Yet More Grim Dawn

Having noticed the 5th Challenge Dungeon had been added I decided to start playing again, bringing two new builds (though the Mage Hunter was long planned) up through Elite.

After that came some re-speccing: Only minor changes were made to the Sentinel and Purifier (who both then completed Ultimate), but the Oppressor and Apostate went through a major revision. In the first case I came to the conclusion that a Defiler would make better use of dual Gargabol pistols (though I have yet to find one), while in the second the damage types/variety seemed extremely unfocused.

Changes were also made to my Sorcerer, Commando, Tactician, Witchblade, Spellbreaker, Elementalist, & Templar concepts, while new concepts for a Trickster, Paladin, and Conjurer were drawn up. All of these builds, by-the-by, are available packaged together on the Guides page (or right here) with leveling guidelines written up for the ones I’ve actually used. There’s also a recently created list of all the various skills/items that can reduce resistances on the Guide page for those interested (and the Area Outline that’s been there forever has been updated). Those are all mainly for personal use though, since having to repeatedly search GrimTools‘ database is a pain, so don’t expect much/any polish.

The question now is “What to do next?”. On the one hand I want to try out the Spellbreaker and Elementalist builds, on the other hand I still vaguely want to replay Greedfall, and on the third hand I think it might be a good idea to get the clutch of existing builds stuck at the end of Normal all up through Elite to free up some Stash space; max-level Legendaries/Epics are divided among seven characters, while the Stash holds Potions/Mandates/Universal sets, excess Component/Relics, two pages for mid-level Epics/Legendaries that universally increase class skills, and then the last two pages are devoted to double-rare rares and acting as a transfer space for newly found max-level Legendaries/Epics.

Inventory Tetris is no joke.

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