• Tag Archives Third Person Perspective

    After thinking about why I disliked 4X games so much nowadays despite having formerly loved them, I came to the conclusion that it was the way most grouped all production into a single queue. Why should I have to choose between building a factory or an infantry unit (or a worker and an infantry unit for that matter)? It makes no sense.

    I mentioned Gladius while talking about Mechanicus earlier, and it got me thinking that maybe I should give it chance instead of dismissing it out of hand. That maybe it wouldn’t be just another Civilization reskin and instead do something innovative. Shockingly enough… it does.

    Imagine my surprise when I discovered that the game just so happened to have multiple build queues; each building type has its own queue, similar to a turn-based StarCraft. Not only that, but the various factions (although there’s only 4 of them by default) play notably differently from one another. Some can only build a single city (Space Marines), some can only build cities in very specific locations (Necrons), and they all seem to have different resource requirements. It’s immensely refreshing.

    My only complaint at this point is that you have to pay an exorbitant amount of money if you want a decent number of army choices: Additional factions will cost you $15 each. Meaning to get the full game you’ll have to fork over $100. So… best wait until it’s on sale for like 70%+ off.


    I’ve never had much luck with digital versions of Warhammer games so had put off picking this up until it was exceptionally cheap (which it recently was). All I ever wanted was an adaptation where you could build an army and fight turn-based battles just like the tabletop version, ideally with some form of leveling or upgrade system.

    Yet every PC version features either real-time combat (most of them), 4X elements (Total War, Gladius), or has extremely limited army selection (Sanctus Reach). And unfortunately, this game falls into that last category.

    You don’t really have many options here and all of the challenge lies in avoiding bad event choices until you have your first 3 Priests at about Rank 12 or so with access to an AOE weapon (like the Flamer or Grav/Torsion Cannon). Save scumming works, as does referencing someone else’s run. If you want to do things naturally, then make sure to listen to the other characters’ advice (if they suggest acquiring something, acquire it) and choose options that fit the mission objective (assuming everything’s a trap is a good rule of thumb).

    After that point you can pretty much roll every encounter and clear missions with 0-1% awakening rates. Then once those Priests hit Rank 19-20 there’s little reason to bother looking for Blackstone any longer and battles just become an annoyance. I ended up upgrading two additional Priests into pure troop-summoners just for the hell of it; instantly summoning a flame-spewing battle robot anywhere on the field is mildly amusing.

    So yeah, the game’s fine for one playthrough… but at this point I can’t imagine ever replaying it.

    Some Stuff:


    Tech 9, Lex 5, Explor 3, Dom 2
    Tech 1, Lex 9, Explor 3, Dom 5
    Tech 9, Lex 9, Dom 1 || Tech 1, Lex 5, & (Explor+Dom) 12
    Tech 1, Sec 9, Dom 1

    [Armor Stats]

    Explor = 2 HP, 1 P.Arm
    Sec = 2 HP, 1 E.Arm
    Tech = 2 E.Arm
    Lex = 1 Arm
    Engine = 1 P.Arm
    Dom = 2 HP, 1 E.Arm

    Explor = 1 P.Dam
    Sec = 2 HP, 20% Crit
    Tech = 1 HP, 20% Crit
    Lex = 2 HP, 20% Dodge
    Engine = 2 HP
    Dom = 1 E.Dam

    Explor = 3 HP, 1 P.Arm
    Sec = 4 HP
    Tech = 4 HP, 1 P.Arm
    Lex = 4 HP
    Engine = 3 HP, 1 E.Arm
    Dom = 3 HP, 1 E.Arm

    Explor = 2 HP, 3 Mov
    Sec = 3 HP, 1 Mov
    Tech = 2 HP/Mov
    Lex = 2 HP/Mov
    Engine = 2 HP, 1 E.Arm
    Dom = 3 HP/Mov

  • Assassin’S CREED: VALHALLA – Conclusion

    Oxenefordscire ended up more like the beginning of the midgame rather than the midpoint of the game itself.

    While exploration and combat never changes from that point, the main questlines take a hard turn into railroad central. Early main quests are good at giving you the illusion of choice; later ones not so much. This works on a thematic level (the whole unchangeable fate/destiny thing) but it’s not a lot of fun to experience. Oh, I guess there was one change in the exploration aspects: You’ll want to clear all 10 Anomalies before completing the Norway quest that sends you to the far northeastern point of the map.

