• Tag Archives Witcher

    The Netflix Witcher TV series is strange. I first tried watching it back in March but just lost all interest after the first episode. Tried again now and didn’t get much farther. The production quality is perfectly fine aside from Geralt’s eyes not having a slit pupil (and the swordfighting choreography is fantastic), but there’s just an intangible emptiness of some sort there that makes it difficult to watch.

    The Mandalorian on the other hand has both high production values (for the most part… some sets are curiously empty) and relatively engaging developments. It very much feels like the new movies, but not quite as soulless thanks to both actual time being spent on developing its characters and more imaginative scenarios. I still wouldn’t call it good though… merely watchable if you have some time to kill.

  • Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales

    Thronebreaker isn’t really much like either the main Witcher games nor Gwent as far as gameplay goes. More like Shandalar really.

    You wander around on 2D maps gathering resources, making roleplaying choices, solving card-based puzzles, and engaging in simplified/modified games of Gwent. Most of the choices are minor and only affect your resource totals or morale level, but quite a few determine what bonus cards you’ll have access to and some affect battles that may appear down the line (sometimes even several maps later). The puzzles are intuitive and/or forgiving for the most part, using custom decks to guarantee each is solvable, but a handful are remarkably obtuse and may require looking up the solutions.

    The Gwent battles range in difficulty from laughably easy (any ‘fair’ confrontation) to punishingly hard (the enemy cheats). Most of the hard ones have a specific weakness of some kind to make them easier with the notable exception of the final battles on the 4th and 5th maps; those two are pure endurance slogs. Difficulty is of course also affected by what kind of deck you’ve built, with compositions heavy on direct damage and point removal (e.g. Jade Figurine) generally having a much easier time than others. Which brings me to the last part of the game: Base building.

    Most of the resources you collect are going to be put toward upgrading your Camp buildings. While it’s true you’ll end up with far more resources than you can spend by the end of the game if each map is thoroughly explored, you’ll always be needing more in the early/mid-game. Getting the Forager’s Quarters (and upgrading it on the second map) should be the #1 priority, followed by maxing out the Royal Tent (Trinkets are insanely powerful) and Mess Tent (the cost reduction is stronger than a straight cap increase). Once all that’s done you can grab the Watchtower for the Scout feature if you don’t trust manual exploration (scouting is cheap and has a huge range) and then whichever Training/Workshop buildings affect the cards you want to use.

    Stay away from the Herald’s Study (recruits should never be in short supply), Cartographer’s Desk (a purely cosmetic effect), and Barracks (with a maxed-out Mess Tent you shouldn’t need more than the first rank of this at most) until everything else you need/want is built. Lumber is what will be in shortest supply, so keep a lookout for choices that give more of it and try to avoid those that require it.

    One final thing of note is that unlocking all the achievements requires making some choices you might otherwise prefer not to. Specifically, one Gold Chest can only be found by dealing with a bandit and collecting all of Meve’s weapons requires a mixture of merciful and ruthless choices.

  • GWENT – Rank 19

    After switching through a bunch of decks, and falling all the way down to 3400, the realization hit that I simply was no longer having any fun playing the game. A fundamental change was in order. So rather than thinking about what would be good against the current metagame (which is a crapshoot to predict with the blind matchmaking) I instead just put together a bunch of cards that would be fun to play.

    Ironically, I ended up with a variation of Dagon-Butterfly:

    • Foglet x3, Celaeno Harpy x3, Ekimmara x2, Earth Elemental x2, Arachas x3, Lacerate x2
    • Grave Hag, Fiend, Katakan, Water Hag, Decoy, Monster Nest
    • Ge’els, Triss: Butterflies, Woodland Spirit, Succubus

    Now this is not an optimized deck; it has only two methods of calling fog, the Arachas seem orphaned, the consume aspects come across as half-baked, and you can get an awful draw with multiple Foglets/Arachas. Yet its variety, and flexibility (Weather, Butterflies, Succubus, Resilience, Grave Hag, Behemoth/Foglet via Monster Nest), is exactly what I ended up liking most about it and the only real complaint is a lack of card draw.

    It brought me up to 4050 in rather short order considering I only played enough each day to reach the first daily reward (a countermeasure against burning out again). Assuming nothing changes I’ll probably stick with this for the foreseeable future, though I’m curious about a Dwarf-Resilience deck I saw a few times that takes a similar approach (it ran Sheldon, Blue Mountain Elves, and even a couple Skirmishers).

