth and may yet still depending on how the mana situation is later on. Pretty happy with its damage and crowd-control aspects so far though.

    For the Thorn Druid build I eventually decided on going the 24/7 shifter route. It will be some time until I can see if Swarmblade is worth it, but right now the Totems (and unleveled Wolf) combined with Spriggan Form’s Vines and Spirit Thorns just massacre enemy groups. I’ve been using leveled Gathering Storm with the staff bolt and physical shift nodes as a placeholder so far to decent effect, but plan to replace it with Summon Spriggan once that’s unlocked and start using unleveled Upheaval as the main attack (assuming my shapeshift uptime is still lacking at that point).

    Next up is the Ethereal Marksman, who seems to wield something closer to a machinegun than a bow. Flurry is fast. One of the ‘late bloomer’ builds, you’re going to have some difficulty with swarms early on until Multishot unlocks (I ended up using a combination of Acid Flask and Decoy to acceptable effect). Once it does you never really have to do anything other than Flurry, toss the occasional Decoy, or drop an (unleveled) Smoke Bomb at your feet if something gets close. The endgame strategy here is to Flurry everything, then if something nasty gets hit use (unleveled) Dark Quiver into Decoy and follow that up with a Flow-boosted Hail of Arrows. Time will tell if the gimmick is worth it or not.

    And last up is my Retaliation Sentinel build, which specializes as a Forge Guard. Gods I love retaliation builds. Sure it’s less than thrilling when you’re fighting something slow or physically resistant, but when you can just (unleveled) Shield Charge through multiple groups of enemies then double back to Rebuke them all into paste…. Few things can even dent my health pool through the Vengeance defense buffs, and those that do get instantly nullified by the Healing Hands auto-spam. Just crazy survivability so far.

    As for the four remaining specializations (Runemaster, Bladedancer, Paladin, and Shaman)… I’m going to hold off making any of them for the time being. I want some progress in the main quest to get a better feel for the expected progression level first.

  • Last Epoch

    Occupying a space between Diablo and Grim Dawn, Last Epoch is quite a lot of fun if you’re the type to enjoy theory-crafting character builds and/or collecting randomized loot.

    Class-wise you can choose between five different base characters (like the former game’s), each with three potential specializations (like the latter’s leveling):

      Sentinel is a mix of Soldier, Paladin, and Oathkeeper.
      Rogue takes elements from Assassin/Nightblade and Amazon.
      Mage combines Sorceress and Arcanist.
      Primalist mixes Barbarian and Shaman.
      Acolyte is basically Necromancer with some Cabalist attributes.

    Itemization is where things really stand out though, as not only is there a robust Loot Filter system in place, but there’s also a forging system which lets you directly upgrade or add/remove attributes from items. In a sense an upgraded version of Diablo‘s socket system or GD‘s runes/components. Another change is that legendary items act as personalized uniques instead of being their own drop class, which is an interesting choice to make and was presumably done to further incentivize said forging system.

    When I first started (which was quite recently, but still) I wasn’t really interested in pouring over the ability nodes and so just looked at Icy Veins‘ endgame build list to see if anything stood out. A few did indeed look fun and I promptly ended up doing some minor modifications to the build plans.

    First up was the Chaos Warlock. Only real change here is using Blood Pact (since the minion damage from Blood Aura is kind of wasted without dedicated minions) and taking a Dance of Blood point in Transplant for even more healing. Not sure those will work out…. but I can always revert them if they don’t.

    Next was the Void Knight. Can’t recall if I changed anything significant here, but it’s worth noting that early game you’ll want to focus on void-shifted Warpath and Lunge until you finally unlock your main skills.

    For Rogue, the Bleed Bomb archetype looked fun enough and I ended up waffling around with the build planner for it quite a bit. Don’t think anything too significant changed, but like with the Void Knight above in the early game you’re going to be stranded without your core skills for a while… so don’t sleep on Acid Flask or Decoy.

    The Spark Charge Spellblade was an easy choice for me when deciding which Mage build to go with, and by this point I was really getting into adding/removing points all over the place. The unleveled use of Flame Ward really stands out here as just a ridiculously useful spell for the build and gave me ~ideas~ for later.

    Finally we come to the Primalist and… I didn’t really like any of the builds they had. So this build ended up the first I created from scratch. It is, of course, not without issue. Namely that the base damage of the wolves does not mesh at all with the magic boosting nature of the spriggan. I thought that would be mitigated by the Storm Bolt triggers, but at this point it’s too early to tell. Storm Crows are the obvious solution, and I may end up going that direction (swapping out Shark Aspect for Lynx).

    Strongly gripped by the theory-crafting bug now, I quickly identified that I didn’t have any builds dealing with poison or retaliation damage. Not wanting to double-up on the classes I decided to make the next five builds Hardcore only, with the first being a Retaliation Sentinel (inspired by the Flame Ward usage in that earlier Spellblade build). While my original idea used Ring of Shields, I quickly realized that its presence would only detract from the goal of massive Rebuke and Thornshell damage. Healing Hands looks like it will work far better for automated healing.

    Which just left poison, something a Primalist-Druid seemed best to exploit (that it was my second choice for a retaliation build also played a part). The idea for general play here is to scout with Thorn Totems, then spam Entangling Roots everywhere while using Leap if anything gets too close. When encountering a boss or something else that requires more caution however Spriggan Form comes out to spam vines and Spirit Thorns from a safe distance while doubling up on spriggans for extra healing.

    Rounding out the Hardcore builds will probably be a channeling setup for the Mage, a bow-based Rogue, and some sort of Acolyte yet to be determined. I should be pretty busy leveling and tweaking these seven builds as it is though.

  • Baldur’s Gate III – Endgame

    It ended up not being quite as bad after dismissing my earlier hit percentage concerns. That said… it was still a chore to finish, to the point I skipped most of the Act 3 sidequests in the hopes of finally reaching the end.

    Compared to the first Act, both the second and third are a bit lacking in stability department (which considering the odd development schedule isn’t much of a surprise). The second in particular kind of falls apart if you don’t do things the ‘correct’ way. Fight the harpers instead of showing them the artifact? A whole bunch of broken reactions/quests is your reward. That aside the area itself is kind of dull with nothing much to recommended exploration, pretty empty as well with only a handful of setpiece battles (though it is nice to have conversational methods of defeating enemies).

    The third act also has an issues with sequence breaks. In this case, if you happen to kill Gortash as soon as possible, the Foundry and Iron Throne locations will spontaneously clear themselves. The Umberlee sidequest and Iron Throne also become impossible to clear if you don’t do them before the Foundry. So you’re locked into a very specific sequence of events if you want to avoid having unfinishable quests in your journal. The rest of pre-endgame Act 3 is pretty solid though without anything to complain about. Lots of areas to explore and sidequests to find.

    Which brings us to said endgame sequence: It’s real bad.

    Why oh why do I suddenly have to run through unending waves of trash mobs? And then fight a bunch of supersoldiers accompanied by a random dragon? And then fight the actual brain itself? It’s a massive, massive slog. Thankfully I had a bunch of Misty Step scrolls saved up so it was clearable first try… but seriously, what an incredibly unpleasant finale.