Though I Am an Inept Villainess: Tale of the Butterfly-Rat Body Swap in the Maiden Court #1-2 & Banished from the Hero’s Party #7

The Futsutsuka na Akujo dewa Gozaimasu ga series (subtitle: Suuguu Chouso Torikae Den) is a remarkably entertaining ‘walk a mile in another’s shoes’ type of story with a few minor romance elements.

The main plotline is resolved in just the first two novels (which were apparently originally all there was), but it seems poised to continue on into a more romance-heavy form that will presumably focus on the recently formed love triangle. Personally, I don’t really see any possible ‘good ending’ here unless they somehow rope Keigetsu into it and all four of them share via the bodyswap spell. Which would fit the setting but… I’m just not very interested in watching it happen.

The seventh Shin no Nakama novel meanwhile finishes up the arc started in the previous entry. Honestly, at this point I’m not really sure what to say about it with the way events seem to resolve themselves just as quickly as they suddenly appear.

While I wouldn’t say I actively dislike it, there’s something off-putting about the structure that nags at me while reading. I’ll probably end up dropping it if the eighth book doesn’t change things up.

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