    Ultimately ended up at 142 hours with 94% completion, all areas cleared, and 65 Mastery points. I never did find any Black Bears or Wolf Fangs for the hunter requests though (or small Sturgeons and big Redfish for the fishing requests), and had to look up the location where to use those various Mysterious Tablets (the area is instantly recognizable, but also easily overlooked since there’s no treasure chests there).

    One final thing:

    If you’re experiencing random freezes, try installing the “Visual Studio 2015, 2017 and 2019” C++ update. The x64 one fixed the issue for me.

  • Assassin’S CREED: VALHALLA – Midgame

    With roughly 50% of England cleared (Oxenefordscire, Lunden, and everything lower level), 7 zealots killed, 11 Order members killed, all non-feast buildings constructed, silver equipment, and 205 skill points this seems a decent enough place to mark as the midpoint of the game.

    With ~55 hours invested so far it’s quite large, larger than it seems because there’s also an Asgard ‘dream world’ map (cleared that too) along with apparently a Vinland area (haven’t gone there yet). What’s really remarkable about this is that each area so far has felt pretty distinct in both the landscape and questing departments, all of which was enjoyable until the bizarre Odyssey-like change in the Eivor/Sigurd dynamic that occurs in Oxenefordscire.

    Combat-wise I’ve been using heavy dual-wielding. Started with a greatsword & dagger combo, switched to a spear & dagger combo, and then finally settled on a greatsword & spear combo (using the Dual Swap skill depending on whether it’s a boss fight or not). It’s extremely effective for plowing through enemies I can’t assassinate/headshot ahead of time (I do however still miss the 3-enemy chain assassination ability quite a bit).

    There’s no shortage of skill points (and you can respec whenever you want) so there’s not really any need for skill breakdowns, though Brush with Death and Advanced Assassination are godly, Explosive Corpse and Battlefield Bolt are garbage, Counter Roll is kind of sketchy since you need to dodge into attacks for it to work, and Auto-Loot is just plain nice to have. Abilities are a bit trickier. I’ve been rolling with Valkyrie Dive (great quick stun), Rage of Helheim (you have to hold the button to connect), and Throwing Axe Fury (crowd control). Bow abilities I’ve mostly been ignoring apart from Powder Trap (to blast through weak walls).

    As far as settlement buildings go, some are certainly more useful than others. The Blacksmith (equipment upgrades), Hidden Ones Bureau (quests, targets, rewards), Hunters’ Hut (quests, rewards), Seer’s Hut (quests), Museum (quest, rewards), and Fishing Hut (rewards, at least one Mystery event requires the fishing line) are probably the most important. The Barracks (cosmetics), Tattoo Shop (cosmetics), Shipyard (cosmetics), Stable (cosmetics, don’t have to travel for horse training), and Trading Post (don’t have to travel to other cities to shop) meanwhile are all nice to have. The feast-buffing ones are obviously situational (although the Bakery has a couple quests), and the Cartographer is completely useless if you happen to be the exploring type.

    At some point you’ll also get an Opal Shop for free. This serves as a method to buy Cash Shop items with in-game currency rather than actual money. On the positive side of things this currency is renewable through simple daily quests… on the negative, these quests award 5 opals a piece and you only get two a day (a new piece of equipment costs ~130 opals). So while you ~can~ technically get these pseudo-DLC items for free it’s not exactly something worth obsessing over (and besides, there’s plenty of equipment/customizables already in the game).

    All in all a very impressive showing so far even with the recent main plot hiccups. The only other thing I can really complain about is the inability to assassinate zealots the same way you could assassinate mercenaries in Odyssey. Oh, and I guess it’s also a bit annoying that the most efficient path forward is to complete the main questline in each area before exploring; it reduces backtracking and some items don’t appear until a quest triggers them (if you see a chest marker on your map that doesn’t have a related item for instance, chances are it’ll appear later during a quest).

  • Assassin’S CREED: VALHALLA – First Impressions

    The follow-up to Odyssey, Valhalla trades ancient Greece for medieval Europe (specifically Norway and the Viking invasion of England).