  • GWENT – Rank 18

    After the last post I ended up stuck at Rank 17 for like a week. Couldn’t gain any traction whatsoever against all the Butterfly and Kaedweni Sergeant decks that were suddenly so popular.

    So I built a Eithné deck specifically to fight them:

    • Smuggler x3, Trapper x2, Dragoon x3, Thunder x1, First Light x1, Shackles x1, Epidemic x1, Mardroeme x1, Lacerate x2
    • Toruviel, Ciaran, Myrgtabrakke, Braenn, Nature’s Gift, Necromancy
    • Saskia, Saesenthessis, Schirrú, Ithlinne

    Unfortunately, I was not skilled enough to make the most of it (making dumb misplays rather often) and didn’t get very far. So to hell with it I thought, I’ll go back to my roots with John Calveit:

    • Golem x3, Pikeman x3, Brigade x2, Medic x2, Rot Tosser x3, Emissary x2
    • Peter Saar, Aukes, Assire, D-Bomb, Fake Ciri, Cantarella
    • Cahir, Vilgefortz, Tibor, Letho

    Less weak to player error and far better at topdecking… and it certainly didn’t hurt that Letho plays havoc with Fogling/Resilience strategies… this deck finally broke me past the 3600 point barrier. The only change I made since putting it together was switching out Twisted Mirror for Assire (it was a dead card too often and I sometimes ended up without any cards to draw). Now let’s see if I can make it any higher.

  • GWENT – Rank 16

    I’m continuing to play this game almost religiously.

    After my earlier success with the Bran-Discard deck I hit something of a wall, winning and losing in equal measure. Changing things up I switched over to a Calveit-Spy deck following the random acquisition of the Rainfarn card in a keg:

    • Golem x2, Brigade x3, Medic x3, Engineer x1, Rot Tosser x3, Emissary x2, Ambassador x2
    • Peter Saar, Aukes, Vanhemar, Decoy, de Wett, Fake Ciri
    • Cahir, Rainfarn, Vilgefortz, Tibor

    I had remarkably good success with this and practically flew up the ranks. It has bad matchups against both Elder-Consume and Voorhis-Reveal though (two popular archetypes right now at this position; the third being Dwarf-Boost) and I’m debating whether or not to fit Letho in somehow.

    Aside from that one I have two other ‘main’ decks I switch between in ranked play. A slightly revised version of the previous Bran deck (which I saw at least two other people playing):

    • Queensguard x3, Pirate Captain x3, Pirate x3, Priestess x1, War Longship x2, Shackles x2, Mardroeme x1
    • Champ of Champs, Donar, Operator, Sigrdrifa, Svanrige, Alzur’s Double-Cross
    • Ermion, Villentretenmerth, Ciri: Dash, Decree

    I picked up Villentret for an Elf control deck, but he worked out remarkably well here as well… still might switch him out for Lugos or Coral though. The bronzes haven’t changed much but the silvers were switched around often; I may yet go back to running Johnny instead of Operator and Svanrige is still underwhelming (following the post-update nerf, Morkvarg’s no longer in the running).

    As for the third deck, well I took my own advice from earlier and saved up the necessary scrap to build a more powerful monster deck. Elder-Consume in this case:

    • Celaeno x3, Nekker x3, Ekimmara x2, Vran x2, Behemoth x3, Mardroeme x2
    • Grave Hag, Fiend, Katakan, Crone x3
    • Ge’els, Caretaker, Decree, Succubus

    It’s pretty standard, with the only real departure from the norm being the Mardroemes. I was running Kayran instead of Caretaker for a while, but playing the Kayran more often than not resulted in severe card disadvantage.

    The recent hotfix definitely altered the metagame. With weather no longer being so dominant it’s now possible to actually play decks without being forced to find space for 3+ weather-removal cards, which opens up a number of options. While it was manageable, there is no denying that weather was definitely overpowered before with average bronze weather cards being able to shift the power balance far more than average bronze unit cards.

    It’s still powerful now, you just can’t run all-weather decks anymore. So all in all I’d have to say the change was welcome. The Morkvarg and Olgierd changes are a bit more questionable though. Well, we’ll see how things go.


