This particular Ys game makes a number of significant changes to the franchise. Changes which mostly serve to turn it into a conventional RPG.

The character visuals are now full-sized rather than being sprite-based, you can now save at any time, jumping has been replaced by dodging, there’s a party system with a large selection of eventual party members along with a crafting system, a number of quests that don’t involve combat, quite a few optional plot-related scenes, and even some (superficial) dialog choices. Combat mechanics are fundamentally pretty much the same with the magic system being replaced by a skill system (skills are learned from different weapons and can be leveled-up) and boost being slightly modified to trigger a single powerful attack, while the boss difficulty is about the same as Origin‘s (the ‘Furious Bird’ and Wind Dragon being the most annoying). Oh, and a block mechanic has been added as well.

I finished the game after ~21.5 hours at level 60 with all but one of the final weapons crafted and the only grinding that had to be done was at the very end; to get the materials for those weapons. Overall I’d say the experience was worth it once you’re able to open the menu to change the practically unusable default keyboard/mouse controls… though it must be mentioned that the storyline (note that one of Napishtim‘s characters plays a major role here), character behavior, and certain plot developments are just as terrible as you’d expect from previous entries.

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August 12, 2018 3:46 am

No matter what you say, you’re an excellent writer who cuts to the chase, sucks the reader in, tells them what they need to know (I’m *not* a gamer, but it seems so), and stays objective. You’re good in part because you’re hard on yourself. If you admired your own work, that’d be the swift ticket to mediocrity. So there you are, welcome to artist’s Hell.

August 12, 2018 3:47 am

I admire the fact that you keep creating despite the headwind of your own self-evaluations.