    The exploration aspects remain pretty much identical, though points of interest have been streamlined/condensed for a far less cluttered experience and it doesn’t appear to be possible to highlight enemies while in Bird View any longer (I suspect the ranged ability which automatically highlights enemies replaced it). You also now have to manually click on a chest marker if you want it shown on your compass rather than that happening automatically.

    Combat on the other hand is a bit different, with boss fights now being geared toward counters/parries and slower deliberate fighting instead of hectic hack & slashing (random trash mobs can still be attack-spammed into oblivion though). A particularly interesting choice is the implementation of a stamina system which drains when you dodge/block, use a power attack, or miss with an attack, but refills when you connect with normal attacks or just move around normally. This encourages a more engaged, hybrid playstyle and avoids the trap Elex fell into.

    The biggest change though is the equipment system: It’s been drastically simplified so that there’s only one or two varieties of a particular weapon or armor piece. Rather than continually finding new randomized variations with slightly better stats, you instead directly upgrade whichever particular weapon/armor type you want to use. I’m not sure how I feel about that just yet considering my fondness for collecting things, but it does make sense from a gameplay perspective and makes finding a new weapon something of a special event.

    All-in-all, at this point with Rygjafylke cleared (make sure to periodically check your map at its most zoomed-in setting to catch any resource chests; they show up as faint gold specks), I’m pretty well satisfied with this incremental upgrade so far. We’ll see how things progress when the assassination ability is finally unlocked and the action shifts to England.

  • Kingdoms of Amalur – Endgame

    Yeah, the game really falls off a cliff once you break the siege.

    I avoided the maxed level problem this time around by ignoring the two (formerly) DLC areas and not using Reckoning Mode at all, but that doesn’t solve the issues plaguing the second continent. Chiefly among them being the abundance of enemies that appear out of thin air and absolutely garbage sidequests. If you do decide to keep playing post-Siege, I’d strongly suggest sticking to the main questline while ignoring all distractions. Then just go and clear the Pirate area afterward (maybe the Teeth of Naros as well, though I’ve never bothered with it)… or just do the first continent and bonus areas while skipping the second entirely.

    It was kind of nice being effectively invincible thanks to the semi-overpowered armor crafting system while having the ability to kill 3-6 enemies at a time with a single Mark of Flame. But then again there was no reason for all those enemies to keep appearing out of thin air to begin with; throwing hoards of trash mobs at the PC is a hallmark of bad design.

    So is the end result worth paying full price for? Hell no. Not when it was first released in 2012 and certainly not now. If you want to play it, best to wait until it’s $20 or less.

    Some tips for if/when you do:

    • Weapon abilities max out at 3, while all other abilities max out 2 over their stated limit.
      • Meaning, combined with the rewards for completing the 3 main Faction questlines, you only need one piece of +Skill equipment.
    • Once prismere equipment starts to drop it’s time to switch from selling excess equipment to salvaging any green/blue pieces you find.
    • Nearly every location on the map has a quest tied to it. So, pre-Siege, avoid exploring areas before you find the relevant questgiver to reduce backtracking.
      • Post-Siege, the questgiver is often located inside the location.

  • Book of DEMONS – Archer & Mage

    Once you reach 5th level with the starting class you can play as the other two classes (note that nothing carries over between classes), both of which seem notably better.

    The archer has the distinction of being able to attack off-screen, greatly reducing the annoyance caused by ranged attackers and letting you mow down the hoards before they’re even aware of your presence. Equip a Quiver and Splitting Arrows and she just rains down utter devastation with little effort. The lower starting HP is an issue though and she can’t use arrows if enemies get too close.

    The mage doesn’t seem to have any distinguishing features at all beyond an abysmal starting HP pool. I guess you could say he excels at crowd control thanks to his lightning/ice spell options… but a split-arrow archer can accomplish something similar while attacking at far greater range. So I’m rather underwhelmed at his pre-Cook performance. Maybe later spells are more devastating?

    At this point I doubt I’ll ever touch the starting class again, but the archer is enjoyable in small bursts (due to sidestepping a lot of annoying enemy abilities) and I’ll probably keep playing on-and-off between doing other things for a while yet.

