The Shining Court & Sea of Sorrows

The third entry in Michelle Sagara‘s Sun Sword series introduces what readers of her Elantra series will be well familiar with: Abstract mysticism.

To be honest, at this late date, I don’t remember much about it besides that it was okayish. The reason for this is the follow-up, Sea of Sorrows.

I do not think it’s ever taken me so long to finish a book. A chapter here, a chapter there, over the course of… months? I don’t even know. The book isn’t bad per se, it’s just that the newfound mysticism element combined with the (possibly e-book specific) visual issue of perspective breaks no longer being double-spaced results in an experience lacking engagement. And the clinical sort of vibe around it that lasts up until the last few chapters certainly doesn’t help. Hopefully the remaining two books in the series pick up the pace.

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