The City of Brass & THE WORLD’S FINEST Assassin #5

S. A. Chakraborty‘s first Daevabad novel, The City of Brass, is rather strange. Pretty much all of the factions involved are terrible in some manner, while the faction the book seems to want to get you to sympathize with by the end (the Daeva) is arguably worst of them all. Character-wise it isn’t much better: The protagonist flip-flops between being highly intelligent/cunning and self-destructively moronic seemingly at random, while the primary love interest is an emotionally erratic, violent bigot.

If it were a little more consistent in its characterizations or a little less uniformly terrible with its faction behavior I’d say it’d be worth checking out for paranormal romance fans. As it is though it’s just too uneven to recommended continuing the series.

Something else that can’t be recommended is the 5th Ansatsu Kizoku light novel. I thought the third was bad (it is) but this one blows it out of the water. Just horrific event progression all-around to the point I’ll be dropping this series as well.

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