  • Kingdoms of Amalur: RE-RECKONING

    I remember playing Kingdoms of Amalur years ago and enjoying myself quite a bit, only burning out after reaching max level somewhere in a badlands/desert area after having completed the Pirate-themed DLC and building a Keep… or something like that. The memories are vague and looking through Wayback Machine snapshots for what I posted about it at the time (pre-server merge mishap) hasn’t turned up anything.

    This remaster, as far as I can tell from those fuzzy memories, is effectively identical.

    I’ve seen people complain about technical issues regarding slowdown, but since I generally don’t play with extraneous bells and whistles like AA/AS I haven’t noticed anything beyond occasionally long loading times when moving from an interior area to the main map and some choppiness when running through multiple groups of enemies who end up attacking each other (forming a 10+ mob). I suspect that if you disable the advanced graphic options in-game and enable them directly through your graphics card instead it might sidestep some of the more severe cases that people have reported.

    Regardless, I’m having fun so far and will hopefully actually complete the game this time around.

  • Book of DEMONS & Some Other Games

    Book of Demons is a hack & slash game with some minor roguelike elements modeled on the first Diablo. One greatly simplified into a mobile game format where you walk along rails while clicking on anything in your ‘light radius’ to interact with it, and equipment/skills are represented by upgradable cards that you can assign to unlockable action bar slots.

    Despite its simplicity and lack of depth (leveling up gives a choice between +1 Health or +1 Mana), it ends up a pretty fun diversion in the vein of Candy Crush for when you have a few minutes to kill. Not sure what sort of longevity it’ll have though since the levels are so far are all pretty similar (up to the Cook quest boss) with the abilities of various enemies occasionally crossing over into ‘bullshit’ territory.

    As for the titular “other games”:

    • Sword Legacy: omen – I installed this ages ago, played the first battle or two, and then put it aside out of general disinterest. I can safely say now that I have no intention of ever touching it again.
    • MONSTER HUNTER: WORLD – Got through the opening, messed around in the training area for a while… and then promptly uninstalled when I discovered all the hunts have time limits.
    • The: QUEST – A game styled after classic first-person RPGs (think Might & Magic X: Legacy), it felt to me both empty and overpopulated. Leave town and there’s a whole bunch of nothing in every direction, yet there’s also an inexplicably large number of scantily-clad archers waiting to kill you. There’s just a pervading sense of unease about the whole affair.
    • DEEP SKY DERELICTS – After spending a minute or two wandering around the first ship finding a whole lot of nothing, I ran into a battle. There I discovered that every action you take in combat reduces your Energy level (run out of Energy and you die; moving also costs energy). I have no interest whatsoever in dealing with such severe resource management bullshit.
    • Celestian Tales: OLD NORTH – The characterizations are all pretty painful and the visuals are notably lackluster.

  • Children of MORTA

    A roguelike with actual (albeit heavily sentimental) plot/character development along with gameplay quite similar to Diablo‘s, Children of Morta expects you to run through the same semi-randomized levels multiple times with different characters hacking and slashing through hoards of enemies.

    In addition to standard unlockable upgrades such as increased drop rates, stat boosts, and additional playable characters, the game also features specialized universal buffs that automatically unlock as a character spends skill points. I presume this is to make it less of an annoyance that you can’t just play one character exclusively (your maximum health takes a major hit if you use the same character 3+ times in a row). This results in something of a middle ground where you have to grind to progress, but the variety in the characters’ playstyles makes it less onerous than it would otherwise be.

    As mentioned the gameplay is like Diablo’s, just somewhat compressed (and lacking an equipment system). One key difference that greatly affects the difficulty is that health potions here are both far less effective and completely random; sometimes you get 3-4 from a single enemy group, sometimes you’ll go an entire floor without seeing any. Being lucky enough to find a charm/blessing that grants regeneration or increased healing is often the difference between success and failure… although it’s not like there’s any penalty for failure, so while annoying I guess it’s not really all that big an issue.

    At the moment I’ve only just completed the first zone with one character at level 9, two at 8, and one at 6 (I haven’t used the recently unlocked fire mage yet). My strategy so far has been to run through the first level until a character hits level 4, the second until they hit 6, and then the third until they hit 8. It’s been working pretty well progression-wise and I haven’t had to run through the same level with the same character more than twice (though not all have successfully beat each boss).

    Hopefully that trend will continue in the later zones.