    So, since shortly after the public beta started, I’ve fallen down the Gwent rabbit hole. It scratches that card game itch I previously soothed with first MTGO (stopping after it seemed like WotC cared more about making money than satisfying their customers; shortly after the super epic rares popped up I think it was) and then slightly more recently Duel of Champions.

    Having spent no money on this just yet, I’m at level 32 (floating between ranks 11 & 12) with pretty much all the bronze cards, some key silver cards, and a handful of gold cards.

    Starting out in ranked play I went with Henselt-Reavers (I’m missing the golds and witcher trio to make it really good), then moved on to Elder-Consume (missing all the golds) and Voorhis-Reveal (lacking the reveal golds), next to Elf-Control (missing Villentret), and finally ended up having the most luck with Bran-Discard:

    • Queensguard x3, Pirate Captain x3, Pirate x3, Priestess x2, War Longship x2, Mardroeme x2
    • Champ of Champs, Morkvarg, Donar, Operator, Sigrdrifa, Svanrige
    • Ermion, Ciri: Dash, Drought, Decree

    Primarily the deck wins with giant Pirate Captains, supported by giant Ciri, but it also has a bit of a Queensguard-resurrection backup plan (whether you use Operator on them or the Captains depends on the matchup) and I’ve also won a number of games thanks to a 20+ power Champion of Champions.

    The Mardroeme used to be Raiders, but I desperately needed more removal. Svanrige has been a bit underwhelming while Cerys, Coral, Kambi, and Lugos are all possible Drought replacements I’m considering. That said, I don’t really like playing Skellige and so may instead save up Scrap for the cards necessary to make a better Monster (Kayran, Ge’els, Crones, Succubus, Woodland Spirit), Elf (Villentretenmerth), or Nilfgaard (Leo, Letho, Vattier) deck.

  • Witcher 3 & Pillars of Eternity Expansions

    Finally got around to playing though the expansions for Witcher 3 (Hearts of Stone & Blood and Wine) and Pillars of Eternity (The White March), after having touched neither game since shortly after they were released.

    Pillars‘ expansion is essentially more of the same sort of content/gameplay that you’ll find in the base game. Aside from the Soulbound weapons, which are extremely powerful, and some of the new vignette sequences, which are a bit more elaborate in that they can check for specific spells/abilities, you’ll still be exploring/looting/fighting same as always. Which if you enjoyed the base game will probably be welcome enough. If you didn’t however, then it won’t really offer anything that might change your mind about the game.

    The Witcher 3 expansions on the other hand do add something a bit different to the base game.

    Hearts of Stone extends the Novigrad half of the main world map a little to the north and a decently large amount to the east. It fills this newly explorable space with mostly the same points of interest found in the base game, the only real difference being that bandit camps actually contain useful loot here and have their own little story linking them all (and that all enemies in the area are leveled to the mid 30s). It also adds two new types of enemies (boars and giant spiders) and of course plenty of quests… which is where the trouble lies. The sidequests are fine, but the main expansion questline (which features an old friend from the first Witcher game) is filled to the brim with extremely forced sequences and questionable content. I did enjoy the Dragon Age: Inquisition reference though.

    The second expansion, Blood and Wine, adds an entirely new world map to the game (which seems to be roughly the size of the post-HoS Novigrad half of the Novigrad/Velen map). This new location is filled with both familiar and new varieties of interest points, with the most notable change being that locations near each other are often directly related. If you raid a bandit camp for example, you may find a note describing a danger lurking in a nearby abandoned location. You may even stumble into a full-blown sidequest/contract while doing a simple hidden treasure search. There are new enemies to be found here as well (banshees, barghests, a spiked drowner variety, armored moles, evil plants, panthers, vampires of all sorts, and a few of the same enemies introduced by HoS), ranging in level from the high 30’s to high 40’s, along with quite a number of new quests.

    These quests should really, really be done after you finish the main game. It doesn’t seem to matter when you do HoS, but there are quite a number of reasons to not start Blood and Wine until after the Wild Hunt is no more. Similar to HoS the main questline here re-unites Geralt with some old acquaintances, though this time around it’s characters from the books rather than the games (though a couple characters from the first game show up in a particular sidequest). Pleasantly enough these quests do not force you into arguably lore-breaking situations and give a decent amount of leeway in how you can go about resolving them. Honestly, the only negative thing I can say about Blood and Wine is that the English voice acting is extremely uneven; I suspect it may be related to the accents, but a good majority of the ambient dialog just sounds incredibly half-assed/jokey.