Despite his love of archery, Minato Narumiya is reluctant to be involved with it personally due to past trauma. Eventually caving under the pressure from a recently reunited childhood friend to at least watch his school’s resurrected kyuudou club perform, Minato quickly discovers that returning to the sport will take more than just overcoming his mental reluctance.
A mixture of character drama, school club comedy, and sports shounen.
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This series features jarring, disappointing figure-drawing (like a low-budget version of Haikyuu!! 2nd Season). The animators not only sometimes fail to draw adjacent figures to the same scale, but they often seem unable to draw convincing gestures. Compare, for example, Tezuka Osamu‘s expressive old characters with Tsurune‘s new, yet lifeless, figures. And, really, why the weird, gratuitous injections of male skin shots??? That aside, kyuudou, the ultimate samurai sport, is attractive and intriguing. Add this show to the ‘Elephant Vanishes‘ list, comprised of anime series which seem made to rekindle interest in Japanese cultural tradition (symbolically, the fantasy anime featuring… Read more »